
Why don't we see comments on Nordic Aquafarms from folks with graduate degrees in marine ecology? 

If NAF were above-board, they'd have tried first in Rockland, which has year-round rail…

Letter to the editor: Seth Thayer

I am writing with great enthusiasm in support of Breanna Pinkham Bebb’s run for select person for the Town of Northport. 

I first met Bre about 10 years ago when she was the executive…

Letter to the editor: Rodney Lynch

I would like to take this opportunity to response to Belfast City Councilor and former Mayor Mike Hurley’s March 3, 2021 letter in the Penobscot Bay Pilot in which he provides advice to the City…

Letter to the editor: Todd Hall

I’m thrilled to offer my support to Breanna Pinkham Bebb for the Northport Board of Selectmen. As a Northport resident I’ve seen Bre’s enthusiasm and creativity in action many times and it is…

Letter to the editor: Beedy Parker

I would like to join the debate, on affordable  housing and drainage, and include Camden.

Why must we always build new, and cover more  permeable and potentially photosynthetic ground with…

Letter to the editor: Marsha Steinglass
During the March 8 Rockport Select Board meeting, residents who had comments or questions were supposed to be given a chance to weigh in on an agenda item through the Town Manager.    I entered my…
Letter to the editor: Michael Lannan
Dear Nordic Aquafarms’ Investors: Nordic’s development team has likely informed you about the recent decision by the Belfast Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to not hear the appeal. The ZBA’s purpose is…
Letter to the editor: Group of Rockport business owners

We were relieved when the Rockport Select Board wisely voted 4-1 on February 8 to table the draft “Ordinance to Regulate Short-Term Rental Property” and not place it on the June ballot.

Letter to the editor: Group of Rockport property owners

On February 8, the Rockport Select Board voted 4-1 to table the draft short term rental ordinance and not place it on the June 2021 ballot. Days later, 34 residents signed a petition seeking to…

Letter to the editor: Sharon Hobson

You may know that SNAP (food stamps) does not allow purchase of pads, tampons, or toilet paper, something that always surprises people. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits…

Letter to the editor: John Bird

While I support the concept of strengthening Rockland’s housing stock policy to attract more young people, judging from the many questions raised at City Council meetings and in the local press…

Letter to the editor: Mike Hurley

Dear Rockland; I read with interest the fear and trepidation over the city government making allowances to add accessory use or "tiny houses" on some lots in your city.

About 5-6 years ago…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

How tempting it would be to put in a gas furnace, paid for by Summit Gas with money they dangle in front of you to do so. Oops, that is if you spend your own money even before the pipeline is…

Letter to the editor: Ashley Holmes 
Please consider Ann Frenning Kossuth, our friend and neighbor, for election to Northport’s Select Board on April 14. If you know her, you will know of her strong commitment to community, coalition-…
Letter to the editor: Reeves Gilmore

As a Northport resident for more than 10 years, I am pleased to endorse Breanna Pinkham Bebb for election to our Select Board. 

In recent years, I have had the privilege of working with…

Letter to the edito: Ian Emmott

Public debate has sufficiently exposed potential environmental impacts of the proposed zoning change, as well as congestion in residential neighborhoods. The endless push for detached apartments…

Letter to the editor: Jim Kalloch

My name is Jim Kalloch and I live at 41 North Main Street in Rockland. I would like to voice my opposition to the latest tiny house plan being put before the City Council again!

This plan…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

Well, it's official: the Belfast Water District has officially shed the twin burdens of sanity and reason. 

First the district entered into agreement with Nordic Aquafarms to allow Nordic…

Letter to the editor: Beverly Cowan

Are we going to maintain our wonderful community or develop it into a tiny house consortium with a city full of accessory dwellings?  The Rockland City Council just passed the…

Water is life. 

Jan Dodge proposed these two pieces of legislation:

LD1474: An Act To Ensure Water Equity and Accountability for the People of the State of Maine

LD197: An…

Letter to the editor: Richard and Lucinda Leonard

We have lived on Willow Street for over 40 years. We have concerns about the push to make it possible to build houses on small lots.

The area east of Broadway would suffer greatly if this…

Letter to the editor: Breanna Pinkham Bebb

On Fridays my husband and I both work from home: He is in customer service for Fisher Plow, and I am an administrator in financial services. Our son, a student at Edna Drinkwater, has…

Letter to the editor: Geir Gaseidnes

Please consider our neighbor Breanna Pinkham Bebb for Northport’s Select Board.  If you know her as I do, you’ll have found that she is energetic, creative, and a joy to work with.  


Letter to the editor: Richard D. Warner

Once again, the Rockland City Council is proposing the introduction of tiny houses in everyone’s back yard or side yard as an answer to a need for affordable housing.

