
Letter to the editor

Why does the Town of Camden really want to destroy the historic Montgomery Dam and wonderful waterfall cascading into Camden Harbor?  

How much would it cost to repair or rebuild the dam…

Letter to the editor

A group of 21 Senators in Washington, including our own Senators Collins and King, have made significant progress to reach an agreement on a bipartisan infrastructure plan. This deal includes…

I’ve been intimately involved in dam removal in one Maine river (the Penobscot- with two removals and one natural by-pass) and installing hydropower in another (Sandy Stream in Freedom).  Every…

Letter to the editor

Select Board members intend to do only good (even great) things. They have the best of intentions.

The best of intentions also can result in unintended consequences and can at times be…

Letter to the editor

On behalf of the General Henry Knox Museum, a sincere thank you to all who supported the museum’s major fundraising event of the year – our 19th Annual Knox Night – held on August 12th 

Letter to the editor

Are we OK with our town officials deciding to destroy a treasured property that belongs to the people of Camden?


As voting citizens of Camden we need to open our eyes and…

Letter to the editor

\The Town of Camden Select members  announced that they will be meeting soon with the Camden Public Library Board of Trustees to solicit input on their proposed removal of the Montgomery Dam and…

Letter to the editor: Sally Brophy

The Belfast City Council claims that the money Nordic will bring to the city is crucial for fixing infrastructure and helping with taxes - all very important goals. So isn’t it also crucial to…

Letter to the editor: Thierry H. Bonneville

To members of the anti-Nordic Aquafarms group who disagree with the unanimous decision made by the Belfast City Council on Tuesday, please be kind. Don't insult, misquote or worse, threaten your…

Letter to the editor: Mark Salwasser

Perhaps we should consider altering our support for the planned fish farm? As a new resident of Belfast I’m not up to speed on the contentious history of this proposal, and may never be up to…

Letter to the editor: Mike Thibodeau
With the support of Senator Susan Collins, this could be a big year for infrastructure in Searsport. Recently, Senator Collins, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, submitted directed…
Letter to the editor: Loren Clark
I am new to Friendship, Maine. We just moved here and became “official” Maine residents on January 1, 2021.   Also, I have served our federal government in Washington, D.C., for over 30…
Letter to the editor: Conny Hatch

I have been following the news about negotiations between the City of Belfast and Nordic Aquafarms, Inc. to acquire, through the process of eminent domain, the personal properties owned by a…

Letter to the editor: Debra Stokes and Susan Reider

On Thursday, July 15, the Camden Garden Club hosted its 73rd annual Garden Tour, which included five lovely Camden gardens and the historic Conway House. Our club members, including five Master…

Letter to the editor: Lawerence Reichard

In a July 17 letter to the editor I calculated that the park Belfast Mayor Eric Sanders and the Belfast City Council want to create with land from Nordic Aquafarms would be awash in 107.8 million…

Letter to the editor: Jennifer Healy

Thomas Paine wrote “Such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.”

Unfortunately, the Select Board in Camden has chosen what it…

Georges River Land Trust

Georges River Land Trust (GRLT) reports another successful year running its annual Gardens in the Watershed tour.

Helmed by an 11-person committee of gardeners and community members, this…

Letter to the editor: Jim Merkel

As the Belfast City council attempts to seize land through eminent domain to build a fish factory, council members should take note that these untested land-based Concentrated Aquatic Feeding…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

The Bangor Daily News and The Free Press recently reported that Nordic Aquafarms had purchased the Belfast waterfront property of Janet and Richard Eckrote, and had given the…

The Town of Camden has, at its heart, a treasure and a legacy and beauty that every townsperson and every visitor has admired for generations: the waterfall at the head of the harbor and the…

Building a fish ladder for alewives at the Camden Harbor Falls is a great idea. Destroying the existing dam and the Harbor Park sea wall is a terrible idea.

For some reason, town officials…
Letter to the editor: Clare Tully

A recent article in The Camden Herald quoted Tyler Smith, a principal in the Rockport Harbor Hotel project, as saying, “Yes, unfortunately for us and fiscally for the town, there are…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

What caused our Senators, elected by us to represent our interests, to block us from deciding which PUBLIC should own a public utility?  Pine Tree Power, "Our Power," did not die when two senators…

Letter to the editor: Lynn St-Laurent

The following letter is in response to a previous letter, CMP Corridor: What it is and…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard
In extraordinary June 23 testimony in Waldo County Superior Court in Belfast, Nordic Aquafarms Chief Financial Officer Brenda Chandler stated that Nordic Aquafarms' position is that ownership of…
Letter to the editor

The CMP Corridor proposal is a 142- mile-long corridor stretching through much of Maine’s North Woods.

