
Letter to the editor: Gary Stimeling

Besides coronavirus response, postal sabotage, health care, transfer of power, racism, economic devastation, global warming, and forest infernos, not to mention basic human decency, there is…

Letter to the editor: trudy Miller
I am writing to urge others to vote for Jan Dodge to represent Belfast, Northport and Waldo in House District 97.  I spoke with Jan in Augusta a number of times during the 2019 legislative session…
Letter to the editor: Emmett Shell

As a young person, I know there are multiple reasons to be worried about my future: climate change, a global pandemic, student debt and other issues dominate headlines and give me and my peers…

Letter to the editor: Ellie Goldberg
For over 30 years, I  advocated for children and families in the State of Maine - the majority of those years was to bring a voice to their plight and helping the Maine Legislature and Congress…
Letter to the editor: Loren Andrews

I am writing to express my strong support to reelect Dave Miramant as State Senator in our county, or Senate District 12. I have known Dave personally for many years, and he has always…

Letter to the editor: Amy C. Reid

I am supporting Stanley Paige Zeigler for House District 96 because he has proven himself to be extremely responsive to the concerns of his constituents. During a time when our state is faced with…

Letter to the editor: Jeffrey Payson

I am writing to voice my support for Jeffrey Evangelos, Independent for House District 91: West Union, Waldoboro, Washington, and Friendship.  I have known Jeff for more than 40 years and found…

Letter to the editor; Aimee Moffitt-Mercer

Would any parent take their child to an ice cream shop that features a few dozen flavors on the menu and tell them they can only get vanilla or chocolate?

Surely not, unless they’re…

Letter to the editor: George Seaver

I have known Jeff Evangelos for about 30 years.  During that time, I have watched him in different settings, and he is always thoughtful and committed to fixing what ever he observes that is on a…

Sarah Gideon does not believe in our system: due process, separate branches of government, and the rule of law.   

In August 2018, I asked the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and…

Letter to the editor: Jay Davis

Waldo County's current Senator, Erin Herbig of Belfast, has had a successful decade in Augusta because she is smart, conscientious, energetic and fair. Erin has, of course, become Belfast's city…

Letter to the editor: Jeff Shula
For 18 years, as a teacher at Searsport District High School, I attended many plays put on by SDHS's outstanding theater program, led by Chris Goosman. At least part of the reason the program is so…
Letter to the editor: Corliss and Rick Davis

We are writing to urge readers to vote to make Sara Gideon our next United States Senator.  Gideon is the daughter of immigrants and has been described as a smart and down-to-earth woman with a…

Letter to the editor: Claudia Griffiths

I am a wife, mother, daughter, retiree after 45 years working mostly in healthcare, and a proud American. My Army father fought in World War II, surviving the Battle of the Bulge, America’s third…

Letter to the editor: Skye Hirst

Valli Geiger is running for Maine State Representative of Rockland and Owls Head. As State representative she will be replacing Pinny Beebe Center.  The first year in office in Augusta is always…

Letter to the editor: Martin T. Olsen, Jr.
The words that come to mind when I think of Gordon Page are leadership, thoughtfulness, fairness, honesty, passion, compassion, unifier, problem solver and the list goes on.   Gordon served as a Lt…
Letter to the editor: Pinny Beebe-Center

I am writing to ask you to support and vote for Valli Geiger for State Representative for Rockland and Owls Head. As many of you know, I am not running for a fourth term; I have asked Valli to run…

Letter to the editor: Christine Burstein

Boy, it sure doesn’t feel like two years have gone by since I wrote my last Letter to the Editor, but it has.  Paige Zeigler has been your Representative now for two terms (the last four years)…

Letter to the editor: Chrisso Rheault

We entrust our elected officials with certain obligations and decisions, and we vote for those whose values and commitment to our community align with our own, but I would and have literally…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

I met Sarah several years ago and noticed how keenly she paid attention to what makes Rockland tick. She recognized deep concerns for income and housing, struggles around harbor and marine issues…

Letter to the editor: Eric Sanders

I have known Chip and his family for the 16 years I have lived in Belfast.  I look up to him for reasons that have zero to do with politics.  I consider him a decent and caring person, dedicated…

Letter to the editor: J. Michael Lawson

We are all getting tired of the large amount of written, viewed and audible noise surrounding the upcoming election.  In truth, I hesitate to add my words.  I hope my letter of support for Jan…

Letter to the editor: Linda Buckmaster
We know that Susan Collins talks out of two sides of her mouth. She says one thing to make it look like she is serving the interests of Mainers, but does another, even though she might be "concerned…
Letter to the editor; Anna Wood Cox

I’m writing to support the reelection of S. Paige Zeigler as District 96 state representative.

