
Letter to the editor

Thanks to the generosity of several Midcoast businesses, Adas Yoshuron Synagogue’s Annual Christmas Day Community Dinner, served take-out style, at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church was a…

In celebration of our recent holidays, a socially-distanced Love Lights Tree lighting ceremony was held at the First Church of Belfast.  Pastors Dr. Kate Winters and Joel Krueger led a…

Letter to the editor

As an accounting professional and small business owner, I am grateful to Senator Susan Collins for co-authoring the bipartisan STEM Education in Accounting Act. If successful, this bill…

Letter to the editor
I am concerned about the letter to the editor written in PenBayPilot.com dated Dec. 27, 2021 by Bob Kohl, entitled…
Letter to the editor

The Rockland Rotary Club would like to thank all the local blood donors for another successful Blood Drive held on December 17.  The American Red Cross staff reported that they saw 30 people,…

We’ve grieved many losses due to COVID-19, especially among our family and friends who are most vulnerable to serious illness.  This group consists of persons with conditions that compromise their…

Letter to the editor
Our medical experts, our staff and facilities and equipment, cannot keep up.  People who are lined up for procedures like joint replacements, cancer interventions, and medical treatment for ailments…
Letter to the editor

If you follow how Maine has gone from a state doing well to a state leading the COVID spikes you know how dangerous and sneaky COVID can be. We all make individual decisions ranging from staying…

Letter to the editor

So many changes have occurred at Tannery Park, Washington Street, Camden, in the 15 years I have lived in Millville, from the removal of the old tannery, to the creation of a charming river path…

After skipping a year due to the pandemic, on November 27, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the Friends of Rockland Public Library held their annual “Festival of Trees” Silent Auction. What a…

It’s a Wonderful Life ... Tis the season ... let’s get back to Capraesque values.

I’m a fairly left-of-center democrat, who sadly is aware that Will Roger’s joke was no joke: “I do not…

Letter to the editor

Over my 20 years in the Pacific Northwest, one of the tallest peaks in the continental U.S. —Mount Rainier — became a common backdrop on the horizon. Yet, however familiar to many, few would argue…

Letter to the editor

Yesterday afternoon I attended a “ public” meeting with approximately 20 people called by the Camden Select Board to “take stock of the Tannery parcel” as was reported in the Penobscot Bay Pilot…

Letter to the editor

I’d like to set the record straight.  If one is going to state facts, then the facts need to be accurate.  That being said, to start with, I have been seeing videos and photographs of my store,…

As a resident of Camden with property on the Megunticook River’s lagoon above the Knowlton Dam, I’ve been trying to keep up with the ongoing debate about opening up the watershed by removing some…

Letter to the editor
On behalf of our Save the Dam Falls Committee, I would like to thank the hundreds of Camden voters who have already signed our petition “to protect, preserve, maintain, and repair” the…

In his October 27 letter to the editor, Belfast City Councilor Mike Hurley attacks opponents of the proposed Nordic Aquafarms fish factory for not running for Belfast City Council. Hurley suggests…


I went to vote yesterday. As one of a small community, I, like many neighbors, enjoy this annual rite, and often get to wave and say hello to folks I haven’t seen in a while.

This year, as…

Letter to the editor

Broadway runs through the center of residential Rockland where neighbors improve their homes and gardens and children walk to and from the regional high school along with many neighbors walking…

Letter to the editor

First of all, I want to thank everyone who supported this year’s Community Auction – bidders, buyers, donors, volunteers, and sponsors!

When we think of our annual Community Auction, cozy…

FRIENDSHIP — Every July, the lobstermen and women gather in Friendship for the annual lobster boat races, and Chip Jahnke and his fellow committee members, Heidi Thibodeau, Amber Wotton, Robin…

Letter to the editor

I have something to say to Central Maine Power: Liar, liar, pants on fire.

CMP's scare tactics in trying get voters to support its electricity corridor are false, but it seems our for-…

My name is Mark Haley, I am a resident of Rockport. I attended the public hearing at the Opera House on Tuesday, October 12, about Warrant Article 3 on the November 2021 ballot:

Shall the…

Two years ago I called for an opponent as I ran for the Belfast City Council. I wanted to debate Nordic Aquafarms with the opponents who claim without merit that they have a winning position. But…

Letter to the editor

When we send our armed forces into battle – into harm's way – we try to equip them with everything we can to keep them safe. Why aren't we doing this for our healthcare workers who are on the…

Letter to the editor

Ben Dorr is both a business owner and a government servant. Both aspects are important to be a Rockland City Councilor.

