
ROCKPORT — On schedule and with subdued but joyful ceremony, the new Rockport Public Library will open its doors in Rockport Village Dec. 17, at 9 a.m.

Due to COVID-19, the official…

Foundation Grants $100,000 to MidCoast nonprofits

Supporting health and wellness, providing for basic needs, making sure families have enough to eat, and administering mental health are just some of the focal points of 14 Midcoast Maine…

ROCKPORT — Rockport Public Library Director Ben Blackmon circulated a letter to library members Dec. 1, letting them know that the new library in Rockport Village is to welcome patrons by mid-…

So, we are getting closer and closer with each day that passes.

Phi is working on their “punch list” items for the interior of the building and the library staff are physically moving into…

There has been a lot of great progress on the library over the past two weeks but the biggest really noticeable change is the pouring of the arches that will hold up the deck that will overlook the…

ROCKPORT — If all goes as planned this evening, July 23, Rockport Village will again  have a large clock atop a public building. Earlier in the day, contractors unpacked a new tower clock that had…

Cost estimate, funding to be determined

ROCKPORT — Select Board member Doug Cole shared plans for the landscaping around the new Rockport Public Library with his fellow board members at their March 23 meeting; Cole serves as the board’s…

Approve addendum to agreement with EMS provider

The Rockport Select Board convened March 9 and unanimously approved contracts between the town and Phi Builders and Architects to construct the parking area for the new Rockport Public Library,…

For whom to dedicate library room names?

The Library Building Committee met Jan. 28 at the Rockport Town Office to discuss plans for book shelving, furnishings and room dedications, all factors in finalizing design of the new Rockport…

The Rockport Select Board met Jan. 27 and discussed installing a fiber optic cable network throughout the town to provide high speed internet service to Rockport residents for a monthly fee. The…

Select Board: Project within budget, on schedule

ROCKPORT — As the exterior of the new Rockport Public Library quickly takes shape on Limerock Street, passersby may wonder what the interior of the building will offer when its doors are open to…

ROCKPORT — As cold weather settles in, contractors at the new Rockport Public Library building site in Rockport Village are hustling to beat winter. Meanwhile, the Rockport Library Foundation, the…

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Zoning Board of Appeals spent more than 4.5 hours Oct. 17 debating, poring over the Land Use Ordinance, verifying definitions and interpreting intent of those who…

Oct. 17 meeting, 5:30 p.m., to be streamed live

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Zoning Board of Appeals will take up again the controversial matter of the town’s library construction permit when it convenes Oct. 17, 5:30 p.m., in the Geoffrey C. Parker…

project cost as yet undetermined

ROCKPORT — At its Oct. 15 meeting, the Rockport Select Board voted unanimously in favor of a proposal submitted to the town to have the lower level of the new Rockport Public Library finished with…

Plans for parks to be discussed

ROCKPORT — When the Select Board in Rockport convenes Oct. 15 for a regularly scheduled meeting, its members will consider a donation from an anonymous person to finish construction of the new…

‘It is a big red sore thumb. Can we at least talk about it?’

ROCKPORT — Citizens who filled the downstairs meeting room Sept. 11 at the Rockport Opera House,…

Quasi-judicial appeal hearing begins Sept. 11

ROCKPORT — In defense of its own permitting actions, the Town of Rockport, including its planner and code enforcement officer, are maintaining that the town operated in accordance with its…

Zoning Board of Appeals to hold hearing Sept. 11

ROCKPORT — A neighbor’s appeal of a building permit granted to the town to construct a new library in Rockport Village will be heard Sept. 11 by the Rockport Zoning Board of Appeals.

Rockport Zoning Board of Appeals to review application tentatively in August

ROCKPORT — An abutting neighbor to the new municipal library construction site filed an appeal of the building permit June 11, saying the project fails to “demonstrate compliance with the Town of …

Chairman Ken McKinley honored for his years of service

ROCKPORT — On June 10, members of the Rockport Select Board voted unanimously that town manager Rick Bates sign a contract engaging Mary Beth Van Keuren as owner’s representative to oversee the…

Rockport library update

ROCKPORT — Dynamite blasting at the Rockport library construction site in Rockport Village begins this morning, May 29, with the first blast scheduled for 9:55 a.m.


