
Letter to the editor

I would like to encourage you all to consider voting for Jason Trundy for Waldo County Sheriff.

I have known Jason for many years and have served on several committees and boards with him…

To the Camden and Penobscot Bay Waterfront Community:

As the owners of Band Wagon, we wanted to extend our sincere thanks to all those…

Letter to the editor

Happy Windjammers week! Thank you to all who joined us at the Merry Barn on Sunday for our first annual Stories of the Sea! Folks from age five to 85 came together to partake in song,…

The set has been struck and the costumes have been carefully put away, but the music and message of Count Me In still resonate throughout Watts Hall and the community.  This original musical about…

I have been a citizen of Waldo County for over 40 years, and deeply appreciate the Waldo County Sheriff's Office for its commitment to the safety of our community, as well as to the health and…

Letter to the editor

After five years of failing to stick a single shovel in the ground in Belfast, Nordic Aquafarms co-CEO Erik Heim is leaving for undisclosed greener pastures. In 2018, emails obtained by me under…

letter to the editor

Legacy Rockport thanks the community for its heartfelt support in working together to…

Letter to the editor

For years I have happily ridden my four-wheeler on the miles of trails behind our house in Warren.  Often, I pick a spot, park my machine and just sit.  On a rock, near a stream, at the base or…

Letter to the editor

I am writing this letter in support of Jason Trundy, who is running for Waldo County Sheriff.

Jason grew up here in Waldo County and has worked in law enforcement here for 28 years, all…

My name is Stephen J. Hemenway, a retired Deputy Sheriff of 32 years, currently living in Northport, producing a national family educational public access tv show called "The Children's Corner,"…

I’m pleased to add my voice to the many supporters of Jan Dodge’s re-election to the State House of Representatives from the 39th District, including the towns of Belfast, Northport, and…

Letter to the editor

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it’s interesting to note that while all eight Democrat and Independent legislative candidates (Beebe-Center, Geiger, Doudera, Matlack, Pluecker…

Letter to the editor

From Memorial Day weekend, through mid-June, the Stewardship Education Alliance (S.E.A.) presented Poetry on Windows.…

Letter to the editor

Earlier this month, Trekkers hosted its annual 5K fundraiser for the first time from its own location. After almost a decade of the route starting from Thomaston Library, it was the first (of many…

I cannot say that I support 100% of the actions of any politician.  That includes JFK, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. They all made choices and championed causes that I am against.  But to…

In just the third sentence of a January 27 press release announcing a January 28 joint Bangor appearance of Republican second-district congressional candidate Bruce Poliquin and House Republican…

Letter to the editor

Last Friday, the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade. I can’t stop the flow of tears—tears for the millions of women and young girls that will be affected by this; tears for all the women that…

On June 21, I attended my first Camden Select Board meeting in six years as a commenting citizen.   I went to honor the transfer of power as Tom Hedstrom and Stephanie French were sworn in as new…
Letter to the editor

We lost. As one of the appellants in this matter, I attended in person the hearing conducted in Augusta today by the Maine Bureau of Environmental Protection (note the word "protection") to…

It’s great to see the Belfast City Council cutting a ribbon on new electric charging stations. This paired with all the solar arrays they’ve helped to install is the kind of forward vision we need…

On June 17, Governor Mills and White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy will headline a climate conference organized by the Maine Climate Council. 

But it will take more than…

Letter to the editor
So much of the recent debate over the Tannery Property has been commercial versus park. I think it’s time to look at the actual Cranesport proposal. However, this should be considered with the…
Letter to the editor
The disposition of Tannery Park has gone back and forth for many years.   Some people want us to vote No on Articles 15 and 16 in order to save the Farmers’ Market, preserve the trees along…
Letter to the editor

Since 2005 my late partner and I have been frequenting Broad Cove Marine Service as a place to dock our boat, enjoy wonderful fresh seafood and gather with our family and friends. They  took…

Disrespect for the ideas enshrined in our Constitution can be found in Uvalde, Texas and right here in Thomaston, Maine. 

