
Letter to the editor

When European settlers first arrived in Maine there were Nations of People, The Wabanaki, already living here and stewarding the land. As these two groups interacted, they made agreements and…

Where It’s At

The first image directly in front of you as you enter Maine Art Gallery is the color photograph of Kaleb, a Bath Iron Works shipfitter taken by Bath photographer/artist Heather Perry. Kaleb is…

Perhaps you have heard about green burial lately and wonder what it's all about?

Green burial is not a new idea. It is a return to the age old, earth friendly way of burying our dead…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #gulf of maine, #jeff and allison wells, #boothbay register, #wiscasset newspaper, #penbay pilot, #birds, #maine, #yellow-nosed albatross

Maine gets a good share of very rare birds. Some of them keep coming back.

Over the past few weeks, Maine’s ocean and offshore islands have played host to at least two exceptionally…

On July 20, voters will have the opportunity to show their support for regulating and controlling industrial mining in our residential…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #Jeff and Allison Wells, #birds, #boothbay register, #osprey

We were watching an osprey recently as it flew up with a fish it had caught in the Cobbosseecontee Stream in Gardiner. The meal it had just captured was likely destined for a nest some distance…


At the July 20 Town Meeting, Hope residents will have an opportunity to join our neighbors in Union and Warren in…

Hidden Valley Nature Center

Registration is open for Midcoast Conservancy’s 12th annual Race Through the Woods trail race, sponsored by Lamey-Wellehan on Saturday, Sept. 30, at Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson.…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #jeff-and-allison-wells, #maine, #birds, #boothbay register, #boreal forest, #canadian wildfires

With wildfire smoke warnings in parts of Maine this past weekend, we are experiencing some of the unhealthy air that people in New York City and other urban areas dealt with a few weeks ago. Our…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #birds, #Jeff and Allison Wells, #boothbay register, #maine, #American redstart

The songs of birds give great pleasure to most people. The lilting warbles and trills of that early spring song sparrow can give a little lift to the heart as the snow melts and the daylight hours…

letter to the editor

Jazz in June 2023 is a wrap, and we couldn’t be more pleased and grateful – the response and participation was truly inspiring, and we have started plotting Jazz in June…

letter to the editor

At the June 14 Thomaston 2023 Annual Town Meeting,  the vote to preserve part of the existing park known to most as the Thomaston Green lost by four…

letter to the editor

I know that offshore wind can be controversial for some Mainers, especially in communities along the coast like ours. But offshore wind done right, using Maine technology and skills, will…

letter to the editor

For anyone who wondered if there is a place left in America where people can leave their doors unlocked and their bikes unchained; where the air is clean, the land is…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #Jeff and Allison Wells, #boothbay register, #birds, #maine, #cuckoo

More often than not, the quiet ambles of our dog walks seem to yield some of our most interesting bird experiences. That was the case yet again last night. We took our little black dog out for one…

letter to the editor

I’ve been observing, and sometimes engaging with, the Camden Select Board for over 50 years, and I appreciate everyone who takes on this difficult and often thankless work. But in my…

letter to the editor
I've been volunteering for more than 40 years helping people who are in addiction recovery. Throughout the decades, a common theme has been that almost everyone started with marijuana. 
letter to the editor
If you like to keep your boat trailer at Cramer Park when you are not using it, please know that this could be a risky choice.  Our boat trailer was stolen from the park,…
letter to the editor

Like many others, when we first learned of the proposal to establish a “community “park at site of the former Rockport Elementary School (RES), we thought that it might be a good idea.…


Hello Camden. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ryan Roderick. I am a Maine native and have been a resident of Camden for about three years. I love Camden. I love everything about it.…

As a member of the Lesher Foundation (LFF) Board, I want to address an important aspect of our proposal to create a…
letter to the editor

I have absolutely nothing against individuals who use cannabis products but I don’t think we need stores here in Camden.  There are plenty of businesses…

Someone told me once that they “wouldn’t want a whole Select Board full of Alisons, but it’s good for every board to have at least one.”
The comment made me laugh…
letter to the editor

Marijuana stores are vastly different from the existing businesses in Camden. No other shop must prohibit kids from entering. No other shop is required to be kept at a…

letter to the editor

I write to offer a different perspective to that expressed by Union Select Board member Bill Packard in his letter of June 4 regarding CARMA and mineral mining in Union.

