
Letter to the editor: Jennifer Hill

While the national insanity rises to a feverish pitch, we have a single woman representing Belfast, Waldo, and Northport in Augusta who has been serving us steadily with distinction: State…

Letter to the editor: David Estey

Many people are justifiably angry and frustrated about their circumstances today and seem to need somebody to blame. It is often other people who act, look and think differently from them.

Letter to the editor: Ted Long

As residents of Rockland and Owls Head, we have an opportunity to elect someone as our State Representative who has demonstrated an enduring love and concern for this great mid-coast community. …

Letter to the editor; Becky Bartovics

I am voting for Dave Miramant for Maine State Senate from District 12.

Senator Miramant has served this district extremely well during his time in Augusta- this will be his final term…

Letter to the editor: Stuart Finkelstein

When senseless acts of racism and anti-Semitism were occurring throughout our country, Bill Pluecker stepped up to help our synagogue secure a Homeland Security grant to insure a safe haven of…

Letter to the editor: Vicki Doudera

As a longtime advocate of safe, affordable housing and as a past president and current director at Midcoast Habitat for Humanity, I am pleased to endorse Councilwoman Valli Geiger in her bid to…

Letter to the editor: Melissa Gates

When COVID-19 first spread across the globe, I felt a range of emotions. I was worried, not…

Letter to the editor: Kay Zegel

The Belfast Free Library is currently launching its Annual Appeal.  The outcome of this important event will help shape the library’s financial integrity and relevance for the upcoming year.…

Letter to the editor: Barbara Brusila

I enthusiastically support William “Bill” Plueker for State Representative, serving Warren, Hope, Appleton, and Eastern Union. 

I’ve known Bill for about 12 years.  He and his wife are…

Letter to the editor: Connie Russell

It is my pleasure to enthusiastically support Mr. Gordon Page for Maine Senate District 12.

Gordon was literally the first individual to extend a memorable warm welcome to the Midcoast…

Letter to the editor: Linda Post

I am voting for Mike Mullins for the Maine State Legislature for House District 93, Rockland and Owls Head.  We need someone in Augusta with vision and fire in the belly enthusiasm to bring it off…

Letter to the editor: John Morris

As an architect, I have, over the years, had the opportunity to work with both state and federal housing agencies in the development of affordable housing for the people of Maine.


Letter to the editor: Sarah Austin

Did you know Rockland has a skatepark at Oceanside High School? Maybe you remember when it was built in a student-led effort in 2002, when damaged sections were removed in 2013, or when…

Letter to the editor: Bev Cowan

Mike Mullins is a problem solver.  Since moving to Maine he has taken an abandoned quarry, once an ecological disaster, and made it into a natural wonder. On one occasion we watched as the geese…

The only question before the voters on the Town of Camden November Ballot is Article 2, asking to approve an “Order of Condemnation,” with “just compensation,” for 120 square feet at 225…

Letter to the editor; Bill Packard

I’ve always been a people person.  What I mean by that is that I judge people by who they are, not what political party they align with, the color of their skin, their sexual preference, or…

Letter to the editor: David G. Reed

Why is Maine so attractive to born-elsewhere politicians? It’s not as if we can’t grow our own. Senator Angus King hails from Virginia and went to law school there. Early in this current election…

Letter to the editor: Mark Haley

As a recent transplant to Knox County, I offer my support of Senator Dave Miramant for reelection to the Maine Senate for many reasons, several very close to me.

It’s heartening to know…

Letter to the editor: Judy Berk

I am voting for Chip Curry to represent all of Waldo County in the Maine State Senate and writing to urge others to do so too.

Over the last few decades, Chip has lived in Knox, Unity, and…

Letter to the editor: Nicole Poland

My name is Nicole Poland. I run the Maine Operations for Sierra Peaks Corporation, formally known as Tibbetts Industries. I met Gordon Page over a year ago, we spoke of my career and my needs to…

Letter to the editor: Jayne Crosby Giles

Dear Editor,

I want to say thank you to Senator Susan Collins for sponsoring the bi-partisan National Clean Energy Week resolution that passed in Congress. Clean energy and a clean…

I’m writing to recommend a YES vote on Article 2 on the Town of Camden. Passage will enable Camden to move forward to build a half-mile-long new sidewalk along Washington Street that will provide…

Letter to the editor: Ed Glaser

I'm supporting Valli Geiger in her run to represent House District 93 - Rockland and Owl's Head in the state legislature. Honestly, when I heard that the seat was coming open, I thought about…

Letter to the editor: Bob Brown

Jan Dodge is running for re-election in House District #97 Belfast, Northport and Waldo. During the previous legislative session Jan worked tirelessly for us. When she is re-elected she certainly…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

I was happy to see your October 9 article on the new Wales Park Community Garden in Belfast. But perhaps Nordic Aquafarms, which, according to the article, contributed to the acquisition of a…

