
Thomaston Public Library has gone live with its transition to a new circulation system called MILS. This will give our patrons and those of other libraries the ability to search and request…

Letter to the Editor: Meredith Bruskin

Standing with Veterans for Peace and other activists at the gates of BIW on Saturday, to protest another $7 Billion dollar warship with nuclear capability being "…

Letter to the editor: Mary Stevens

On Monday, April 29 at 7 pm, at the Rockport Opera House on Main Street, the Rockport Select Board is to continue discussions about the Rockport Public Library bidding process.
At a bid…

As the coordinator for the annual Easter Day Dinner sponsored by Adas Yoshuron Synagogue and held at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Rockland, I’d like to thank the…

Camden Public Library, in their own words

CAMDEN — The original 1930 message that honors our community, etched into the front steps of the historic Camden Public Library building, has been restored by Andreas von Huene. The sculptor, who…

Letter to the editor: Tom Resilk

To all Friends of "Tannery Park" Camden:

There will be a crucial meeting of The Town of Camden's  CEDAC Committee on next  Monday, April 22, at 4 p.m. at the John French Meeting Room,…

letter to the editor: Josiah R. Wilson

 To The People: I write you today as an educator, a lobster-fisherman, and most of all, a parent.  There’s a real bad bill up in Augusta.  No, it’s not more taxes you might detest.  It’s about…

Letter to the editor: Olivia Pennington

“It was two o’clock in the morning when I woke my parents up with a cough that would rival a thunderstorm. We were out of cough medicine, of course, and they tried desperately with cups of tea and…

Letter to the editor: Beverly Roxby

If your entire income comes from farming, imagine having to abandon it because of severe and persistent drought, pests, and weather disasters. Imagine neighbors desperate enough to put you and…

In their own words

WALDOBORO — The Waldo’s much needed new roof is on. The crew from Coastal Copper and Slate, Inc. did a thorough and fine job of replacing rotten sheathing, sealing up, and preparing the theatre…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel

These are hopeful times for people who’ve been struggling for years from addiction to drugs. Our new governor has assembled a team who are promoting needed changes to help those who have been…

Letter to the Editor

ROCKPORT — Summer Activities Fair Directory now available. The Camden-Rockport PTA now present the 2019 Summer Activities Fair Directory – a complete listing of every organization who participated…

 Please join us in thanking our Public Safety Dispatchers for the very important role they play in ensuring we all get the right help in the most expeditious manner. When it comes to first…


SEARSMONT — The Midcoast Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association partnered with One Community Many Voices to host the first annual Frost Heave…

Letter to the editor: Helen Shaw

Congratulations to the Rockport Select Board for reducing the number of parking spaces surrounding the 1 Limerock library site to one less than what is presently available. What happened you may…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel

After the amazing community support to successfully purchase 63 Washington Street as a future residence for women in recovery and their children, it is time to celebrate and to finalize plans to…

Letter to the editor: 73 residents

We are grateful the Rockport Select Board, at its April 8, 2019 meeting, will consider reducing the number of planned parking spaces in the lot along Limerock Street.

We continue to be…

Letter to the editor: Diane Braybrook

I have lived in Belfast for 13 years and have been involved in many aspects of this fine community.

I support our Co-op, the original Friday Farmer’s Market, our local farmers, our local…

Letter to the editor: Jack Wibby

Maine Taxpayers United is sponsoring a Tax Day event on Monday, April 15, to highlight the heavy tax burden which is carried by Maine working families. Recent statistics from the National Tax…

Letter to editor: Larrain Slaymaker

The Town of Hope just had a remarkable special town meeting with over 183 people attending.  It was a significant meeting to decide on fire truck repairs and whether to move a solar project…

Letter to the editor: Bethany Allgrove

Have you ever thought about the phrase “practice medicine”? Since 1542, the word “practice” has been used with the meaning, “to perform or exercise repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire,…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel

We’ve all seen the news stories about overdose deaths of young people, of babies born drug affected and of our jails and prisons full of people addicted to drugs.  It feels overwhelming.  It feels…

Letter to the editor: Area citizens

On Sunday, March 17, in response to the mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand two days before, the people gathered for worship at Nativity Lutheran Church, Rockport, prayed “…

Letter to the editor: Liz Dailey

Plans for building our new Rockport library are well underway. Unfortunately, there seems to be some push back on the parking. Currently, a group of individuals from the village, along with Select…

Letter to the editor: Ron Huber

Friends of Penobscot Bay applauds a decision made March 12 by the Committee on Agriculture Conservation and Forestry to attach a special condition to their Ought Not to Pass decision on LD 620 "An…

Letter to the editor: Sarah Rogers

Some 6,476 children in Maine would lose their afterschool program, if the budget proposal the President sent to Congress on Monday makes it into law.

