The Divine Life Giving Natures of Christ - on line training

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Tue, 04/02/2024 - 09:14 am

Please Note: Our next on-line Prophetic Training is this coming Thursday April 4th (4-4-24) at 10:00 am Eastern time. As you know, we meet the 1st and third Thursday of each month.   We continue to look at the life-giving divine natures of Jesus Christ, who is our inheritance. There are so many aspects of Christ that brings life to our lives. For instance,

There is life in the blood of Jesus

His Words are Spirit and they are life

The Holy Spirit fills us with Spiritual life

The love of God brings life.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life -resurrection life.

There is life in every divine nature of God.

Because the source of His peace, love, joy, mercy, compassion, arises from Him, it contains the life of His presence.

His virtues, such as healing, deliverance, and Truth, contains the life of HIs presence.

Even the spiritual gifts of the Spirit contain life, as the anointing brings life where-ever the Spirit ministers.

The gift of Salvation gives eternal life.

Not mention Christ as the victorious warrior King, King of glory, counselor, and the Lion of Judah.

  Need I say any more? Join us this Thursday as we look at each of these that will bring us to the promised abundant life that is ours in Christ Jesus.

  If you would like to join this on-line interactive class, go to our FB page below and ask to be a member.

In HIs heart with love, Roy Roden

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