
Letter to the editor: Carl and Susan Chadwick

We are voting for Vicki Doudera for State Representative on November 6 for numerous and obvious reasons. Throughout the 30-plus years that Vicki has lived and worked in this area, Vicki has…

Letter to the editor: Terry Driscoll

It is not often that we have the opportunity to vote for someone who is as qualified for the office she seeks as Ann Matlack is.  Ann is running to represent Maine House District 92 (Cushing,…

Letter to the editor: Jessie Odgren

As a full-time public school teacher and new mother, education is a top priority for me this election season. I am grateful to have a political candidate who sees education as a fundamental…

Letter to the editor: Dana Jackson

When you head to the polls on November 6 may you consider my experience with Owen Casas. I don’t view Owen as a distant political figure who has a feel-good message and is nowhere to be found.…

Letter to the editor: Amy Reid

Janet Mills is an independent thinker who doesn’t allow partisan politics to cloud her focus on the interests of Maine people. Many Mainers, particularly women and people with pre-existing…

Letter to the editor: Jackson Chadwick

Since Election Day is upon us, I would like to share my thoughts regarding a bill in the Maine Legislature this previous session.

Letter to the editor: Elphie Owens

Citizens of Camden will have the opportunity to take the lead on banning single-use plastics on the November ballot.  Article 2 bans single-use bags and puts a fee of $.10 on paper bags at stores…

Letter to the editor: Rockport Select Board

On November 6, the Rockport Select Board asks your help in building a new library for the town.  For the past six months a team of local architects, engineers, builders, and residents has worked…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

Looking at the Belfast City Council slate of Jim, Ellie, and Joanne I had a few thoughts. Their three perspectives are remarkably similar. Because they walk the same narrow paths and speak to the…

Letter to the editor: Tim Hughes

The recent epidemic rise in opioid use disorders and overdoses has put the spotlight on two elected positions that hold the key to local change. Why? Because most of those arrested in…

Letter to the editor: Alison McKellar

With so many seats to fill in state, county and local government, and all the trouble we have filling positions, I wonder why the race for House District 94 so frequently forces me to choose…

Letter to the editor: Dave Dickey

I’m voting for Vicki Doudera for State Representative because she understands our local businesses and what they need. Vicki and Ed started a successful lodging business, owned another, and Vicki…

Letter to the editor: Friends of Rockport Public Library

Next month Rockport residents will vote on whether to build a new library. After years of effort, dozens of committee meetings and thousands of hours of discussion, a plan has emerged that will…

Letter to the editor, David G. Johnson

I rarely get directly involved with campaigns, letter writing, etc., but the current campaign for State Representative includes a candidate that I’ve had direct personal experience with.


Letter to the editor, Regina Rooney

Stumped by the confusing rollout of the Affordable Care Act, my mother, who lives in Vermont, was without health insurance for many years. When she was admitted into the hospital in 2017, it was a…

Letter to the editor, Linda Posson

I am a Democrat and will proudly cast my vote to re-elect Owen Casas as Maine State Representative in District 94 (Camden, Rockport, Islesboro). During his first term in the House, Owen has…

Letter to the editor, JoAn Petersen

Having attended the local candidate forum for Senate District 11 on Wednesday night, I was impressed with Jayne Giles’ position on the issues. She presented a balanced and reflective opinion on…

Letter to the editor: Ben Blackmon

We hear a lot of talk about the need to get young people to stay in Maine.  I am one of the lucky people who grew up in the Midcoast, went away for a while and then got to come back here to live.…

Many of us in our community are concerned about the ever increasing burden of property taxes on homeowners and renters.  For example, education funding makes up about 80% of each town’s property…

To the voters of Camden, Rockport, and Islesboro: I’ve served with Owen Casas on the Rockport Select Board and understand how one develops as one gains experience.  The years of experience…

There are many reasons I’m voting to re-elect Owen Casas for the District 94 member of Maine House of Representatives but there are two reasons that are most important to me that I would like to…

As the owner of the Lupine Cottage Craft Co-Op in Belfast, I’m writing with wholehearted support for Jayne Crosby Giles for Maine State Senate. The Lupine Cottage was my dream. Jayne believed in…

I have known Jayne Crosby Giles for well over 20 years. Jayne sat on the governing board of Broadreach Family and Community Services during some of the time that I served as its Executive Director…