This past week, in an effort to minimize damage from what is being…

Letter to the editor

I strongly support saving the historic Camden, Maine, waterfall and dam.

My husband and I are homeowners of a cottage in downtown Camden and have been loving living here precisely because…

Letter to the editor

Much has been said and written about the Thomaston Green.

The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famous saying, “everyone has the right to their own opinion but they do not have the…

Letter to the editor

I attended the May 25 public hearing in Thomaston and read the coverage of same on the front page of June 2’s Courier-Gazette. I was disappointed four pages later to see a Guest…

Letter to the editor

It is a great honor to serve Rockland as your new Postmaster. In my years with the United States Postal Service, I have seen firsthand the role the Postal Service plays connecting neighbors and…

letter to the editor

On June 14, Thomaston voters will choose between Articles 3 and 4 on the town warrant. Passage of Article 3 will “allow the Town to determine the future use” of the Thomaston Green. Passage of…

letter to the editor

We ask you to vote for Marc Ratner for Camden Selectboard member.

He has worked on Board for two terms, understands the workings of the Town of Camden intimately, the eccentricities and…

letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for another term on the Rockport Select Board. It has been a pleasure to get to know Denise through her work with the town of Rockport over the past three…

letter to the editor

It is fascinating to begin to become acquainted with some of Lincolnvillle’s town boards and committees. I am impressed with the many individuals who dedicate their time, and I have found it…

letter to the editor

Mail-in ballots are currently available at the Rockport Town Office, and the town election is June 14.

We all have the amazing opportunity to elect Jim Annis to our Select Board, and what…

The ballot questions about Thomaston Green have confused many and created doubt in the minds of some. Be assured that the “Green” is NOT in danger of being developed and lost to public enjoyment…

As a Green Independent Party House of Representatives candidate, I urged Governor Janet Mills to sign the open primary bill passed by this year’s legislature.  LD 231 became law without her…

Back in December of 2020, I supported Jordan Barnett-Parker running for the Lincolnville Select Board as I thought that we needed new people to be on this board.

One of the things central to…

letter to the editor

Spring lost its color

Its softness and its song. Time stopped

Grieving the lives lost

letter to the editor
FACT: You are what you eat. QUESTION: Why are fish fed corn & soy called salmon? Jennifer Hill lives in Waldo
Letter to the editor

The work that Denise Munger has done as a Rockport Select Board member has been spectacular.  I have known and worked with Denise on important issues for Rockport. Denise has worked tirelessly for…

Lette to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for the Rockport Select Board. I know Denise through my work on the Rockport Budget Committee and the Library Committee. She listens to comments from…

Letter to the editor

We will cast our ballots to re-elect Jordan Barnett-Parker to the Lincolnville Select Board this month. 

Letter to the editor

On June 14, we residents of Union will vote on the future of the Thompson Community Center. Our options are, essentially, to keep the building in town hands, for the benefit of the town, to sell…

letter to the editor

I would like to encourage you all to consider voting for Steve Hand for a position on the Lincolnville Select Board.

I have known Steve for many years. He possesses an ability to reason…

Letter to the editor
Tannery Park should remain...a park. I don't live in Camden, but I have family there, and they love the open space and the farmers market on this site.   Please don't turn this into a private…
letter to the editor

 What is it that happens to regular people when they are elected to local office?  In general, such individuals could have only dreamed of seeing a salary of $97,000 a year, as in the case of the…

Letter to the editor

Senators Collins and King, Representatives Golden and Pingree:

We have a CRISIS of gun violence in our country.


Complex PROBLEMS require a multitude of…

Counter to the signs recently sprouted in town, I will be voting YES on ARTICLE 16, and encourage you to do so as well. Article 16 authorizes the Town of Camden to negotiate the sale of the…

Letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for Rockport Select Board.  I have known and worked with Denise for more than five years and know her to be a thoughtful, considerate and hard working…

letter to the editor

Concerning the debate over the proposed pier to be constructed on the shore of Lincolnville within a half-mile of the ferry slip, let me start off by stating that I lean neither to the right or to…