Their is life in Christ the Word of God.

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Fri, 05/17/2024 - 10:38 am

 Here is the Zoom replay bimonthly Prophetic Class.

     In this session we continue discovering the many divine natures of Jesus that is our inheritance for “We are partakers of His divine nature” (2 Peter 1:3). The Word of God is a person and His name is Jesus (John 1:1). In Him there is life (John 1:4) Jesus is the Word of life. There is life in His Word. Where His presence is there is His voice. Where His voice is there is the Word of God speaking. His voice comes with His presence.

    Jesus said “My words are Spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). When you hear His voice, you receive the transformational power of His Word and the life that is in His Word.  We are not talking about receiving information or knowledge, because God doesn’t speak to our brain or intellect, but to the spirit of our being. We thus need to hear His voice to receive His Word.   

     When you hear His voice, the life of His presence renews the Spirit of your mind, heart, soul and spirit. It is His voice that has the cleansing power of the washing of the water of His Word that purifies your being (John 15:3, Eph. 5:26). His Voice contains the virtues of His divine nature such as healing, miracles, deliverance, the truth that sets captives free, His peace, love and joy and so on.

    God speaks in many different ways. Each person may hear differently than another. How do you hear His voice? Come and join our free Prophetic on-line training conducted on the first and third Thursday of each month at 10:00 am Eastern time. Our next session is June 6th. If interested, send an email to to see how you can participate.

  In His heart – Roy

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