
I’m writing this in support of our former and next Governor, Paul LePage.  

Janet Mills supported and signed  a bill, LD 1888, that allows convicted child molesters to take custody of…

letter to the editor

My wife and I will be voting to elect Stephen J. Hemenway for State House District 39 during the upcoming November 8 elections. Stephen is a retired Deputy Sheriff of 32 years. He currently…

I am writing to let Maine residents know some votes that “independent” State Representative Bill Pleuker from Warren has made. He is a nice enough person and I have no ill will against him.…

I am fully in support of Pinny Beebe-Center’s seeking the Senate seat for our district.   I’ve known Pinny since the 1980s when, as teacher of early and experiential education, I met her working…

I believe it was in April of 2018 that Waldo County Deputy Sheriff Jason Trundy first contacted me, as director of a regional substance use treatment center, to help him in his quest to better…

letter to the editor
Our family would like to express our full support for Stephen J. Hemenway for State Representative House District 39.  We have known Stephen for over 10 years and align with his conservative values…

This coming fall I urge the citizens of Waldo County to vote for Jason Trundy, candidate for the office of Sheriff. He is an individual who represents local knowledge and experience, compassion…

My name is Robert Keating. I served with the City of Belfast Police Department for 32 years, retiring as Chief of Police. I then served as Chief Deputy at the Waldo County Sheriff's Office for 10…

We support Jan Dodge’s re-election to the Maine State House. Jan has been a champion for students, educators and working families. She was instrumental in supporting the long overdue 55% state…

letter to the editor

Voters in Maine House District 39 (formally 97) have been ably and honorably served by Representative Jan Dodge for the past four years (two terms).  This year, Jan is seeking, and indeed deserves…

letter to the editor

I hope the people of Knox County recognize how fortunate we are that Pinny Beebe-Center, with her vast experience in dealing with the community’s serious needs, has decided to run for the Maine…

Letter to the editor
I don’t generally write letters to the editor but I really feel I need to share why it’s so crucial to me as a parent that we elect Stephen J. Hemenway for District 39 this November.   I’m in a…

A heartfelt thank you to everyone in Rockport who participated in Tuesday’s election.  So many of you worked hard in the months and weeks leading up to the election.  Our local newspapers did a…

In the special election in Rockport, this Tuesday, Ralph “Doc” Wallace is running to fill out the remaining two years of a vacated three-year term as Select Board member.

 Doc is a retired…

It has been very disappointing to note the negative attacks against Doc Wallace who is a candidates for Rockport’s Select Board. Whatever his personal politics should not be a consideration in the…

I would like to lend my support for Doc Wallace. Doc Wallace’s integrity is beyond any doubt. Doc’s entire career shows that he would be an asset to Rockport as a Select Board member.

letter to the editor

As a former Camden resident and long time friend of both Doc and Haunani Wallace, I wish to voice admiration and support of Doc.

I have known Doc to be 100% dedicated to the Rockport…

It is rare when you see a thoroughly qualified candidate like Doc Wallace so unfairly assailed by a self righteous gang, all of whom did not even bother to take him on regarding a single local…

letter to the editor

I have refrained from responding to the defamatory attacks on my husband, Doc, but finally, I feel it necessary to speak out.  First of all, I respect Richard Remsen, who wrote a positive letter…

letter to the editor

 I’m writing to voice my support for Jason Trundy as the next Sheriff of Waldo County. I have served as the Waldo County Commissioner for District 2, including the towns of Frankfort, Jackson,…

Letter to the editor

I am writing this in support of Jason Trundy in his bid to become the Sheriff of Waldo County.  I have a long history of working with Jason beginning back in 1995, when I became the Victim/Witness…

I have known Doc Wallace for several years and do not think the recent attacks online on his character are fair or true regarding his run for the Rockport Select Board.   While I cannot vote as I…

My disabled, 38-year-old son Graham Lacher’s June 6 disappearance in Bangor is old news as far as the media…

Letter to the editor

It was a year ago today that 13 American military service members made the ultimate sacrifice when they were killed by a suicide bomber terrorist at Abbey Gate, Kabul Airport, Afghanistan.  …

Dear Voters of Waldo County:  It may come as a surprise to some of you to learn that the REPUBLICAN candidate for Waldo County Sheriff is Todd Boisvert. Todd, currently the Chief of Police and the…
Lette to the editor

Though Ralph Wallace presents himself as an independent thinker, he is not. He supported Trump, Kavanaugh and the overturning of Roe.

