
Letter to the editor

Having achieved our primary goals, Friends of Rockport has decided to withdraw from any further litigation related to the Rockport Harbor Hotel. 

Our successes in this effort include…

public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, May 25

In advance of a May 25 public hearing on four Town Meeting warrant articles, the Thomaston Select Board and Community and Economic Development Committee issued the following statement:

Letter to the editor

Question: how is salmon like money?

Answer: According to the Belfast City Council, there is no difference.

Jennifer Hill lives in Waldo.

Letter to the editor

Because accurate and timely information from legitimate healthcare providers is essential for making the best choices for ourselves and our families, we have become increasingly concerned about…

Want to see our energy costs for Rockland shrink? Want flooding addressed? Want federal and state infrastructure money to come to Rockland? Want follow through on the 2019 Rockland Council…

Letter to the editor

The race for peak innovation and technological advancements globally is on, and America’s greatest competitors like China are on a fast track to advancing their STEM sectors and innovation. To…

What are they afraid of? What has made the Camden Select Board so afraid that they are willing to abandon their commitment to democracy, and break the law,…

Some laughed. Some scoffed. Others cried foul. Names called. NIMBY. Tree huggers. Homeless haters.  Flooding is a joke. Hate spewed on all sides of the aisles. Derision. Sarcasm. Eyes rolling. You…

Letter to the editor

As gardening season gets underway, I hope that home gardeners will be alert to the possible presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in fertilizer, topsoil, and compost products that…

Letter to the editor

I’m writing in support of the Camden Select Board’s decision to reject two petitions from town voters about Megunticook River restoration. One petition would require the preservation of the…

letter to the editor
Who lives in the long grass? I like a tidy garden and a mowed lawn. Cleaning up winter leaves, sticks, and old grass is so tempting to do as soon as the weather is inviting enough to begin raking…
Letter to the editor

Spring is in the air, and with it outdoor activities, including bicycle riding. With the growing popularity means even more riders along local roads.

Spring also exposes a residue of winter…

letter to the editor

I fully agree with “Jack Bauer’s” recent comment on many of his points, specifically that Camden is a beautiful town and has been a beautiful town for a very long time. [Read comment at the end of…

On the surface the Belfast fish factory looks like a business proposal that might be in Maine's best interest.  Under the surface it is an obvious disaster that has found a place to happen.  If it…

As Pen Bay Pilot readers will know, Nordic Aquafarms, a Norwegian company, wants to build a vast $500 million land-based industrial fish farm in Belfast.

But Central Maine Power's Midcoast…

Letter to the editor

I  am a Camden resident for the last 42 years, and I read your article about affordable housing with interest. I notice that you mentioned the rising cost of homes due to COVID and the economic…

former students stepping into the role as adult mentors

This week is “AmeriCorps Week” – a time we recognize the AmeriCorps Members who are here serving our community. Every year, it’s a privilege to bring new AmeriCorps Members into our work. They…

Letter to the editor

After two years of caring for our community in pandemic conditions, it seems more appropriate than ever to recognize Certified Nurses Day this Saturday, March 19. Celebrated by health care…

The proponents of removing Montgomery Dam are selective in their facts or dismiss them altogether.  They are continually mentioning the flooding in downtown Camden. The FEMA 100 year storm flood…

Letter to the editor

When the truth seems so elusive, who and what can we trust? In our day to day lives we learn who “has our back,” who is upfront, capable and steadfast. We learn to dismiss those who belie reason,…

The Megunticook River has words flowing in all directions, most about the fate of the Montgomery Dam, which is not in good condition. What is done with this one dam affects the entire river, the…

Broadway is a residential street dividing a distinguished and historic…

Letter to the editor

With the second session of the Legislature in full swing, I am happy to see that LD 174, An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Ending Hunger by 2030 Advisory Group, is moving forward out…

letter to the editor

In Maine’s rural communities, people care about each other. You know your neighbors’ names, their stories, and they know yours. That’s why it’s hard to ignore the toll that tobacco use…

Letter to the editor

Every Winter is followed by Spring. The long, long winter of Covid has spanned over two years of daily hardship and heroism by our community’s life saving, life sustaining, and end-of-life caring…