He is careful, and does his homework on complicated issues.

Letter to the editor

Since 1980, the pay for serving on Rockland Council has been stuck at $800 yearly. Adjusting for inflation, it would now be $2,300. This year's ballot includes a Charter amendment to update…

I am writing this letter in support of Ben Dorr, candidate for re-election to Rockland's City Council. 

I had the pleasure of serving with Ben during my last two years on City Council.…

Letter to the editor

In early November, Mainers will go to the polls to vote on three referendums - the CMP corridor, a transportation bond, and Question #3, an amendment to the state constitution commonly referred to…


I am writing to encourage all Mainers who eat food to vote YES on Question 3, the referendum question to secure the right to grow food and save seed in the Constitution of Maine. 

Letter to the editor

I hope you will join me in supporting Ben Dorr for re-election as Rockland City Councilor!

What I appreciate most about Ben is that he does his homework!  He comes prepared, is willing to…

The following letter was sent to Knox County Administrator Andrew Hart and County Commissioners prior to their Oct. 12 meeting:

The deadly pandemic has caused and continues to cause…

Letter to the editor

In an Op-Ed written by Mr. John Krueger in the Island Institute’s Working…

Letter to the editor
Regional tourism has been a source of economic strength in Maine for many years but the state saw a 27% drop in visits last summer resulting in a $4.8…
Letter to the editor
We can vote to increase a Councilor stipend on November 2. A vote to increase compensation is catching up with the cost of living that has been frozen for many years.   If we want voices on Council…

If Darwin's hypothesis about evolution explains the vigor of life, the answer vividly appears to be "Yes!"
Charles Darwin suggested that evolution results from: first, a stressor in…

Letter to the editor

I write this letter of support for Nicole Poland Kalloch, who is running for Rockland City Council in the election scheduled for November 2.

While I have known her husband for a longer…

Letter to the editor
In the interest of political expediency, our Midcoast/Knox County state legislators have let down the residents and taxpayers of Owls…
Letter to the editor

This letter is in support of Nicole Kalloch running for city council.

I have known Nicole for a number of years, back to her high school days where I  was her varsity softball coach for…

It's been a busy week at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). On Monday DEP announced it won't fine chronic environmental offender Cooke Aquaculture for a massive fish die-off…

What a gorgeous day for Rockland Rotary and the City of Rockland’s partnership in hosting the Community Picnic at the MacDougal Park. 

There was a special ribbon cutting ceremony…

Letter to the editor

Reasons not to destroy Montgomery Dam and Harbor Park.

• If Camden voters approve the distruction of Montgomery Dam and part of Harbor Park this historic treasure will be gone forever…

Ecological, engineering, and economic factors seem to drive the decision of whether to remove a dam to achieve the greater goal of river restoration but public acceptance of change may be the…

OUT Maine staff had a great time at Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership this summer for its overnight staff retreat. After a challenging pandemic year and extensive growth, in both…

Letter to the editor

I am writing on behalf of the Maine Chapter of Native Fish Coalition regarding the restoration of the Megunticook River, which travels through the town of Camden and empties into Camden Harbor.…

Letter to the editor

The recent devastating terror attack at Kabul airport has caused a nation to weep. Thirteen brave U.S. service members were blown apart by a suicide bomber who also killed at least 169 Afghan…

Letter to the editor

No one is disputing beautiful falls.  The issue: keep the old dam with flooding risk and ongoing cost to us as taxpayers or return to nature’s falls which will be a version of the beauty seen by…

Letter to the editor

In an August 12 post to Nordic Aquafarms' Facebook page, Nordic CEO Erik Heim refers to the "bleeding donors" of the Nordic opposition. If I were Mr. Heim, I would be more worried about Nordic's…

Letter to the editor

This morning, we learned of a massive suicide bomber attack at the gate to the Kabul airport and an additional car bomb at a nearby hotel.

An estimated 5,000 people were jammed together…