
letter to the editor

I support Steve Hemenway for District 39 Representative. He believes in parents’ rights regarding knowing what their children are being taught in the schools, regardless if it’s in the brick and…

letter to the editor

I don’t easily give up my limited spare time these days. Yet, I find myself volunteering to drive my State Senator Chip Curry door-to-door throughout Waldo County. It’s important that…

letter to the editor
With only one month ahead of us to election day, we must now research and determine who our treasured votes belong to.  I have decided to vote for Stephen J. Hemenway based on policy and priniciple…
letter to the editor

Every two years, we have the opportunity to cast a vote, in person or by absentee ballot. Why bother, some say. My reply: you have an advocate who will dedicate countless hours toward…

more than 120 pumpkins donated

Thomaston Grammar School brought back our annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1. This was the first time we have been able to hold the festival since the fall of 2019. It was so exciting to…

letter to the editor

While I met Pinny Beebe-Center in my professional capacity, she became a trusted friend, and my endorsement of her candidacy for the Maine Senate is as a private individual. Pinny actively listens…

letter to the editor

A while back this polite dad came into my workplace, Waterfall Arts, the old Anderson School in Belfast.  He wanted to know if he could install  lights for night hockey at the community…

letter to the editor

I’m thrilled to have a candidate the likes of Pinny Beebe-Center to support for Maine Senate District 12.

She will represent us with great integrity, experience and a passion for public…

“Vote for Crystal Robinson- your clear choice for positive change.

Do you feel discouraged and that politicians are out of touch with your needs and challenges in daily life? You now have…

letter to the editor

With so much at stake in the Nov. 8 election, it is clear we need principled and strong leadership in Augusta. Governor Janet Mills has proven her commitment to a vision of Maine First through…

“‘Dirigo’ means to lead. Let’s make Maine a leader.”

“Holding people and organizations who benefit accountable” is a key message from Crystal Robinson’s approach to legislating.…

letter to the editor

I am writing this in support of Jason Trundy. His service to the people of Waldo County for the last 28 years in law enforcement has been excellent and I can’t think of anyone more qualified or…

letter to the editor
I urge my neighbors in Legislative District 43 to re-elect Ann Matlack on November 8.   She is a thoughtful, capable legislator who listens well and makes informed decisions that benefit us all.…
letter to the editor
I am retired after 44 years as a teacher and administrator in Waldo County. I have also served on the boards of several nonprofit organizations that have or still…
letter to the editor

What does a nurse bring to an elected position in the State legislature?

A nurse wants to take care of us, listens to our struggles, offers solutions and can connect us to important…

letter to the editor

I am writing to share my thanks and appreciation to Jason Trundy for all the help and support he has given to a local Veterans Organization.  Mr. Trundy has been volunteering without needing…

letter to the editor

I write to endorse Waldo County Chief Deputy Jason Trundy for the office of Waldo County Sheriff. 

I worked with Jason as part of a citizen initiative to promote awareness of mental health…

letter to the editor
The November election is coming up soon and there are important decisions to be made for Waldo County. I support Stephen J. Hemenway for District 39.  He supports all of the issues that are important…

I learned a few things the other day that others may find interesting.

There are two main reasons that former Governor Paul LePage is running for office again.  

Number one, the…

letter to the editor

Crystal Robinson is the candidate to get behind on November 8.

She is hardworking, determined, and is a strong voice for Maine people. Crystal is passionate about serving, and has…

I’m writing to support the re-election of Vicki Doudera for State House District 14, Camden and Rockport. My husband and I moved into Vicki’s neighborhood in 2015 and have always known her to be…

It is deeply gratifying to be writing to recommend that my fellow Waldo County residents vote for Jason Trundy for County Sheriff. Jason has the experience, knowledge and empathy to continue to…

What I want in a representative of our district in Augusta:  Somone who looks at the issues before her with curiosity and integrity,  someone who works hard, and someone who is available…

letter to the editor

Jason Trundy has served the citizens of Waldo County since 1994. Through his diligence he has risen through the ranks to the position of Chief Deputy where he has served for the past eight years…

letter to the editor

When I cast my vote for local, state or national candidates, I do so with the expectation that the person getting my support will be committed to making decisions based on doing what’s best for…

letter to the editor

For the first time in recent memory, our fundamental rights rest, not on the Supreme Court or Congress, but on the people we choose to represent us in our state legislature.  Bedrock principles of…

