
Letter to the editor

During the uncertainty of a challenging pandemic,  members of the Rockport Select Board have launched an unjustified attack on residents’ property rights that will adversely impact our local…

Letter to the editor: Meredith Bruskin

At the request of Belfast City officials, the Black Lives Matter protest from the corner of High and Main Street on Sunday, 12-12:30 p.m. in Belfast has agreed to temporarily move to Post Office…

I’ve owned two houses in Rockport Village, one for 40 years, and have had a magnificent view for 40 years.

Now the Smith family from Camden is planning a huge ugly hotel, which will plug…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

On November 19, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection said it's fine with them if Nordic Aquafarms' proposed industrial fish farm spews 7.7 million gallons of effluent a day into Belfast Bay…

Letter to the editor: Cheryl Nevius

The Lincolnville special election for the vacancy on the Select Board is December 15. I am supporting Jordan Barnett-Parker.

Having recently served on the Lincolnville Broadband Committee…

Letter to the editor: Chris Richmond

At this time of year, Camden Rotary Club members usually spend our weekends selling delicious holiday nuts for people to enjoy with their families and friends.

Our annual sale is a…

Letter to the editor: Arlene Jurewicz-Leighton

I am supporting Jordan Barnett-Parker for our Lincolnville selectmen in the December 15 election.

I chatted with a friend recently that folks complain that we don’t have any new and younger…

Thank you, election poll workers, Democrats, Independents, Green Party, Libertarians, and Republicans for risking your lives to COVID-19 and in some places, also to the threats of violence for…

Letter to the editor: Rev. Abby Pettee

In life and in death, MaineHealth hospitals Pen Bay Medical Center (PBMC) and Maine Medical Center (MMC) offered faithful support on behalf of me and my late husband Bill.  

At this time…

Letter to the editor: Mark Fourre

As we mark Veterans Day, I am reminded of the many veterans who served our country in war and peace and now serve as care team members at Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital…

Letter to the editor: Patrisha McLean

In a divisive and scary time, Midcoast Maine came together in a beautiful way to break the silence of domestic abuse in October with a survivor/…

Letter to the editor: Jon Kuhl
This would be a great time to ask the Rank Choice Voting originators and supporters to:  "Tell us again the RCV advantages, and tell us, just how many people understand it"?    Due to much…
Letter to the editor: Patricia Estabrook

The Game Loft/I Know ME Programs would like to thank Hannaford Supermarket of Belfast for their donation of Halloween candy. This year COVID-19 made it impossible for many kids to enjoy the annual…

Letter to the editor: Gordon Page

I write this letter to congratulate Senator David Miramant on his reelection on Tuesday.

It has been my sincere honor to run for the office of Maine State Senate District 12. The support I…

This letter is penned in response to the article published in today's Pen Bay Pilot written by Louis Bettcher regarding the plans of the Rockport Select Board to formulate an ordinance change…

Letter to the editor: Vicki Doudera
Courage, compromise, and the ability to solve problems -- these are the qualities I look for in our elected leaders, and the values I have seen demonstrated by candidate for U.S. Senate Sara Gideon…
Letter to the editor: Judy Mullins

Coretta Scott King reminds us, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”  In a year when the needs in our communities are so stark and…

Opinion: For the sake of promoting good mental health, goal-setting

I was just a kid when the Starfire Skate Park was built in Camden. I can still recall the grand opening, more so in its essence than specific details. Andy Macdonald (one of the most…

Letter to the editor: Seth Silverton

It feels like I’m in an emotionally abusive relationship with yet another disingenuous Republican real estate developer who doesn’t know who he’s messing with. No, I’m not talking about Donald…

Letter to the editor: Good Shepherd Building Advocates Leadership

At the end of September, all four of Maine’s congressional members voted to pass a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown.

As a part of this continuing resolution, several…

Letter to the editor: Save Rockland Business Alliance

Save Rockland Business is an informal Alliance of businesses and organizations who share concern about the minimum wage referendum question on the Rockland ballot.  The Alliance encourages…

Letter to the editor: Michael and Fletcher McNaboe

We are writing in support of Adam Lachman for Rockland's City Council. Adam is a candidate who possesses the experience, commitment and integrity that we should all want to see in our elected…

Letter to the editor: Beverly Roxby

Dear Undecideds: The man you may vote to re-elect is just a man, not a god.

He is your brother, whom you can’t invite to a family gathering because he’s rude, he lies, he hates strong women…

Letter to the editor: Linda Buckmaster

Remember the kid in your class who was always messing up so that the whole class had to stay in for recess or miss the field trip? The congregation of the Brooks Pentecostal Church, Lighthouse…

Letter to the editor: Bindy and Denise Pendleton
We wish to share with the Mayor and Belfast City Council, the public, and Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition our thoughts and feelings.    First, thank you for thinking of our father, Skip, in…
Letter to the editor: Jennifer Albee

Last month marked the hottest September ever recorded since the U.S. government began tracking temperatures in 1880.

