
Week ending April 21

This was the third consecutive week of softer economic releases in the U.S. The European and Asian releases were also soft. In reaction, equity markets fell across the globe, government bond…

Part II, Chapters 47, 48, 49 and 50

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Fish Soup: Up on Grand Lake Stream

April Fools Day is a favorite of mine and my wife's for different reasons. For me it's the beginning of another year of fishing and it just might be the best year ever. Anything is possible. For…

As much as we think we should be able to understand, control and legislate proper behavior, it has never worked out

Being an entrepreneur and operating a small business is a full time job, and then some. There’s a quote that goes something like this: “Operating a small business is…

'Seconds matter when getting a roof saw or a chainsaw ready.... You don't have time to flub-dub around.'

Most of us agree that it is advantageous for our country when we can use American-made or American-grown products rather than relying on purchases from countries with which we have a less than…

Tim Sample: Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

As a fan of the British documentary film series UP!, I’m inclined to accept the basic premise of the quote on which the films are based: “Give me the child until age seven and I will…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

For 99.3 percent of households, the new tax law will make no changes in their income taxes.  But, for the first time since 1993, top earners will see higher federal taxes for 2013.

The first…

Part II, Chapters 43, 44, 45 and 46

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Week ending April 12

In the second week of the quarter, further softening was shown by some of the U.S. data. This softening was consistent with the Wall Street Journal's surveyed economists, who expected the second…

An amazing and controversial journey to the U.S.

Nearly every waking minute, bird songs fill the air from a well-manicured Japanese barberry hedgerow bordering Camden’s Harbor Park. Most downtown pedestrians don’t…

Father Bill speaks

You can’t go anywhere today without hearing about the power of social media. I always share with the businesses that I mentor that social media is important and they can…

Tim Sample: Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

I recently spent several hours in a Portland recording studio with a most fascinating individual. Rev. Robert Bryan has worn many different hats in the course of his 80-plus years:…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Congress's New Year's Day tax session revived a helpful gimmick that had expired, and even made it retroactive: anyone 70 1/2 years old can make direct transfers from their IRA to public charities…

Part II, Chapters 39, 40, 41 and 42

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Week ending April 5

In the first week of the quarter, the U.S. Employment Report surprised on the downside; along with other softer Purchasing Managers' Indices, this report caused equities to fall and government…

When you hear them singing, you’ll know they’re really here to stay for the summer

It began on March 1, with a posting on the Maine Birding list-serv of a Red-Winged Blackbird observed in Freeport, not surprisingly at the well-stocked array of feeders…

UPC codes, electric rates tip

The basics of UPC — The Universal Product Code, also simply UPC, that you see on most products today is the basic method for manufacturers to apply a standard price system. As you…

Tim Sample: Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

Strange as it may seem, there are times when it can be surprisingly difficult to distinguish genuine courage from cheap bravado, confidence from hubris, true creative inspiration from…

Part II, Chapters 35, 36, 37 and 38

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Week ending March 31

In the final week of the first quarter, economic releases were mixed, but tended to be stronger is the U.S. and weaker in Europe. The impact of the EU's support of Cyprus continued to hang over…

Cronin's Fish Soup: April 1, Opening Day

Last summer, Ron was worrying about losing his mind. That’s not uncommon for people our age. He was reading a book called The Buddha’s Brain.  It seemed to be about how the brain…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

It's smart to check over the beneficiary designations on all your accounts and plans periodically. The wrong name - or no name - can seriously affect your estate planning.