Although countless…

Letter to the editor: Wayne C. Gray

In spite of pleas from home owners and longtime residents the Rockland City Council is determined to go ahead with their plan for, lack of a better name, tiny…

Letter to the editor: Adele Faber

The Rockland City Council has again proposed an Ordinance Amendment to allow Accessory Dwellings “Attached” (apartment over an existing garage) and “Detached” (tiny/small houses in everyone’s back…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

On December 21, 2020, the Pen Bay Pilot published a letter from me about a Belfast Water District demand that I pay $1,500 for the district to process 91 pages of emails pertaining  to the…

Letter to the editor: Rodney Lynch

Rockland zoning ordinance amendment #39 proposes to amend the definition of Accessory Apartment to allow a detached apartment or dwelling on a lot with a single-family residence as a separate…

Letter to the editor: Bernie Baker

In a recent Op-Ed, “A Litmus Test for the Climate,” James Boyce, of the Political Economy Research Institute, articulated the case for the most effective way to address the climate emergency: “…

Letter to the editor: Steve Bowen

On January 11, I submitted to the Rockport Select Board a long letter outlining my concerns with how they have handed the issue of short-term rentals. In particular, I expressed my deep concern…

Letter to the Editor: Sherry Cobb

February is Black History month, chosen because February contains the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, born nine years apart. Lincoln is honored, of…

An excellent PenBay Pilot article by reporter Sarah Thompson, with vivid photos, documented Rockland Public Works employees grinding away with our town’s heavy equipment to provide free labor,…

Today is International Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27, 2021.

The day is to remember the six million Jews who were killed under Nazi persecutions, as well as those who died in subsequent…

Letter to the editor: Silvio Calabi

Camden’s Monday-evening pandemic town meeting, under the lights at the Snow Bowl, was historic for several reasons—the socially distant, drive-in-theater aspect being just one. Another was the…

Letter to the editor: Jan. L. Fish

Dear Town Manager and Select Board,

My name is Jan Fish, I have lived in Rockport for 60-plus years. Our small community has always had a warm caring feeling, people caring about their…

Letter to the editor: Jack Copp

To the honorable Mayor and fellow city council members: I want to give my complete support to Rockland's Planning Board and its chairman, Erik Laustsen, and applaud his position to not sign off on…

Letter to the editor: Breanna Pinkham Bebb

I am writing here so that my neighbors can get to know me better, as they consider how to cast their vote in the special election to the Northport Select Board on April 14.

Letter to the editor: Howard Robbins

Nobody wants this tower, except the third party real estate developer, Bay Communications, who is suing us because our Planning Board rightly rejected their plan for a cell phone tower on Main…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

It is my understanding that the Rockland Planning Board did not grant approval for the cell tower to be built on Camden Street. This action comes after a public report by the City Manager of…

a letter from Sheriff Tim Carroll

At this time of year, it's good to reflect. 2020 is on its way out, thankfully, and we are ushering in 2021, but somethings don't change and that is the mission of the Knox County Sheriff's Office…

Letter to the editor: Bernie Baker

In December the Maine Climate Council launched its four-year action plan, “Maine Won’t Wait,” a comprehensive vision for addressing the climate crisis.

The plan was developed by a broad,…

Letter to the editor: John Viehman

Let’s be clear about this. Short-Term Rentals (STRs) are businesses operating without regulation, usually within residential zones. That wouldn’t happen with other types of businesses, because…

Letter to the Editor

Waldo County Technical Center’s annual, “Tis the Season,” an event that provides students of WCTC with food, clothing, and toiletries before the holidays, has been a roaring success due to the…

Letter to the editor: First Congregational Church of Camden members and staff

It is with profound respect and gratitude that we offer our deep appreciation to essential workers.  Thank you, one and all. For your endless months of frontline heroism in the face of the deadly…

Letter to the editor: Michael Vallier

Black Road south in Searsport. The Searsport Chief of Police came to my home to inform me he had three complaints about my sitting in a car on the Black Road.

He said…

Letter to the editor: Diana Castle

I am writing regarding the exorbitant increase in my sewer bill. I have lived at the same address in Rockport Village for approximately 20 years. For whatever reason, over the past couple of years…

letter to the editor

Dear Editor:

After 30 years, the time has come to leave my position as education director for the Department of Marine Resources. I am grateful to past and present administrators for the…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

On its website, the Belfast Water District says it is recognized by the State of Maine for protecting its water resources. Well, that's no surprise, given the state's recent endorsement of the…

Letter to the editor: Amie Hutchison

Like so many other nonprofits, our team looked with trepidation at our typical fall fundraiser, the Community Auction, as we decided to make it virtual. Would supporters still bid? Would…

Letter to the editor: Marsha Steinglass
On March 19, 2020, the Chairperson of the Select Board wrote the following to me regarding my opinions on the restrictions being considered for short term rentals: "There are people that you can…