Letters to the editor: Leslie Woods

As a staunch defender of the First Amendment, I was disappointed that a Trump supporter had her sign painted over. As a volunteer who placed Biden/Harris signs around my town, I was discouraged at…

Letter to the editor: Tobey Williamson

We are living through mind boggling changes. The challenges we face are many and varied. But there are always opportunities in times of challenge and change. Leadership is what allows these…

Letter to the editor: John Piotti

I’ve known Chip Curry since he moved to Waldo County over 25 years ago. He is an exceptional person, who cares deeply about our region and people.  He possesses the experience, integrity, and…

Letter to the editor: Rachel Herbener
Lisa Savage has honest answers for Maine.  In the first U.S. Senate debate the candidates were asked how to get money out of politics.  Gideon and Collins proposed legislation.  Linn directed us to…
Letter to the editor: Bernice Nadler

I strongly support the re-election of Representative S. Paige Zeigler for Maine House District 96. He is the candidate in this race who believes in science and educating the next generation to…

Letter to the editor: Ed and Laura Waller

It is a privilege to write this letter in support of the election of Louise MacLellan-Ruf to the Rockland City Council.  

As residents of Rockland and neighbors of Louise for more than 10…

Please vote to reelect Stanley Paige Zeigler to represent House District 96. 

Paige has shown that his practical, common sense approach to the issues effectively brings people together for…

Letter to the editor: Doug Curtis, Jr.

The Rockland City Council by a 3-2 vote put Councilor's Nate Davis local minimum wage ordinance on the ballot and I would like to urge the citizens of Rockland to vote no on it.  Please let me…

Letter to the editor: Dennis E. Norton

I first met Gordon Page 33 years ago when our sons played together in Little League. Gordon was a coach and a very good one. We served on the Board of Directors and we both have been Little League…

Letter to the editor: Cameron T. West

Jared Golden believes in siding with Nancy Pelosi and the Washington liberals who want a complete takeover of your health care. While he tries and says he doesn’t, Jared Golden sponsored a bill in…

How many times have you been in a conversation about our reps in DC and said something like, "Why can't they work across the aisle for our benefit?  Or perhaps, "Why is it that party politics always…
Letter to the editor: Joan Petersen

My litmus test when selecting between presidential candidates is twofold. First, a president must be our chief “cheerleader” in support of our country and its people with the ability to inspire…

Letter to the editor: Jan Banks

As a retired teacher, I greatly respect Senator Susan Collins and the work she has done in Washington to support Maine children and young people from Head Start through high school and college. …

Letter to the editor: Mark Fourre

For more than 100 years, the members of Waldo County General Hospital Aid have helped to define the hospital as a place the community could turn to for compassionate and high-quality health care.…

Letter to the editor: Doc Wallace

Sarah Gideon’s supporters mimic the challenger’s false and hypocritical attacks that simply equate to the laughably absurd.

Let’s begin with the theme that Susan Collins “..has changed”…

Letter to the editor: Jonathan Fulford

In these uncertain times I get up each morning and ask in what way can I have a positive impact for my community, for my family, and for the planet. I am not interested in wasting time…

Lette to the editor: Linda Zeigler

  In this extraordinary year of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our routines have taken a backseat as we work to maintain our  health, safety and economic security.  One of these that we may not …

Letter to the editor: Ray Estabrook

I have known and worked with Chip Curry for over 20 years and I support his election as our next senator to represent Waldo County.

Chip has the experience from working with and around…

Letter to the editor: Charles L. Dufour

As a university professor for the past 35 years, the last 17 of which have been in my home state of Maine, I understand the importance of producing bright and educated young adults.  

Letter to the editor: Leslie Woods

My late husband drove our Representative S. Paige Zeigler to meet his constituents for his first two election cycles. When my husband complained that Paige wasn't liberal enough, Zeigler said, “…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

I hope you will  join me and support Chip Curry as the next Waldo County Senator for the Maine Senate.

I have served as Mayor or City Councilor in Belfast for 20 years and when it comes to…

Letter to the editor: Elizabeth Dickerson

I listened to a discussion on WRFR-93.3 LP the other evening between Maine House District 93 candidates Valli Geiger (D) and Michael Mullins (R).

Mullins stated that a main issue for him…

Letter to the editor: Joan Welsh

I have known and worked with Dave Miramant for over 12 years.  As a former Representative, I saw Dave in action in the Senate: always hard working, always focused on the needs of his constituents…

Letter to the editor: David Estey

Despite all the things I’ve heard and read, I can’t help wondering why good, intelligent family and friends feel so differently from me over politics, whether we can ever bridge that divide and if…

Letter to the editor: Meredith Bruskin

October 12 we will again commemorate Indigenous People's Day here in Belfast, and in the entire state of Maine.

I am proud that this day is commemorated, but also well aware of how…