Letter to the editor

To anyone who sponsored, visited, supported, participated, or played a role in this past weekend's Belfast Ice Festival and State of Maine Ice Carving Championships in downtown Belfast, Maine,…

Letter to the editor

Congratulations to the City of Belfast for securing an agreement from Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey under which Frey will stop defending the Harriet L. Hartley Conservation Area if the City…

Letter to the editor

The purpose of this letter is to express some of the public’s concerns as they relate to the stormwater management plan and other aspects of the proposed Maine Housing Authority, Knox County…

I think the writer of last week’s letter to the editor “Let’s resolve the Dam and Falls issue” has the issue a little backwards.   The Select Board has been doing its due diligence and researching…

Is there a chance you’ve forgotten about an old bank account? Maybe you moved and never got your utility deposit back? If so, you may be on the state’s unclaimed property list.

The Maine…

Letter to the editor

I registered to vote in 1961, just before entering the service.  My Dad was a World War II vet and a very proud Republican.  My grandfather was a Republican Representative to legislature here in…

Letter to the editor

The time is now for our community attention to Camden priorities.

For some time, our Town Harbor Master building has had an over 8-foot sign on sea level rise by the 2021 Climate Action and…

As an abutting property owner and Rockland taxpayer, I am opposed to providing a conditional Waterfront 1 zone permit for Sharp's Point so that they may sell their property to their nonprofit Sail…

As Rockland abutters and property taxpayers we oppose Capt. Jim Sharp’s application for a conditional Waterfront 1 Zone change to his current contract zone covering his Sharp’s Point South…

Letter to the editor

I worked at Wayfarer for 15 years, most of that time directly with Barbara Dyer. Everything you said about her was true, and I'm happy you gave those who might not have known her a chance to read…

Letter to the editor

Gosh, so many of us could write about Barbie D. and our many memories and stories!  Your lovely piece made me cry.  I did not know she was that close to the end so I missed saying goodbye, but I…

My name is Cathy Cooper and I first contacted Barbara Dyer after seeing her articles on Camden Maine in the Courier Gazette around 1998.    My interest was not only because my grandparents, Mildred…
Letter to the editor
I am disgusted by the recurring homophobic nastiness in the words of "Philadelphia Lawyer,” (PL) who shares his/her comments…

On December 31, we experienced every pet parents’ worst nightmare.  Our 4-month-old puppy, Siesha, spooked and terrified by the fireworks at Rockport Harbor, pulled the leash out of my hands and…

Letter to the editor

I am writing as a member of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Planning Committee to thank the many people who participated in honoring Dr. King and his legacy in the fight for racial justice, despite…

Recently, architects Meg Barclay and John Scholz authored an opinion about the currently proposed Rockport Harbor Hotel. In our opinion, Meg and John are in the top tier of local architects, and…

Letter to the editor

We write in support of the new hotel in Rockport’s harbor village. It is very clear that the overwhelming majority of Rockport residents are in support of the Rockport Harbor Hotel, despite the…

Letter to the editor

The Smith family’s public relations campaign for its Rockport Harbor Hotel has been in full swing: 1/14/22 “Chamber Supports Rockport Harbor Hotel”, Village Soup; 1/18/22 group email soliciting…

Letter to the editor

We are writing regarding the question of whether the design of the Rockport Harbor Hotel is in harmony with Rockport village.

Our firm, Scholz & Barclay Architecture, has years of…

I am writing on behalf of the Camden Rotary Club to thank everyone who supported our sale of gourmet nuts over the holidays.

We enjoyed meeting friends and neighbors at our downtown…

Letter to the editor

Susan Collins, one of Maine's two senators in the U.S. Congress, has an opportunity to be as brave as the late Republican Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, who dared to to take on the…

"In July 2017, the federal government had awarded Yachting Solutions a $1.8 million matching grant to expand its existing facility...," subsidizing an entity "built in partnership with American…

The Board of Directors of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce expresses strong support for the development of the Rockport Harbor Hotel by the Smith family in its current plan and…

Letter to the editor

As a volunteer Meals on Wheels driver out of Spectrum Generations' Belfast Center, I deliver meals each week to seniors who have limited access to the outside world. Through the program, I am able…

Letter to the editor

It seems that whatever we are currently considering in Camden, it keeps growing into a major project whether it is the tannery or the dam.  

We have to remember that we are here as mere…