Will compose contract, letter of intent

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Select Board unanimously approved motions made May 1 at meeting with Phi Builders and Architects to…

Consider Phi Builders as contractors for project

ROCKPORT — Members of the Rockport Select Board voted unanimously April 29 to reject the two remaining bids from contractors who offered estimates to construct a new Rockport Public Library at 1…

Task now is to reduce project component prices

ROCKPORT — The bids are in from three construction companies hoping to build the new $3 million-plus public library in Rockport Village. All the bids came in over the $3 million mark, but the…

Accepts first donation from nonprofit group

The Rockport Select Board convened April 16 and voted unanimously to approve a “memorandum of understanding” outlining the manner in which funds would be disbursed from the Rockport Library…

Seven perpendicular parking spaces along Limerock Street

ROCKPORT — In a vote of four to one, members of the Rockport Select Board approved a plan to create seven perpendicular parking spaces with sidewalk along Limerock Street to provide parking for…

ROCKPORT — Preceding every regularly-scheduled Rockport Select Board meeting, usually held twice a month, the town manager prepares a report updating the board and town about various municipal…

Meeting tonight

ROCKPORT — Rockport’s Select Board is in for a long evening of municipal business April 8, beginning with a workshop to finalize the budget, and then convening a full meeting to continue…

Emotions high at packed Select Board meeting
rockport, maine, library, demolition, construction

ROCKPORT — Members of the Rockport Select Board decided March 25 to move a decision on parking plans for the proposed Rockport Public Library to their next meeting on April 8. The decision…

Meeting tonight

ROCKPORT — The Select Board in Rockport will convene at 7 p.m., this evening, March 25, for a meeting that will be drawing many interested citizens and committees to the Geoffrey C. Parker Meeting…

‘There seems to be some controversy about the project. That concerns the Foundation and donors’

ROCKPORT — A notice from the Rockport Library Foundation, the nonprofit engaged in raising funds to help build a new municipal library, sent the Rockport’s Select Board scrambling Tuesday…

Letter to the editor: Liz Dailey

Plans for building our new Rockport library are well underway. Unfortunately, there seems to be some push back on the parking. Currently, a group of individuals from the village, along with Select…

ROCKPORT — At 5 p.m. this evening, March 19, the Rockport Select Board is holding an emergency meeting to address two issues: the cash flow for the library building project and the Rockport…

ROCKPORT — The Rockport Select Board will be holding a special meeting on Thursday evening March 14, at 7 p.m., in the Geoffrey C. Parker Meeting Room at the Rockport Opera House. T…

Requests drawing from architect to create parking lot on park’s north side

ROCKPORT — Leadership in Rockport was awash in emails this past weekend as one Select Board member urged her colleagues late Friday afternoon to take time at the March 11 regularly scheduled board…

Letter to the editor: Douglas Cole

In November 2018, Rockport citizens voted to allow the building of the new public library on the previous site of the old library at 1 Limerock Street. One of the reasons that this article passed…

Space out spending payments, delay project pieces, reconfigure site plan?

ROCKPORT — A piece of the new library project in Rockport is at the root of current fiscal debate amongst the town’s select board, budget committee and some citizens, as a municipal budget for…

ROCKPORT — On Jan. 8, the Rockport Select Board will convene at 5:30 p.m. in the Geoffrey C. Parker Community Meeting…

rockport, maine, library, demolition, construction

ROCKPORT — Members of the Public Works Department began demolition work on the grounds of the former Rockport Public Library building at 1 Limerock St. on Nov. 30. A backhoe was used to remove…

Weather permitting, during the week of December 3, the Town of Rockport anticipates beginning the demolition of the old Rockport Library building at 1 Limerock Sreet in anticipation of the…