
letter to the editor
My name is Chloe Maxmin. I am the outgoing State Senator for District 13, which includes all of Lincoln County (except…
letter to the editor

As colleague of Adam Lachman’s on the staff of Senator King, I can think of no better candidate for the Rockland City Council than Adam. 

Adam has been the driver of statewide efforts…

letter to the editor

Every Saturday for the last two winters I've watched Paige Zeigler hover over a splitter, or doggedly push a very full wheelbarrow, in order to help stock Waldo County's free wood pantry. 

Please join me in voting for Adam Lachman for Rockland City Council this November 8.   I was born in Rockland, grew up in the Midcoast, raised my family here, and work in the local community as a…

When I was asked to write this letter of recommendation for Adam Lachman, it was a very easy decision to say yes.

Adam is heavily involved in our community, and is dedicated to coming up…

letter to the editor
I will be voting NO on both proposed amendments to the Rockport Town Charter (Articles 9 and 10 on the ballot).   Article 9 proposes to completely replace the section of the Charter regarding the…
letter to the editor

We urge Rockport residents to vote no on Articles 3 and 4 in  the upcoming election. These articles are a misguided effort to thwart the will of the voters expressed in the citizens’ petitions…

This letter comes during a time of challenge for our community, as Knox County Homeless Coalition, Habitat for Humanity and state and local partners try to take a lead in solving the critical need…

letter to the editor

I used to have spirited debates with Republicans. We had issues.

There are three kinds of Republicans these days.

First are those who have gone independent, have quietly left the…

letter to the editor
I'm writing to you as a concerned citizen of the City of Rockland.   There was a recent letter to the public from our Mayor/City Councilor Ed Glaser which clearly endorses Nate Davis in the…
letter to the editor

I am an artist, community organizer, and a co-founder of Veggies For All and Waldo County Bounty— both food security organizations. I have known Chip Curry for over a decade through the Unity…

letter to the editor

On November 8, we get to decide who we want representing us in our local, state and federal government. Most of us, I think and hope, base those decisions on who we believe best represents the…

letter to the editor
Crystal Robinson knows the importance of limited government. She understands that personal liberty must be protected and maintained.  This is the  function of government, to preserve God given…
letter to the editor

Here are a few of the many reasons for a vote to return Ann Matlack to the Maine House of Representatives from District 43, Cushing, Owls Head, S. Thomaston, St. George and Thomaston.

letter to the editor

As a Republican who recently changed my party affiliation to Democratic, I am enthusiastically supporting Chip Curry for Maine State Senator representing Waldo County. Chip supported legislation…

letter to the editor

The time is upon us to decide whether to live under freedom or under the rule of those who want to rule our lives the way they want.

I would like to take this time and space to show you…

letter to the editor

I write to urge voters from the Town of Brooks to support Sen. Chip Curry in the upcoming November election. 

Chip supports property tax relief.  Under the last four years of the previous…

letter to the editor

Rep. Bill Pluecker has represented the towns of Appleton, Hope, Warren, and part of Union at the State House for the last four years.  This district (now 44) has been reconfigured to include Hope…

letter to the editor

When I first met Pinny Beebe-Center 16 years ago, I was a young mother and vegetable farmer, busily delivering vegetables to Rockland farm members every weekend. Pinny was the reliable volunteer…

I hope you will join me in voting for Jan (Janice) Dodge for House District 39’s representative. This district encompasses Belfast, Northport and Belmont. 

I’ve known…

letter to the editor

Running for office in these politically charged times is daunting. Candidates must galvanize citizens who are exhausted, frustrated and angry about the endless partisan fighting. Robyn…

letter to the editor

You have a choice to make on November 8.  Jan Dodge is running for reelection to the Maine State House representing Belfast, Belmont, and Northport. Dodge has knocked on over 3,000 doors…

letter to the editor

Our government requires moral, upright, knowledgable people who will make sound decisions for the common good of our people and our society. MaryAnne Kinney has all these qualities in great…

letter to the editor

When my mom was 12, she got her first horse, Penny, and began to ride from her house in Thomaston, all the way to Wottons Mill Road in Union.