Rockport doesn’t need his dated opinions or…

Rockport has a special election scheduled for Aug 30 to fill a seat on the Select Board.  We have an opportunity to elect a NEW well qualified candidate, Ralph "Doc" Wallace, for this seat.  Read his…

Although I am not a Rockport resident, my husband and I do know Doc and feel he would represent a balanced perspective in serving as a Select Board member.  He is certainly a man of character and…

letter to the editor
Approximately five  years ago, Doc and his wife, Haunani, bought a home next door to us in Rockport.  My wife and I found this couple to be the most caring and thoughtful neighbors anyone could ever…
Letter to the editor
The Maine Lobster Festival Board of Directors and Members would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time during the 75th Festival.   This year was record-breaking for…
letter to the editor

Rockport will be voting for the vacant Select Board seat on August 30. As the date draws near, I have seen more and more signs pop up in support of Ralph "Doc" Wallace. I began to wonder, who is…

I have been following the Rockport Select Board election and have made special note of the recent attacks on Doc Wallace; on his character, his opinions, and the man himself.  Because I know Doc…

I would like to take a moment and offer this letter of support to Jason Trundy for Sheriff of Waldo County. 

Having spent most of my law enforcement career at the Waldo County Sheriff’s…

Representative Jan Dodge’s voting record during her two terms serving District 97 (Belfast-Northport-Waldo) clearly demonstrates her commitment to the health and welfare of her…

Letter to the editor

I urge you to vote enthusiastically for Denise Munger for Rockport Select Board. 

I have known and worked with Denise on important issues for Rockport. Denise has worked tirelessly for…

The grades are in and Jan Dodge merits E’s for Excellence for her Experience and her attention to the issues:




Letter to the editor

For years I have been regularly receiving solicitations in the mail from companies wanting me to switch to green energy for a lower cost.   I have not switched nor will I ever. 

I have not…

Letter to the editor

We are happy to support Doc Wallace in his bid for the Rockport Select Board.  As our beautiful seaside town continues to grow more diverse, we need a champion like Doc on our Select Board. …

letter to the editor

This November, let’s send Jan Dodge back to Augusta for a third term to work for the people of State House District 39 (Belfast, Northport, and Belmont). I met Jan in 2018 when she went door-to-…

Letter to the editor

Jason Trundy is the right choice for Waldo County Sheriff!  He has held nearly every leadership position in the Waldo County Sheriff’s Office over his 28-year career.  He has excelled in each of…

Letter to the editor

There is absolutely no excuse for any driver to run from an accident and I hope the police can track that person down. [Read: 

Letter to the editor

There are a lot of “Doc” Wallace signs popping up around Rockport in advance of the town’s Select Board election.

I have talked to neighbors who were under the impression that Wallace is…

Letter to the editor

In the past two weeks, I’ve read two pieces in respected magazines that bothered me. Both involved the use of the pronoun ‘they’ in reference to a person of atypical gender identity.


The chaos in elections nationwide leaves many of us tired and frustrated.  However, our local Maine elections continue to offer voters excellent candidates to represent us in Augusta. One superior…

A heartfelt thank you to the many artists and businesses in Midcoast Maine who have donated so generously to the upcoming fundraising event and silent auction  benefiting Saltwater Classroom, a…

Denise is a hard worker.  When she was on the Select Board she thoroughly read the information presented by the Town as well as researched outstanding questions.  She continues to listen to input…

letter to the editor

Chief Deputy Trundy has a lifelong investment in our Waldo County. He has grown up here and chosen to plant roots, raise a family, and pursue a career in our County. He has chosen a career for…

Letter to the editor

Shut up about fuel prices and stop blaming others if you drive with a lead foot.  According to the Department of Energy:  “Every five miles per hour you drive over 50 miles per hour is like "…

Letter to the editor

There was a certain irony in reading Paula Sutton’s letter to…

letter to the editor

Integrity, compassion, intelligence - all of these are words that do not often spring to mind when pondering our Representatives in Augusta.

I feel truly grateful then that we have Jan…