
Letter to the editor: Ned Bachus

The beautifully decorated 63 Washington Street hosted a joyous Open House on December 15, complete with angelic voices raised in song, a bevy of holiday taste treats, and plenty of hope and good…

Letter to the editor: Alison McKellar
I will begin by making it clear that although I am a member of the Camden Select Board, what follows is my own personal opinion as a private citizen and is not meant to represent the views of the…
Letter to the editor: Peter Martin

In this season of celebration, the Camden Lions Club members would like to give a heartfelt “thank you” for the continued support from those users of the Mid-Coast Solid Waste transfer station who…

Letter to the editor: Zach Schmesser

This past weekend Belfast kicked- off the holiday season with the Annual Early Bird Sale, Christmas Tree Lighting on Saturday and the Menorah lighting on Sunday.


The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce wants to sincerely thank everyone who helped to make our Annual Awards Dinner last Friday, Nov. 16, a success.  Despite snow falling all day, more than 200…

Letter to the editor: Amie Hutchison

On behalf of the Trekkers’ staff, students, families and auction committee, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the local businesses, organizations, and individuals who helped make our…

Letter to the editor: Jeffrey Trafton

The Waldo County Triad held its annual fundraising auction on September 14, 2018.  The auction was a great success raising several thousand dollars to support Triad programs for the next year. …

Letter to the editor: Linda Buckmaster

This is information for shoreland owners and others with interests on Penobscot Bay from Belfast south. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is now taking comments on Nordic Aquafarms…

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors and Staff

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) would like to congratulate all individuals who were honored Thursday, Nov 1 at the Knox-Lincoln SWCD 71st Annual Awards Banquet at Camp…

Letter to the editor: Bill Leone and Joan Welsh

On behalf of the Rockport Library Foundation, we would like to thank Rockport voters for their support of the library bond and also to thank those who made generous pledges and contributions of…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

Elections have a way of clearing the air and this latest election certainly did that. I’m not talking about Maine or the U.S., even though here in Maine we made a historic correction from the…

Letter to the editor: Deborah Capwell

Dear Madame Mayor,

I’d like to share my thoughts on a few related topics, both with you and with the citizens of the Midcoast.  As you are no doubt aware, our recent local election affects…

Letter to the editor: Jayne Crosby Giles

Many Thanks to everyone who volunteered or gave me a few moments of their time during my campaign for the Maine Senate. While the outcome is disappointing, I will never be disappointed in the 8,…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

Dear Pen Bay Pilot: thank you for running all the letters and helping us both inform and learn from our community. I really appreciate what you do for our area. Keep up the good work.

Letter from Camden Hills head football coach

On our playoff loss:

I am not going to lie.  Its going to take me a bit to get over the season-ending loss but hats off…

Letter to the editor: Bob Lawson

My wife and I just finished renovating our 160 year-old house.  In the beginning, we were anxious to start construction.  By the end, we were equally anxious to finish it. As one would expect, it…

Letter to the editor: Stephen Burleson

Article 3 on the Camden town ballot addresses changes in off-street parking requirements.  It appears that the wording on the town ballot does not match the text in the proposed ordinance change…

Letter to the editor: Ray Estabrook

All politics is local, so it is said, and that especially comes home when two candidates that you both like and respect are running to represent Waldo County in the State Senate. Erin Herbig and…

Letter to the editor: Jackson Chadwick

It’s difficult to find elected leaders who actually listen to their community and various constituents, whether locally or nationally. As this election season comes to a close, I’ve tried to voice…

Letter to the editor: Marjorie Gormley

I am writing in support of Erin Herbig, candidate for the Maine State Senate District 11. Throughout the nine years that I have known Erin, she has been committed to helping the people and…

Letter to the editor: Pedro Guimaraes

I am very concerned about the candidacy of Jon Liberman for district attorney of Lincoln County. I do not know Mr. Liberman, but have tried to ask his campaign directly what his position is…

Letter to the editor: Robert B. Monroe

Just had to drop a note in support of Representative Paula Sutton.   I do not live in Paula’s district, but I would definitely vote for her if I did.  She always works hard to find out what her…

Letter to the editor: Susan Dorr
I am writing to encourage the voters of Knox County to cast their vote for our State Senator Dave Miramant. Dave has dedicated himself to service and his focus in the senate has always…
Opinion: Harold Dale Hayward

Time is closing in on the elections. It is important to vote. Not only is it easy, but it may also be most convenient to go to the town hall and vote by absentee ballot. That time is running short…

Letter to the editor: Linda Buckmaster

I’m just nerdy enough to read the newsletters of the aquaculture industry, which are all about promoting aquaculture. This headline in IntraFish caught my eye: “Land-based salmon farms proceed at…

Letter to the editor: Bob Kurek
I hope Waldo County voters will join me in electing Jayne Giles as our next State Senator.  I admire Jayne's work ethic which I have observed during her campaign for State Senator.  She…
Letter to the editor: John Newcomb

I have been associated with Dave Miramant both personally and professionally for over 13 years.  Dave worked part-time for us at Downeast Air in Owls Head where he bases his glider operation.  He…

Letter to the editor: Allen A. Weaver, Sr.