As the local effects of climate change knock on our door here in Maine…

Letter to the editor: Janis Petzel
I encourage all of my friends and neighbors to vote the Democratic ticket from top to bottom this election.   If you're voting absentee, plan to drop your ballot off in person at your Town…
Letter to the edito: Robert Adler

I started volunteering for Chip Curry after asking him some tough questions about the negative impact of internet “deserts” — the lack of access to reliable high-speed internet in much of Waldo…

Letter to the editor: Jay Field

I write to urge my fellow citizens to elect Chip Curry to the Maine State Senate for District 11.

Knowing Chip as I do, I would support him under any circumstances.

But sending him…

Letter to the editor: Tom Peaco

Following feedback from dozens of Rockland businesses and organizations regarding the minimum wage referendum currently on the Rockland ballot, the Board of Directors of the Penobscot Bay Regional…

Letter to the editor: Gary Fowlie

I’ve known Senator Dave Miramant since way back when he was a selectman in Camden, and he has always been very accessible, stopping by my business, Village Variety…

Letter to the editor: Mitchell Dillon

As a missionary pastor serving in Hope, back in the late 1980s, my family and I developed a true love for the people, the culture, and the unique natural beauty of this amazing community.

Letter to the editor: Annette Naegel

“The right to vote is of the essence of a democratic society and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government”, stated Justice Rehnquist, in a 1974 case…

Letter to the editor: Jeff Hamilton

I am writing in support of Gordon Page as candidate to represent District 12 in the Maine Senate.   I have known Gordon for five years while interacting with him at many different levels and…

Letter to the edito: Susan W. Longley

As an independent-thinking Maine citizen who comes from a family dedicated to public service, I value non-partisanship, candor and getting things done. Maine’s challenges are great, and we need to…

Letter to the editor: Peter Overlock

As you know, Lindsey Brook begins just south of the Tennyson Quarry, runs through downtown Rockland, and feeds into the Rockland Harbor.  One can only imagine the bureaucratic quagmire…

Letter to the editor: Kerin Resch

If signs could vote and the election was today Molly Luce would be our next state representative. Driving around the area its clear Molly has so much local support. After all, she was born and…

Letter to the editor: Terry Costa

I am writing this letter in support of Gordon Page for the Maine State Senate in District 12. Gordon is unquestionably qualified for the job. After spending decades in the private sector (…

Letter to the editor: Deborah Capwell

Our Senatorial race is garnering national attention.  Huge amounts of money are flowing into both major campaigns.   Why?

In this, perhaps the most important election of our lifetime, the…

Letter to the editor: Mattie John Bamman

A campaign to address food insecurity in Waldo County during the coronavirus pandemic, Waldo County Bounty launched in May…

Letter to the editor: Sally Brophy

Undercurrent News recently interviewed Nordic Aquafarms’ president Eric Heim asking him about unexpected challenges and public concerns regarding the Belfast proposal. Heim replied, “That’s just a…

Letter to the editor: Marina Schauffler

Camden may have a new tourist attraction by mid-century: “Captain Nemo Underwater Tours” of the proposed…

Letter to the editor: Steve and Lori Robinson

I have a friend who bought a flooded quarry and turned it into a gorgeous lake, teaming with wildlife.  He bought an old building in Rockland on Rankin Street and is turning it into the Maine…

Lette to the editor: Daphne Lehava Stern
Everyone knows there are less than three weeks to Election Day. Our responsibility to decide what sort of future we want and will leave to the next generation.  It is acutely obvious that the two…
Letter to the editor: Carlisle Towery and Susan Deutsch

Valli Geiger is an exceptionally qualified, and attractive, candidate for the House District 93 seat.   She has six years of active public service and over 20 years of residency in Rockland.  …

Letter to the editor: Don Robishaw, Jr.

Let's be honest. We Mainers really love our state. From the dramatic change of seasons to our incredible wildlife, from our amazing lakes to our beautiful coast - Maine isn't just where we have…

Letter to the editor: Ursa Beckford

As an aide at the State House for the past two legislative sessions, I worked closely with four state senators, and your senator, Dave Miramant, was one of them. If you want a senator…

Letter to the editor: Tom Hedstrom
I'm proud to endorse Michael Mullins as state representative for Maine House District 93.     Mike is open minded, and will carefully consider each issue, ensuring that he is making the best…
Letter to the editor: Josh Miramant

To say this year has been abnormal is the understatement of the decade. It’s easy to see all the ways this pandemic has been difficult. It was a trying time for many reasons with…

Letter to the editor:  Linda Garson Smith

What do you want in an elected official? If honesty, transparency, commitment to listen to voters, and skill in marshalling support for legislation are what you look…