Sails up for Camden Windjammer Festival: Full weekend coverage, photos, video, contest results

CAMDEN — The 2013 Camden Windjammer Festival got underway in and around the harbor and downtowMary Dayn Labor Day weekend, with three days of free activities for landlubbers to join in celebrating the maritime heritage of Midcoast Maine. Believed to be the largest gathering of coastal schooners on the East Coast, the Camden Windjammer Festival celebrates the historic vessels that have plied oceans near and far for centuries, as well as the men and women who today still raise the sails, pull the lines, fire up the wood stoves to keep hungry crews and passengers nourished, all the while spinning yarns and singing sea shanties to make light of hard work.

For more information about the Camden Windjammer Festival, visit

Penoboscot Bay Pilot was at the festival all weekend, posting photos and videos of all the action live from the deck of Graffam Bros. Harborside Restaurant. Following are the stories, photos, photo galleries and videos from this year’s event.

You thought your kitchen was small...

Take a tour of the galleys aboard two of the schooners docked in Camden for last weekend’s Windjammer Festival.


The Pirates of the Dark Rose battled for Camden on the last day of this year’s Windjammer Festival, defeating the pirates of the S/V Must Roos in their ill-fated attack on the good citizens of one of the prettiest towns in Maine. In the end, the Dark Rose pirates, and Camden, won with help from a band of pint-sized pirate recruits who were given quick lessons in pirate ways of doing battle. Click the headline above for a link to the photo gallery and more videos.

(Video courtesy Tomm Tomlinson)

Eleven handcrated boats competed in this year’s Build-a-Boat contest, with only one boat succumbing to the briny waters while racing around Camden’s inner harbor. Click the headline above for the full story and photos.

Charles Gale and his wife, Carol, recently moved to Maine and now make their home in Camden. This is their first time at Camden’s Windjammer Festival, and Charlie, an avid photographer, got out on the water and came ashore to snap a bevy of great photos in and around the festival grounds. Click the headline above to see his photo gallery on Flickr.

Sea Dog Show brings out the best in pooches attending the Camden Windjammer Festival 2013



Quiet morning before the events begin - watching the fog clear

Check out our photos of this year’s competition to show who can make it over the crates and back ... in 2 minutes ... Feet don’t fail me now... Flying over crates and 2013 Crate Race at Camden Windjammer Festival. The three winners were Lauren Rothwell (312 crates), Jonah Lovejoy (275 crates) and Finn Emery (268 crates).

2013 Crate Race at Camden Windjammer Festival


View snapshots of the competitors as they work in this gallery.... And while that was going on, Camden firefighters were giving a water safety rescue demonstration in the harbor. Firefighters Cheyne Hansen and  Andrew Lowe went to the aid of a distressed swimmer (fake distressed) and hauled him out of the water. See the video....




Blueberry pancakes greeted visitors and locals early Saturday morning at the 2013 Camden Windjammer Festival

Friday night was a beautifully clear night for fireworks, and the Camden Windjammer Festival put on a great show! Check out these photos and a video of the finale.


More than 18 coastal schooners are sailing into Camden Harbor this afternoon, Friday, Aug. 30, the first day of the 2013 Camden Windjammer Festival. The fleet’s arrival began at noon, and runs through 5 p.m. Click here for some shots of the vessels, some small, most large, and many relying on yawl boats to make the tight turn at the head of the harbor and then gently urge their sterns toward the docks for tie-up.

Professional photographer Marti Stone spent the weekend on a bevy of assignments, jumping between photographing the Camden Windjammer Festival on behalf of the Penobscot Bay Are Chamber of Commerce and other tourism clients and shooting high school senior portraits. She shared some of her photos on her website, and with Penobscot Bay Pilot.

To view her photographs, visit