Consider what…

Sue McCullough: UMaine Hutchinson Center Notebook

B. B. King said, “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” Lifelong learning refreshes, rejuvenates, revitalizes and rewards us with new…


In the fall of 1947, family friend and part time employee John Brown started to work at Economy's Fruit full time. He had been employed at Eastern Distributors for many years as a beverage…

'Fraud! It’s everywhere! Patients. Doctors. Lawyers'

This is the second in a series, and as I mentioned before all of this is recent, all of it is local, and none of this is likely to sound unfamiliar. Again, I hope this…

Takeaway from the Orono cyberbullying case

I’ve been following this Orono cyberbullying case very closely since it broke on the statewide scene. The Bangor Daily News reports:

Alna Column

Happy birthday to folks celebrating March 27 to April 2: Madeline Kelly, Ralph Hilton, Koren Barrea, Michael McAtee, Kyle Canada, Thomas Hutchins, Majorie…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Good things come to those who wait; someone who starts collecting Social Security benefits at age 70 gets 76 percent more than he or she would have gotten at 62.

You can collect at age 62,…

Why aren't they in school?

Over the last week, I was able to speak to three young people no longer in school, having dropped out of three different high schools within a 50-mile radius of Camden. Please note that all names…

Father Bill speaks

 There’s a big celebration this weekend for Rockport Fire Chief, Bruce Woodward. If there was any way I could be there, I would. My son is returning from nine months in…

Week ending March 22

Once again, the economic releases continued to be on the strong side for the U.S. and on the weak side for Europe. Yet, events surrounding the debt crisis in Cyprus, not economic releases, were…

Comparitive shopping...

I welcome you to Consumer Corner, designed to provide free information that should be of concern to every consumer. This is not legal advice, but a venue to share consumer concerns. All…

Part II, Chapters 31, 32, 33 and 34

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Fish Soup

BELFAST — We're having coffee. Ron's come to town to go to the hardware. His plumbing froze and broke. He's peeled away the soaked sheet rock. He cut out broken sections of copper and replaced it…

Industrial Arts: Insurance, part 1, Erica and Sidney

I am going to relate the experiences of four people; two in this article and two in another to follow. All of this is recent, all of it is local, and none of this is…

Part II, Chapters 27, 28, 29 and 30

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Tim Sample: Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

Ever notice how everybody seems to think his or her dog is a cut above average? The cutest, brightest pooch that ever walked God’s green earth?

I sure have.

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Your IRA is a great tax-shelter, and you don't have to pay taxes on it or its earnings until you take distributions, maybe not until the year after you turn 70 1/2. Ideally, whether you leave the…

Father Bill speaks

Today was a big day. Today I replaced the clock in the bedroom. Yes. That’s right. After many months of thinking about it, attempting to adjust the existing clock, I…

Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

It should come as no surprise to regular readers of this column that I like to fish.

Some of you may recall an…

Week ending March 8

The US Employment Report capped a week of positive economic news for the U.S. recovery. Elsewhere the releases were mixed, but central bankers across the globe maintained their easing monetary…

Behind the mizzenmast

It's Penobscot Bay, and the wharf is there to serve the marine industry. The "where" of where is it is fairly obvious, but do you know exactly where, and better yet, when this photo was taken? …


I remember how happy everyone was when bath salts were discovered at my high school, Camden Hills Regional High School. Of course, the Camden Hills community was devastated, but other towns and…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter


Bank robber Willie Sutton, asked why he robbed banks, explained, "That's where the money is." The Internal Revenue Service knows where the money is, too. That's why…

Part II, Chapters 23, 24, 25 and 26

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Stories I Never Told You
Maine Humorist Tim Sample

Occasionally, when I have no pressing engagements, I like to play a little private mind game. Actually it’s more of a mental exercise than a game, in that it…

Part II, Chapters 20, 21 and 22 - Do something with book recommendations; live in the present, work smarter, not harder

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Financially Speaking

When you apply for Medicare is really important- whether you plan to use it or not. At age 65, you are eligible to sign up for Medicare part B, covering outpatient service. Say you plan to work…

Week ending March 1

This week's economic releases confirmed the rebound in U.S. housing, but portrayed softer activity in Europe and Asia. The federal reserve chairman's testimony to Congress identified three risks (…


I am writing in response to your recent article on the meeting between Camden First Aid Association (CFAA) officials and elected and appointed officials of the four towns CFAA serves.  It is…