Jan. 8 meeting

Lincolnville Select Board to consider Land Use Committee work, price increase for ambulance services

Sun, 01/07/2024 - 7:45pm

    LINCOLNVILLE — Following last month’s voter approval of a moratorium on large nonresidential developments, a Lincolnville Land Use Committee is being directed by the Select Board to help craft ordinance amendments that address those issues precipitating that moratorium. Additionally, the town will circulate a request for qualifications to firms or individuals interested in facilitating the amendment process.

    On Dec. 11, more than 200 voters assembled at the Lincolnville Central School and unanimously approved a 180-day moratorium on major nonresidential developments. The moratorium came in response to a proposal by engineers representing commercial developers to site an unnamed retail store at Drakes Corner in Lincolnville.

    In the moratorium, a major nonresidential development project pertains to the construction or addition of 4,000 square feet of gross nonresidential floor area, or that has the potential to generate more than 50 vehicle trips per peak hour, or 400 trips a day. It also means a project on a site with a slope of 20 degrees or more, and a parking lot for 20 more more vehicles. 

    At its regularly scheduled Jan. 8 meeting, the Select Board is to consider a charge for the Land Use Committee, as well as the scope of services required for a facilitator to help the committee.

    “The services of someone skilled in facilitation and in developing land use ordinances would prove invaluable to the Town and the Land Use Committee in taking on the task at hand,” wrote Lincolnville Town Administrator David Kinney, in a premeeting memo to the Select Board.

    The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at the Lincolnville Town Office. It can be watched on YouTube here. Read the full meeting packet here.

    The Land Use Committee consists of volunteer residents, including Andy Young, Earle Brown, Terry Moulton, James Francomano, Jeanne Hollingsworth, Lois Lyman, alternate; and Rick McLaughlin, alternate.

    Their work, if approved by the board at Monday’s meeting, is as follows: 


    Proposed ambulance fee increase

    In other municipal business, the Select Board will review details of proposed 2024-2025 contract modification from North East Mobile Health Services, the town’s emergency medical services contractor. 

    NEMHS is requesting an increase of $491,821 beginning July 1 to services currently in place.

    NEMHS is based in Scarborough and has a division center in Rockport. From there, it offers ambulance and emergency medical services to Camden, Hope, Lincolnville and Rockport.

    NEMHS is proposing an increase in payments by the towns, which would represent an adjustment to a 2022 contract extension agreement.

    “Due to changes in the EMS market, locally and regionally, at current projections, this division is estimated to lose approximately $700,000 in anticipated revenue during 2024,” the proposal said. “We have already taken steps to reduce company overhead by: 

    “modifying staffing levels and shifting coverage focus on 911 response;

    “reducing corporate overhead by reducing underutilized fleet units;

    “merging Southern divisions into a single location.”

    With the $491,821 increase to the current $403,887 agreement, NEMHS hopes to cover its overhead and increase salaries to attract, “new talent and retain current staff,” the proposal said. “Staffing remains a challenge as locally employers increase salaries.”

    See below for financial details:


    Lincolnville is the first town of the four to meet with NEMHS concerning price increase.

    The full agenda for the Jan. 8 meeting follows:

    Citizens’ Forum

    1. Administrator’s Report
    2. Meetings & Announcement:
      Heart & Soul Team Tues. 01/09 Cemetery Trustees Tues. 01/10 Planning Board Wed. 01/10 Conservation Commission Thurs. 01/11 Martin Luther King Day Mon. 01/15 Select Board/CPRC Workshop Wed. 01/17 Select Board Mon. 01/22
    3. Upcoming Community Events
    4. Meeting Minutes
      December 26, 2023
    1. Heart & Soul Team Update
    2. EMS Update – North East Mobile Health Services
    3. Land Use Committee Matters
      • Draft Charge
      • Facilitator
    4. Authority to Post Roads
    5. Selectperson Update(s)
    6. Treasurer’s and Payroll Warrant(s) – Approve & Sign

    Noon Community Library 5:30PM Town Office 7:00PM Town Office 4:00PM Town Office

    Town Office Closed 6:30PM Town Office 6:00PM Town Office

    1. Executive Session – Property Tax Abatement Due to Poverty and/or Disability pursuant to Title 1 MRSA Section 405(6)(F) & Title 36 MRSA Section 841 (2)(E)
    2. Executive Session – Title 1 MRSA § 405(6)(C) regarding possible acquisition or disposition of real property

    14. Adjourn