Despite years of…

Letter to the editor: A school day at home

The Five Town CSD and the MSAD 28 implemented the first public school Remote School Day in the state of Maine on Feb. 13, 2019 at Camden Hills Regional, Camden…

Captain Albert Stevens School, in Belfast, In their own words

On February 27, Captain Albert Stevens School (CASS) in Belfast hosted a Family Math Night for students and parents of RSU 71 elementary schools. The lunchroom and the library were filled and…

Letter to the editor: Douglas Cole

In November 2018, Rockport citizens voted to allow the building of the new public library on the previous site of the old library at 1 Limerock Street. One of the reasons that this article passed…

Letter to the editor

By a 54 to 46 margin, Rockport voters approved building a new library on the property of the old library. 

The voters did so with the understanding that the intersection of Russell Ave,…

Letter to the editor: Alice and William Dashiell

The Thomaston Library staff and volunteers provide amazing service to their patrons with smiles, competence, and eagerness. They quickly interrupt their various tasks to give you full attention as…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel
On March 2, the greater Rockland community enjoyed pancakes cooked by Kerry Altiero, of Café Miranda, and John and Andrea Gamage, the uncle and aunt of Ryan Gamage, to whom the event honored.  Ryan’s…
Letter to the editor: Malcolm and Barbara Brooks, Carol Rohl, Gordon Bok

We would like to offer a letter of gratitude, both for Helene Bok’s vision in creating the Children’s Chapel and for all the people who have carried on that vision since 1962. We are thankful for…

In their own words

Many of the businesses supporting the Waldo today have been supporting it for decades. The Waldoboro Historical Society recently shared an image of a curtain banner from the 1930s featuring local…

On Saturday February 9, 2019, members of the Vose Library Board celebrated our wonderful volunteers with a reception held at the Vose Library in Union.

President Dave Poulin presided over…

Letter to the editor: Amy Levine

“A library in the middle of a community is a cross between an emergency exit, a life-raft and a festival. They are cathedrals of the mind; hospitals of the soul; theme parks of the imagination…

Letter to the editor: Beedy Parker

We are inching towards having a health care system that covers everyone, like the other “developed” countries of the world. Towards being able to afford to take care of those who are bankrupted by…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel

Ryan Gamage touched many lives.  As his family wrote in his obituary: “For those who knew him and accepted him as he was, there is a void in the lives of those people that simply will never be…

Letter to the editor: Barry M. Faber

Many on the Rockland City Council, who recently moved to Rockland, seem to resent my questioning their assumptions. Before I retired, while maintaining a fulltime legal practice, I served as…

In their own words

Georges River Land Trust lost a quiet, influential, and important community member last week, Wickham Skinner.


Letter to the editor:Duncan Matlack
The Ragged Mountain Ski Patrol, a group of volunteer skiers who help keep the Camden Snow Bowl safe, fun and accessible, thanks the community and its businesses for helping to raise money for…
Letter to the editor: Steve Ryan and Sandy Patrick

We at the Belfast Area Chamber want to gush our thanks to all the wonderful people and organizations that helped with a fun 2019 Belfast Winter Whoopla this past weekend.  It took a lot of…


On behalf of the AIO Food Pantry, Utility Assistance and Child Hunger Programs, we would like to thank everyone involved in providing the most successful Pies on Parade fundraiser to date!  …

Letter to the editor: Anita Brosius-Scott

Editor’s note: This letter was edited by its author and resubmitted to reflect clarified details.

I am writing to thank the Camden Select Board for their actions at the Select…

Letter to the editor: George Terrien

We pay our taxes, to buy our services.  Simple.

The person we hire to provide those services — the President (who, as we know, runs the executive branch) -- owes us those services.  No ifs,…

New Hope for Women would like to express our deepest gratitude to the many businesses, groups and individuals who participated in this year’s holiday family adoption program and helped make it a…

Letter to the Editor: Ira Mandel

Dear Editor:

If ever our community wanted to demonstrate its commitment to address the drug addiction epidemic in our neighborhoods, the public support for the purchase of 63 Washington…

Letter to the editor: Tom Whiting

The Rockland City government is currently in the process of  making significant changes to the zoning ordinances of the entire city.  Reduced frontage requirements, lowering of minimum setbacks,…

Letter to the editor: Ira Mandel

As of Wednesday, January 2, 2019, the home at 63 Washington Street, a very precious and historic house in Camden that served the needs of women in our community for 120 years, may cease tradition…