
Notes from abroad: BELFAST—BELGIQUE

I have experienced my fair share of predawn excursions over the course of my exchange. While living with my first host family, I fled Belgium under starry skies for Paris, England, and the…

Stories I never told you

I recently spent a week visiting my daughter in Albuquerque, N.M. – a town guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of spelling bee contestants everywhere.

My choice of lodging during my…

Citizens for Value In Education

The budget making process for School Administrative District 28 (Camden and Rockport, K-8) and the Five Town Community School District (Camden Hills Regional High School) is even more challenging…

Father Bill speaks

The people who follow me on Facebook know that I “checked in” at the Nativity Lutheran Church in Rockport last Saturday night, and I suspect a few folks scratched their…

Part II, Chapters 17, 18 and 19 - Control what you can control; show compassion; set an example

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Americans give billions of dollars a year to charity, and most folks intend to deduct their charitable gifts from income on their tax returns. You can - if you have substantiation of the amounts…

UMaine Hutchinson Center Notebook

There are many tales about online classes, about as many perspectives as there are classes (and there are literally thousands of online classes now). The research consensus is that mastery…

Part II of this series on soy explores how soy got into the human food chain. As established in

From the outdoors

The majority of Maine citizens are unaware that their tax dollars are funding a controversial coyote-killing program. It’s more unlikely that residents understand that…

Part One

Bird guide Derek Lovitch, a friend with whom my husband and I were spending the weekend, told us excitedly…

Opinion: .... some heresy

Last week, the U.S. Postal Service announced it would be terminating mail delivery on Saturdays. The sorry story of the post office has many parallels with American…

Part II, Chapters 14, 15 and 16 - Prove people right, have diverse role models, write down your goals

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…


Sometimes an image just looks the way you feel on a certain day.

I guess that given this particular day that's why I'm sharing this one.

Week ending Feb. 15

This week's releases remained soft in Europe, but were mixed in the U.S. Accordingly, equity markets were mixed. Bond yields were mostly higher, but credit spreads were lower on the week. The U.S…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Who gets a company pension these days? Hardly anyone. That's why many folks choose to buy annuities-sort of "buy yourself a pension for life."

Newest option for 401(k)s and IRAs: longevity…

Father Bill speaks

I don’t participate in the Toboggan Nationals. No particular reason. I do think it’s a great event. Brings a lot of revenue and people to Camden in the winter. Nothing…

Part II, Chapters 11, 12 and 13 - Differentiate yourself; be impatiently patient; prove people wrong

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Zillionaires may gift their children to lessen estate taxes in the future; they pay gift taxes now on the assumption that the assets transferred will appreciate before they die. Most of us, though…

Part II, Chapters 8, 9, and 10 - Winning isn't evertything; 'Wait three months'; stand up for what's right

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Financially Speaking

There's a wrinkle in the Affordable Care Act that's offering unexpected benefits: you may have gotten a rebate check on your medical insurance premiums. The law requires the insurance companies to…


Just the other day I stood in front of a store cooler with $40 worth of a premiere brand of Bratwurst sausages in my hand. How delicious they would be for dinner…


As I write these words I look down to and out the harbor. Can't see too far as we're in the midst of a snow squall, but it's very pretty.

A full handful of lobster boats stayed on their…

Father Bill speaks

The more I write, I find the more I want to say. I wrote a piece for his week on gun control. Then I wrote another one on the education system. I thought they were both…

It's about life lessons, not just wins and losses

This past Saturday, Jan. 26, I saw something on a basketball court that I have never seen before. I saw a young man who prides himself on being "macho," as many 13 year-olds do, moved to tears as…

Part II, Chapters 5, 6, and 7 - Stop and smell the roses; send a note to say thank-you; learn to communicate assertively

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Week ending Jan. 25

Stronger than expected earnings reports and better economic releases propelled the stock markets and bond yields higher again this week. Many equity markets hit 5-year highs; some neared all-time…

