A Time Of Examination

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Wed, 11/22/2023 - 04:04 pm

                                                            A Time of Examination

      The Spirit of Revelation is resting upon His people. As I have been sharing, as I read the Scripture, the Holy Spirit opens the door wide for an encounter with the living Word. Here in His presence, the eyes of my heart are enlightened in the true knowledge of Him with divine understanding (Eph. 1:17). The following is my latest adventure.

   Jesus said, “The Spirit of Truth … shall testify of me” (John 15:26.)  When the Holy Spirit moves the lame walk, the blind see, and the oppressed are set free. All this testifies of Jesus. The same works He did when He walked this earth, continues today. I asked the Lord, “How can I be used by the Spirit of Truth to testify of you?” I know as we partner with God, the ministry and power of the Spirit gives witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:33). Those who know me, know I do not settle for a typical “blessed” meeting, but an encounter of God.  

      My eyes then fell upon the words of Jesus, “The Spirit of Truth.” I knew what the Holy Spirit was revealing - the ungodly truth about myself. From within, one by one, I remembered the lies I once told. The words I spoke in order to illicit a response that was self- centered, or for personal gain. The times I pretended all was well when I was hiding something I didn’t want to reveal. The partial truth I told that was misleading, which is deception. The excuses I made to cover my tracks, to justify my ill behavior, ignorance, self-interest, pride, and rebellion.    

    I remembered how I relied upon my own ways to accomplish something instead of trusting in the Lord. The times of self-promotion, and desire for recognition, rather than resting in God’s love, acceptance, provision, and favor.  The times I was not faithful to keep my word to others. With each remembrance came godly sorrow with repentance. It was painful but freeing.

    Because of the fear of the Lord, I welcome this cleansing. Someday I will stand before the Lord. All that is not under the blood while be revealed. The scripture tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, knowing that Christ is in you (2 Cor. 13:5).  Knowing my own heart, I have asked the Lord to judge me, least I am judged (Mt. 7:1-2). There is great joy in walking in the light free from darkness, pretension and hiding. There is nothing more freeing than being who we are created to be, sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.

   For a couple of years now, I hear, “I am giving you grace for change. I was however, expecting someone more to my liking. Nothing brings humility more than seeing our carnal nature in the light of the Holy Spirit. In His presence there was no condemnation only godly conviction. Because of His mercy, the heart becomes tender to show mercy to others. We freely forgive because of the forgiveness we receive. His unconditional love displayed enables us to minister His love others. This is true transformation of the heart that is eternal.

   The light of God’s glory is not only revealed by His manifest presence, but by His divine nature. When Moses asked the Lord to show him His glory, the Father revealed to Moses His heart. It was by seeing the Father’s heart, that changed the fearful, frustrated heart of Moses to host God’s divine nature. The truth of who Moses was in the light of God’s presence, changed Him into God’s image. The result is the face of Moses shined with the light of God’s glory.

      Jesus said of the Holy Spirit whom He called the Spirit of Truth, “He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).  I wasn’t expecting the Spirit to guide me into the truth about myself, I don’t think most people are. But if we are open and ask, He will guide us by the light of who He is, that reveal our current condition, where we need change, and what we are becoming. Change can be painful and emotionally taxing, but if we will trust the Lord and endure, what is set before us is the joy of His glory.  

    As we walk in the light of truth, “For the Truth is in Jesus, (Eph. 4:21), we will rise and shine with the light of God’s glory (Is. 60:1). The Holy Spirit then testifies to others by the visible light that shines in us, upon us and through us, that truly this is “Christ is in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).

      Something new is taking place, and it is taking place in you. Let it happen.

   In the light of His grace and love – Roy Roden



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