Prior to meeting Jan Dodge, I had never spoken with a legislator about issues that were troubling me. I assumed politicians would neither listen nor care. However, Jan not only listened and cared…

Pinny Beebe-Center and I have worked together on several projects serving this community, especially its young people, for many years. I can’t think of a better candidate to represent our district…

letter to the editor
Crystal Robinson is a commonsense candidate, who carefully considers the consequences of her actions.  She understands the history of our government and how it has led us to our current political…

Jan Dodge worked for decades helping students as a teacher and now as a Maine representative for House District 39.  She has successfully worked across partly lines in order to pass legislation to…

letter to the editor

Bill Pluecker is running for reelection as our State Representative.  What’s in a name?  It is not always true to Shakespeare.  Not all roses do smell the same nor do all state…

As a retired teacher, I fully appreciate the support Bill Plueker  has shown for Maine’s public schools. In my twenty seven years in the classroom I was acutely aware of the difference adequate…
letter to the editor
Let me preface this letter by saying I'm a conservative republican. I'm that because I believe in a strong border, the right to life, and the strength of family.   I met Steven J. Hemingway several…
letter to the editor

I typically avoid politics, and have never considered being involved in a political campaign before. But, a friend recently encouraged me to do my part and research candidates for this…

letter to the editor

We are in the midst of a fight for the future of the country. There is no question that the current environment is causing everyone deep anxiety and worry that we…

Letter to the editor

We appreciate that Tony Grassi has made a personal investment in having sketches drawn up by a landscape professional. While we applaud his respect for the integrity of the Olmsted design of…

letter to the editor

In this unstable and challenging time, I want to be represented by someone in Augusta who has integrity, compassion, knows the issues important to people in District 12, listens to opinions other…

letter to the editor

Nate Davis reads proposals, studies, ordinances, and reports carefully and thoroughly. He asks good questions about consequences of decisions the Rockland City Council is charged with making.…

letter to the editor

Maine Conservation Voters 2022 Environmental Scorecard for members of the Maine Legislature arrived in my mailbox last week. I was pleased (but not surprised) to find my representative, Bill…

Adam Lachman brings broad understanding of how governments and businesses get things done. He knows what to do to when he sees opportunities for economic and quality of life improvements.

Letter to the editor

I have known Pinny for many years as an active and thoughtful advocate for the people of Knox County.  She is a servant leader, one who has worked for people’s needs for many years and in many…

Letter to the editor

I know Pinny Beebe Center as a friend. What I know about her is the depth of her passion for her work on behalf of our community. I have seen the personal and…

letter to the editor

I believe it was in April of 2018 that Waldo County Deputy Sheriff Jason Trundy first contacted me, as director of a regional substance use treatment center, to help him in his quest to better…

letter to the editor

Jan Dodge continues to serve as an effective and engaged legislator wonderfully representing the people of Waldo County. 

Recently, I was with Representative Dodge when she was visiting…

Back in 2014, I made a documentary about Waldo County Government and toured the Sheriff's Office and Reentry Center. I was struck by how well managed both facilities were. As a member of the…

When “Jack Bauer” is ready to come out from behind his subterfuge, that’s when I might begin to pay attention to what he has to say. But not until then.

Nancy Harmon Jenkins lives in…

Voters in coastal Knox County are fortunate that Anne “Pinny” Beebe-Center, a highly experienced public servant, will be on the ballot in November to represent us in Maine Senate District 12. I…

letter to the editor

Crystal Robinson has the vision and non-partisan work ethic needed to correct the course Maine is currently on. She believes Maine can thrive while preserving its natural beauty and rich resources…

No one who cares for the health and welfare of Maine or the United States would vote any Republican into office, any office. This is a time for all good people to stand up for Democracy.  

letter to the editor

I lived in Knox County for 50 years and I am grateful that Pinny Beebe-Center is a strong and capable candidate for State Senator. 

Representative Beebe-Center has served in the House of…