Fifty three miles of this is unbroken forest, while the other 92…

Letter to the editor: Doc Wallace

This is the last chance for Rockport voters to do the right thing and protect their fellow citizens. The vote on Short Term  Regulations (STRs) is NOT a Republican or Democratic issue. It IS a…

Letter to the editor: Kate and Davis Lee

Article 4 is intended to garner support for placing an already drafted Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance on the next ballot. Before you vote, we urge you to go to the Town of Rockport website and…

Letter to the editor: Paul G. Charbonneau
Property rights are a touchy subject, made even touchier when confronted with proposed municipal ordinances regulating those rights.   If memory serves me right, Rockport’s early zoning proposals…
Letter to the editor: Alexander and Maud Abess

A few months ago, we learned of the proposed short term rental ordinance, and were alarmed at what appears to be an over reach of town authority with no data to back its proposed actions.

With Article 4 now on Rockport’s June 8 ballot to “survey” voters about short term rentals (STR), I have decided to share my personal experience as a homeowner who has occasionally rented our…

Letter to the editor: Wende Newton Walsh

For my 70 years I have loved and cared about this town of my ancestors.    

Letter to the editor

Sophie Romana is running for a seat on Camden’s Select Board continuing her service to the town. Two years ago, she joined the Budget Committee to learn how the town manages its budget, balancing…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

Katie Brown's May 17 article on the carbon footprint of industrial aquaculture in Maine states that Nordic Aquafarms, along with two other industrial aquaculture projects, has received "final or…

Letter to the editor: Deb Dodge

The following is quoted from the stated purpose of the proposed addition to our Town’s Police Ordinance:

 “…The purpose of this registration ordinance is to safeguard the public health and…

Letter to the editor: MarIka Kuzma Green

This is a hard letter to write. It s about a my life, lived in a village that I love and how that village is changing and making feel less welcome.

My husband and I lived in our home,…

Letter to the editor: Phil Crossman

Last year, embarrassed on the one hand, broken -hearted and despondent on the other, I abandoned Donald Trump, his astonishing tribe of supplicants and my 50-year-old Republican allegiance and…

Letter to the editor: Sarah Ruef-Lindquist

Loved reading all of this (Welcome back to the Camden area, Snow Birds 2021!)... and a project…

Letter to the editor: Deborah L. Crabtree

I am writing this letter today for the wonderful, kind, nurturing people I grew up with in the tiny yet big-hearted community of South Hope.

We just had two huge losses back to back,…

Letter to the editor: Barbara Mogel

The dots don’t connect for the Habitat for Humanity project on Talbot Ave., Rockland. We ask for transparency on the HfH contracts with the Knox County Homeless Coalition, meaning disclosure of…

Letter to the editor: Phyllis Merriam

There has been much talk around the country and even here in Rockland about defunding police departments. I do not agree with defunding, rather I believe cities and towns need to offer their law…

Letter to the editor: Marsha Steinglass
Well, here it is the tail end of April, with a town vote slated for June.  Still absolutely no response from the Town Manager regarding my pleas to keep the information on the Town website on Short…
Letter to the editor: Haunani Wallace

With reference to the article about state and federal unemployment and pandemic relief funds,  isn’t it a shame that there are hundreds of thousands  receiving unemployment and pandemic relief…

Letter to the editor: Nancy and Billy Ottaviano

We are writing as the owners of a non-owner occupied short term rental in Rockport.

Our first visit to Rockport was in 2016 as short term renters. We instantly fell in love with Rockport…

Letter to the editor: Marsha Steinglass
On February 7, 2021, I alerted the Town Office staff that the search engine on the Town website for the search “short term rentals” was nonfunctional.  The Town Manager’s response was that, since the…
Letter to the editor: Annette Naegle

A Pledge to Rewild. What does this mean? Imagine yards with native grasses, road medians in town with flowers growing and bees and butterflies stopping to eat and rest, the elimination of…

Letter to the editor: Trudy Miller

I am delighted to endorse Breanna Pinkham Bebb in her candidacy for a seat on the Northport Select Board.  Breanna is a lifelong Mainer who has been deeply involved in her local community since…

Letter to the editor: Steve Byers

The truth is revealed.  In 2019, when Nordic Aquafarms discovered it lacked permission to push its effluent discharge pipe through the Belfast intertidal zone, Maine Turnpike Executive Director…

Letter to the editor: Mark Salwasser

I'm writing as a new Belfast resident and an abutter to the proposed Nordic Aquafarm. 

I'm disappointed at the adversarial position of both parties as a newcomer to town; people are dug in…

As you may know, at the last Rockport Select Board meeting, three members of the Board agreed that the Board would go back on its most recent decision to table the issue of short term rental…