I am urging voters in Waldo County to support Representative Erin Herbig for our Senate District.  I met Erin several months ago when she was visiting small businesses in our District so she could…

I am just one of many who are grateful to have Stanley Paige Zeigler as my Representative in Augusta and hope that he is re-elected! The towns he serves in District 96 are Belmont, Liberty,…

I've admired Erin Herbig’s tireless energy and advocacy in the House of Representatives for the past eight years. Her time at Belfast High School, where she earned a running scholarship to Boston…

We are retirees, proud parents of four and grandparents of six. Like so many Mainers, we care deeply and worry about whether our family and yours will have futures with good jobs and fair benefits…

At this divisive time in our country, integrity and honesty seem sadly lacking from many politicians and from political discourse.  But here in Waldo County, running to represent District #97,…

During the past several years, the Rockport community has discussed important issues relevant to the need, design, location, and functions of a new library building.  This cooperative effort has…

There are many things I admire about Jayne Crosby Giles as she runs for Waldo County’s Senate seat, District 11. I’ve known Jayne as part of the Belfast Rotary Club, where she devotes many hours…

Over the past year, my husband and I have explored the country as full-time travelers, visiting the beautiful landmarks of our incredible nation. Although we’ve been gone from Maine for a few years,…

I was excited to see the mural representing the new library building which now covers the front of the old library. It is an inspiration to vote YES on Articles 2 & 3 on November 6.

Bill Pluecker is the Independent candidate running for State Representative in Appleton, Hope, eastern Union and Warren. He and his family are hard-working farmers. Their lives are a commitment to…

Ballot Question 1 has very good intentions.  It asks:  "Do you want to create the Universal Home Care Program to provide home-based assistance to people with disabilities and senior citizens,…

Having served four consecutive terms in the Maine Legislature from 2008-2016 representing several towns in Knox County, I’d like to share some insights on the upcoming election.

First of…

In an era of unprecedented partisan rancor, Mainers need a calm, respectful voice in Washington willing to speak plainly and frankly about what’s in Maine’s—and the nation’s—best interest.

I have known Erin Herbig for over a decade.  We worked together at a local restaurant when she came back to Belfast from college to be a part of our hometown community.  She, like myself, was born…

I write this letter in support of Paula Sutton as I think she has been an effective legislator in Augusta for the people of Warren, Appleton, Hope and East Union. 

I think she shows a…

As long as I can remember, I have understood that a library is, in many ways, the heart of a community.  Libraries ensure that all our citizens have free, open access to our shared culture and…

When I moved to Belfast 34 years ago, Jayne Crosby Giles was one of the first people to reach out and welcome me to the community.   She knew I was new to the city and didn’t know very many people…

Rockland Women’s Golf Association (RWGA) and Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation (PBWHF) had a successful Midcoast Cancer Classic this past August with over 100 golfers participating in this event…

As a small child, I was blessed with a wonderful role model of inclusiveness and collaboration.  From my earliest memories, Jayne always included me in her adventures and fun, even when…

The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce wants to thank all of the local businesses and organizations that helped us hold our annual…

A vote for Vicki Doudera is a vote to build a better Maine now and to help keep our families here. Vicki’s energy, knowledge, resourcefulness, and common sense helped her run small Maine…

Over the past eight years, Waldo County has been fortunate to have a state senator who is experienced, level-headed, and responsive to the people he represents back home. Term limits prevent…

President Trump’s choices are constant reminders that his “pro-life” agenda really isn’t.   Every week he announces a new set of environmentally destructive proposals, and this past week he…

Full disclosure:  I’m voting for Vicki because she is the best candidate and because I am a Democrat and believe in our party’s agenda and mission.  

When I read Rep. Casas’ piece about…

As a recent transplant to Union, Maine, there has been much for me to learn about the election process. In my first two years here, I have experienced town hall meetings, referendums, a caucus and…

  I have known Dave Miramant for over three decades. We first met in the 1980s through our shared interest in aviation, when I was Director of Aeronautics for the State of Maine and he served on the…

We are concerned about the credibility of the Ad Hoc Commission (AHC) which is charged with developing a new harbor management plan. Its mission will be tainted by the clear conflict of interest…