To say that she knows the towns of Hope,…

letter to the editor

I am writing to support the re-election of Vicki Doudera to a third term representing House District 94 (Camden and Rockport) in the Maine Legislature.  She is a…

letter to the editor
I support Crystal Robinson, Candidate for House District 44.  She is so articulate and yet down to earth and genuine with a huge heart. People can’t help but love her for who she is and not care…
letter to the editor

When the candidates Todd Boisvert (R) and Jason Trundy (D) debated in Searsmont on Wednesday October 12, it became crystal clear that Waldo County Sherriff’s Department NEEDS fresh blood, which…

letter to the editor

We have two individuals running for the Maine State Senate in District 11 who offer very different views of how we, the voters, should be represented.  Both have established a record for…

letter to the editor

Stanley Paige Zeigler is running for a third term to represent us in the seven towns in of District 40. He has been an active leader in the Maine House, sponsoring many bills which directly…

letter to the editor

District 2 voters have a clear choice of who will represent us in Congress. We can continue moving forward by re-electing Jared Golden, who supports voting rights, reproductive freedom, veterans,…

letter to the editor
We're voting for Pinny Beebe-Center for Maine Senate District 12 and we want to encourage all District 12 voters to join us in supporting Pinny.   Full Disclosure: We are close friends of Pinny and…
letter to the editor

As a gay millennial and Crystal’s son, I used to be a full-on Bernie fan. His was the only campaign I ever donated to. I have been educating myself more on American history, the…


The “Dance Party” hosted by the Watts Hall Band in Thomaston on Friday, October 14 was a “rousing success” and was one of the best events that Managing Director Kendray Rodriguez has ever had…

letter to the editor

Rockland is presented with an excellent slate of candidates for City Council this year, setting us up for success over the near term regardless of the outcome of the vote, but with this letter I…

letter to the editor

I am supporting Chip Curry and feel Waldo County needs him to return to the Maine Senate.

Chip’s support for the legislation related to the PFAa threat directly affects rural communities…

letter to the editor
We are writing to express our enthusiastic support for Bill Pluecker's campaign to represent Maine House District 44.   Bill has been a terrific representative since going to Augusta two terms ago…
letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Vicki Doudera’s re-election  as Representative for Maine’s House District 41. (Camden and Rockport) For over twenty years I’ve observed that Vicki is thoughtful,…

letter to the editor

On November 8, I am voting for Betty Johnson for Waldo County Commissioner.

District 1 comprises Belfast, Belmont, Islesboro, Morrill, Northport, Lincolnville, and Waldo. 

I moved…

letter to the editor

I’m writing to address the political ads circulating this election cycle, namely those not approved or authorized by any candidate. Unfortunately, it came to my attention this week that…

letter to the editor

We are pleased to support Steven MacDonald for City Council. He has been in Rockland for 44 years. He worked for the City of Rockland as Waste Water Director for 22 years. During that time, he…

letter to the editor
Dear Maine Parents:   I warn of a threat to the health of Maine children. People who know me know that I gave up a lucrative law practice, and the support of living where I grew up, to have time to…
lette to the editor
If you have ever met Crystal Robinson, you know that she can command the room, not because she seeks to be the center, but because you are just naturally drawn to her. Her smile is genuine and full…
letter to the editor

Wassumkeag, Penobscot word for ‘shining water,’ is painted on the road that welcomes everyone to Sears Island — beachcombers, families, couples young and old, hikers, bird watchers, butterfly fans…

letter to the editor

I want a clean environment as well as the next person — I care about what kind of planet my kids and grand-kids will inherit — but some of these policies that Maine has just inherited from…

letter to the editor

We are right in the middle of election season, when political signs are blossoming all over town like Fall flowers. I am leaving my seat on the Rockland City Council after serving two terms. It…

letter to the editor

My husband, Rick, and I urge you to join us in sending Democrat Chip Curry back to the Maine Senate for a second term working for the people of Waldo County. We have known Chip and his wife since…

letter to the editor
The right wing has nothing materially positive to run on, so they have manufactured a regressive, sadistic moral panic aimed at those who are among the most vulnerable in our current world —…
letter to the editor

I am writing to voice my strong support of Anne “Pinny” Beebe-Center in her campaign to be our next State Senator. 

As someone who has worked for 15 years in our wonderful local school…

letter to the editor

 Governor Mills has done a great job of supporting our economy through a very difficult and chaotic time.  Under LePage Maine’s economy as measured by GDP growth lagged behind that of the US as a…

letter to the editor

I was reading an article today about Chellie Pingree and a few of her colleagues sending a letter to Homeland Security to add $50 million above the enacted FY 2022 level to the EFSP (Emergency…