I have known John Gibbs since 1989 when he began working as a Reserve Police Officer with the Belfast Police Department. Prior to that John had been working in corrections and dispatch at the…

Letter to the editor: Alison McKellar

It's official. The building is not just old, it's historic.

While I was in the midst of writing this, we received some exciting information from the…

Letter to the editor: Matt Dailey

Please be advised that the materials distributed for the “Save the MET” campaign were produced and funded completely independently of SAD 28. The district was unaware of the mailer and cannot…

Letter to the editor: Susan S. Crysler 

I have known Vicki Doudera since she moved to Camden more than 30 years ago,  I immediately realized this energetic person had such a great spirit about her.  She created a successful Bed and…

Letter to the editor: Jeri Holm
I am writing to voice my support for Vicki Doudera for State Representative for District 94. I've known Vicki for many years as our children grew up together here in Camden and we have also worked…
Letter to the editor: Marc Ratner
As we approach the November election date I thought I'd write one of my occasional updates about my perspective on some of the ballot issues and how the Camden Select Board is functioning.   First…
Letter to the editor: Alicia Gaiero

I am a 20-year-old native of Belfast and am attending the University of Maine at Farmington, currently studying environmental policy and planning, with a concentration in economics. In…

Letter to the editor: Karen Mehorter and Samuel Mehorter
When you go to the poles on Tuesday November 6, please cast your vote for Jayne Crosby Giles for your next State Senator for Waldo County.   Why vote for Jayne?  It’s very simple: experience.  …
Letter to the editor: Wilhelmina Ulbrich

During this time of such discouraging political divide, I encourage you to be independent thinkers and voters.  Let’s stop falling for charged rhetoric on either side of the isle.  There are no…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

I am writing about three people who are running for the Belfast City Council. 

Neal Harkness has been a tireless representative for all of the people of Belfast. His day job is driving…

Letter to the editor: Pam Maus

After hearing Natasha Irving  at a house party and then in debates with her opponent, it became clear to me why I would vote for Natasha for District 6 Attorney.

Working as a defense…

Letter to the editor: Joan Welsh

Dave Miramant is the best candidate to represent Knox County in the Maine state Senate for many reasons.  Dave is hard working and a strong advocate for the people and communities of our Midcoast…

Letter to the editor: Sara Salley

These days there’s so much anger and negativity in politics. People on all sides are feeling discouraged and disgusted by what’s happening in our country.

I’ve discovered an antidote to…

Letter to the editor: Cheryl Parkman

I have known Jayne Crosby Giles for many years and I believe she is an excellent candidate for the Maine Senate seat that is being vacated by Senator Mike Thibodeau of Winterport.  Jayne…

Letter to the editor: Rick Bates, Rockport Town Manager

Voters in Rockport are going to the polls this November 6 to cast their votes on the proposal to build a new Public Library.  As the day approaches, here are six facts to consider in making an…

Letter to the editor: Jennifer Albee

As a seventh-generation Mainer, I feel fortunate to live in my home state, raising a family and enjoying the beauty and sense of place that our corner of Maine has to offer. I can’t imagine my…

Letter to the editor: Julia Adams

I have watched as Angus King has received criticism from both the political left and right. Progressives argue that King should do nothing but obstruct the current Republican administration.…

Letter to the editor: Charlotte Henderson

To me, Question 1 on the November 6 Referendum is a  well-intended proposal for improving in-home care and the working conditions and pay for those who provide it here in Maine.


Lettert to the editor: Justin Thompson

As Mainers, we recognize the value of hard work, education, and self-sacrifice for our children.  We work hard with each other, every day, more often than not, laboring from dusk until dawn.  We…

Letter to the editor: Jamey Kitchen

Re-Elect Owen Casas to Maine House of Representatives!

Owen is the best qualified candidate for our seat in the Maine House, District 94.  Owen has a 96 percent Roll Call Voting record, he…
Letter to the editor: Patricia O’Toole

This year I celebrate 50 years of being able to vote. Back in 1968, when I cast my first ballot, I voted for Republicans in some races, Democrats in others. And I’ve done that ever since. This…

Letter to the editor: Andre Blanchard

I am wholeheartedly supporting Erin Herbig in her bid for the Waldo County Senate seat because she has dedicated her efforts in the Maine Legislature to enhance the lives of her Waldo County…

Letter to the editor: Becca Shaw Glaser
I endorse Benjamin Dorr for Rockland City Council.   Ben, along with his partner, Emily Seymour, and their store, Curator, were among the first to proudly display the red poster friends and I…