Financially Speaking

Generally speaking, inheritances are tax free for income-tax purposes. Any taxes due on the estate are paid by the estate, not the beneficiary/heir. But there is a loophole: that's income in…

 Dear Governor LePage,
It has been five weeks since the tragic, sorrowful deaths of 27 people in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. (Note that the shooter is…

Financially Speaking

Uncle Sam is aware of how expensive child care can be. That's why there is a dependent care credit available to trim the tax due on your income tax return. In addition, many people are able to…

Part II, Chapters 3 and 4 - Gain trust and respect; write down your accomplishments

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Industrial Arts

A few days ago, four organic farmers from Maine were in Washington, D.C., to appear in court against chemical and biotech giant Monsanto. They, along with farmers from other states, are plaintiffs…

Father Bill speaks

I’ve got a friend and business associate named Joel whom many people would…

Financially Speaking

A recent Appeals Court ruling, that severance payments of laid-off workers are not subject to FICA taxes, seems to favor both the workers and their employers. Neither will have to pony up 7.65…

Notes from abroad: BELFAST—BELGIQUE
My first host family's van held a special place in my exchange. The seven-seat Citroen had taken us to the wide…

Recently, I ferried out to Vinalhaven for a day of birding and nature observation with my friend, Kirk, a naturalist who works there year-round as a Regional Steward for Maine Coast Heritage Trust…

Week ending Jan. 4

Economic releases portrayed firming of the U.S. and Asian economies, but these releases were not the driving force in the capital markets; that distinction belonged to the U.S. avoidance of the…

Financially Speaking


The trust used most often in wills is a QTIP - a qualified terminable interest property trust. It offers a number of advantages. One is to leave a big chunk of the estate to someone other…

What next for the 20-something?

This space, which has been appropriated for my textual explorations, is dedicated…


The sun is so very low in the sky now, but having celebrated Winter Solstice about two weeks ago, deep down, perhaps in a vestigial pagan consciousness, we know that we have once again turned the…

Letter from Superintendent Elaine Nutter

Dear Parents and Friends: On Thursday, Dec. 27, Maine school systems learned how the curtailment of state funds will impact their district subsidy for this school year. The curtailment comes about…

Financially Speaking
Michael Nickerson and his dog Hunter

Most people know that they must have cancelled checks or receipts to document cash donations to religious and charitable institutions in order to claim a tax deduction. Indeed, for contributions…

While reading through news reports of the last few days, a couple of reports stand out for me. First, four people on snowmobiles went through the ice on Rangeley Lake on Monday, Dec. 31. One is…

Part I-The Public-speaking Beast, Chapter 2-Tame the Beast

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

Part II, Chapter 2 - Be a Mentor, and Learn Something Yourself

During his inconsistent first 20 years in a business environment, Tom Dowd learned lessons, both positive and negative, which transformed into shared professional success. The experiences…

For year ending Dec. 31, 2012

In the last 10 days of 2012, Economic releases projected firming of the economies in the US and Asia. These releases were all but ignored as US lawmakers jockeyed for blame game positioning and…

Father Bill speaks

We’ve had the first snowfall or two of the year and even though it’s almost January, which means it’s really close to spring, people complain. They complain about the…

Industrial Arts

MATINICUS — As the wind screeched around us on Wednesday, and every now and then the rain turned to sleet and then back again as the rest of the state of Maine got snow…

A Bird's Tale
A Common Redpoll. Courtesy of Jeff Wells

It’s not often that you receive a gift without knowing it. But a few weeks ago it happened.  The people of Quebec gave us (well not just us in Maine but in fact the people of the whole world), an…

I have been as sad and bereft of hope as most Americans over the senseless deaths in in Newtown, Conn., of 20 little ones and seven adults, including the wounded soul…

Stories I Never Told You

Now where did I put my list of New Year’s resolutions? 

Oh yeah, now I remember: I didn’t make a list this year. Come to think of it, I didn’t make one last year either. Hmm, when did this…