As a Union…

letter to the editor

On Tuesday, the citizens of Rockport will vote on whether to accept the Lesher Family Foundation’s (LFF)gift to develop a public park at the former RES site. We’d like to…

letter to the editor

In  response to Chris Rector’s recent (June 6) letter in the Free Press,  certain facts related to…

letter to the editor

For years I’ve watched a variety of ideas and visions for…

letter to the editor

For several years I have been involved in the town’s conversation over the RES site, first and last as we tried to find a good use for the site, and in between as a possible site for a new library…

letter to the editor

The Knox Clinic is excited to propose the creation of a Community Health Center on a portion of the Thomaston Green adjacent to Route 1. We value the downtown connection, the high visibility and…

letter to the editor

I have met all five Select Board candidates and encourage Camden residents to vote for the two women who are running for this office, Alison McKellar and Marybeth Leone Thomas.…

letter to the editor

This letter responds to Chris Rector’s, “Knox Clinic by the Green” in the June 6 issue of the Free Press…

Letter to the Editor

ROCKLAND — Friend of South School (FOSS) was thrilled to showcase RSU 13 students' exceptional creativity and talent at the first Friday Art Walk and Art Show on June 2, 2023. The event, held at…

letter to the editor

Abden is one of us.

letter to the editor

I am writing in support of incumbent Morgan Hynd for the RSU 40 School Board, Warren. Morgan was elected to the board in 2018 and I have served with her for the last four years.

Morgan is…


Imagine that your loved one in an ambulance is forced to pass by the closest hospital Emergency Department because your local hospital is on “diversion,” sending ambulances and patients out of…


My name is Abden Simmons, and I’m a lifelong fisherman. In…

letter to the editor
I am writing to share my whole hearted support for  the upcoming Rockport town vote for the creation of a park for all of Rockport at the former RES site. The Lesher Family Foundation (LFF) has…
letter to the editor

Greetings, Union residents. In April, Ed Weber contacted me to ask questions about and to gain insight into the responsibilities of serving as a school board member for the RSU 40 school district…

letter to the editor

This letter concerns the upcoming vote on June 14 that will decide the fate of the Thomaston Green. The residents of Thomaston are fortunate to have a large open green space with gorgeous views of…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbayregister, #JeffandAllisonWells, #birds, #maine, #blackpollwarbler

The heat was oppressive, like a mid-July day, not like what we are used to on the second day of June here in Maine. But as we stepped outside to walk the dog in the morning, there was an…

letter to the editor
Rockport citizens have a rare opportunity next Tuesday.  By approving Article 3 on the Rockport municipal ballot they can accept two…
letter to the editor

We are writing to enthusiastically support Alison McKellar for re-election to Camden’s Select Board. 

Alison is compassionate, hard-working and…

letter to the editor

Marcus Mrowka has a proven record of commitment to our public schools and the necessary experience at the local, state and national level to continue to serve as a member of the SAD 28/Five Town…

letter to the editor

I urge you to join me in voting for Morgan Hynd for the RSU 40 School Board on June 13.

Morgan has the qualities that make her an excellent choice. She has experience (school board member…

Please join me in voting Mike Thayer onto Waldoboro's Select Board.  Mike is not new to serving Waldoboro.  He stepped up to serve on several Town committees, including the Budget Committee,…

letter to the editor

I’ve known Ray Andreson in a variety of settings: fellow sports enthusiast, informed environmentalist, and as a level-headed and budget-conscious presence on a variety of committees and…

letter to the editor

We recently offered the communities we serve the opportunity to make a…

letter to the editor

On Wednesday June 14, I will be voting yes on article 5 to build a community health center here in Thomaston. I am voting yes for the Knox Clinic because I want to support care for our veterans…

letter to the editor
I am writing in support of Morgan Hynd's candidacy for one of Warren's RSU 40 School Board seats.