As a teacher in Northport, I like the fact that Mr. Zeigler was a teacher and also served on…

Letter to the editor: Kendall Merriam

For Lisa Savage, Candidate

I was alive

when the first bomb went off

you probably were not

being 78 as I am

does not allow enough energy


Letter to the editor: John Newcomb

I have been associated with Dave Miramant both personally and professionally for over 15 years.  Dave worked part-time for us at Downeast Air in Owls Head where he bases his glider operation.  He…

letter to the editor: Kristen Redman
Dear District 11: Lately my heart is full of fear and uncertainty and I worry about the loss of a world we knew just a few months ago.    I grieve for my neighbors and friends who have lost jobs,…
letter to the editor: Margaret Campbell

I am writing in support of Jan Dodge and her reelection to serve in the Maine House District 97 for Belfast, Northport and Waldo.  She cares deeply about the citizens she represents, and this…

Letter to the editor: Greg Stanton

I have been a long time fan of your beautiful State of Maine. I, for years led many wilderness hiking and Outward Bound type trips throughout the Mount Katahdin and the Maine Coastal area.

Letter to the editor: David Estey

America knows Joe Biden is thoroughly decent and compassionate, steeled by personal tragedy, with 47 years of exemplary public service without becoming rich in the process. America also knows…

Letter to the editor: John Krueger

These are clearly divisive times for American health and environmental initiatives.  Just look at how politicized public health is in the face of a pandemic and the approval process of potential…

Letter to the editor: Gary Stimeling

If you live in District 96, you owe it to yourself to vote to reelect S. Paige Zeigler as your representative in Augusta. I’ve known Paige for 20 years and followed his work in the State House for…

Letter to the editor: Rosemary Limmen

I am writing as a concerned mom and grandmother, retired corporate officer, and current Tenants Harbor business owner and volunteer. Born in May 1946 and one of our country’s oldest “Baby…

Letter to the editor: Skye Hirst

On Saturday, Sept 19, in Rockland, Maine, in the middle of the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, and the day after the death of one of the great voices for human dignity of our time, Ruth Bader…

Letter to the editor: Jennifer Hill

A recent visit to Waldo County General Hospital has engendered an intense feeling of gratitude for this community institution.

What is the magic ingredient that makes this place so special…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

A September 16 salmonbusiness.com article quotes Nordic Aquafarms as saying: “Nordic Aquafarms has made tremendous progress the last years and is entering into a very exciting period with start of…

Letter to the editor: Gianne Conard

A piece of negative mail was recently sent out against Chip Curry’s opponent in the Waldo County Senate Race. Chip immediately emailed his supporters to say that he neither authorized nor condoned…

Letter to the editor: Greg Coleman

  “Oh The Times They are a Changin.”

 As you may recall, Bob Dylan wrote this folk tune in 1964, a time of uncertainty and unrest, a time when we,as a nation, were dealing with social…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

Might this be the time to recognize how we are all in this together? A philosophy of figuring it out for yourselves comes with dismissal of caring for those facing deep needs. The collective “we”…

"Sal's Birthday Bash" Fill the Boot and Birthday Parade was a success despite not being able to have the public supper this year. The event raised nearly $3,000 and a good time was had by all who…

Letter to the editor: Maria Libby

I was dismayed to read the comments of Rockport Select Board Chair Debra Hall on Monday regarding the cost sharing issue that has recently been brought to light where she suggested that the…

Letter to the editor: Steve Ryan

The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce wants to thank the many businesses and community groups who supported our very successful annual Chamber Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 11.  The event was…

Letter to the editor: Phyllis Nikkel

Four years of endless outrageous wickedness by the current president has set my 100-year-old mind into a plunge. I have lived through 25 presidential elections, and this time disbelief has nearly…

Letter to the editor: Beverly Roxby

In the first couple of years after 9/11, more people died from its polluting aftereffects than those who died on that day.  Donald Trump may even have shown up to voice his support for rescue…

Letter to the editor: Rep. Vicki Doudera
I had the honor of working with Rep. Stanley Paige Zeigler last session and am writing in support of his candidacy for a third term.    Paige is smart and thoughtful, and cares deeply about the…
Letter to the edito: Connie Hayes

If a large number of voters want Rockland workers to have a living wage, they can vote this Fall to begin to make it happen.  Would employers with 25 or more employees be affected by this…

Letter to the editor: Debra Andreason

Molly Luce is running a political campaign that is a breath of sunshine and hope.  Every time I see one of her many cheerful bright yellow campaign signs I smile.  

Her campaign slogan is…

Letter to the editor: Inna Bezborodko

I have lived in Rockland and served this community for a quarter of a century. When one of its residents needed bone marrow transplant, there was a block-length line of donors; when a cabdriver…

Letter to the editor: Cheryl Morin

I attended Chip Curry’s campaign announcement on a blustery day in Belfast on March 7.  It was freezing cold outside, but the energy in the room was running high with his spirited, genuine…

Letter to the editor: Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce

With picture-perfect weather, the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce held their annual Chamber Golf Tournament on Friday, September 11th.

Eleven teams competed for a range of prizes,…