The Spirit of glory part 1

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Wed, 06/14/2023 - 12:26

                 Recently I heard the Father say His desire is to usher in “The Spirit of Glory.” The apostle Peter encourages those who are going through opposition, to rejoice mightily “For the Spirit of glory, and of God rest upon them” (See 1 Peter 4:13-14.) The Spirit of Glory is the presence of the Holy Spirit that is to REST upon the Church, and His people. The same glory that came as a dove and rested upon Jesus at the day of His Baptism, is to rest upon His people (Mark 1:10).

    While many experienced a visitation of the Spirit, the Father is looking for a resting place for His Spirit. It is the call of every believer to “Rise and shine for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60: 1-2). In the midst of great darkness, a people will rise and shine with so much of the light of His glory, His presence will be seen resting upon His people. The result is that Nations will come to partake of the brightness of their rising (V3).

     The Spirit of Glory rest upon those who desire to be a flowing river of God’s presence. The Father is looking for a people to express the Kingdom authority, divine nature, and power of Jesus Christ, doing the greater works He promised we would do. A people whose passion is to abide in His eternal love for intimacy and fellowship. The Lord has worked through many but few have the Spirit of glory resting upon them. Where His Spirit remains, you will find His Kingdom domain.

      My response to the Father’s passion, is “How will you usher in the Spirit of glory? What attracts your presence, and enables your Spirit to rest upon your people?  You have taught me the Biblical pathway to live the spiritual reality of Scriptural truth. Not only to be filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing, but to host the Father’s heart, and His love. Through you, I have learned as an able minister of the Spirit, to reveal the power, and authority of our resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ. My heart cries out “More Lord.” Not only to posse the promise, but to reveal to others the pathway of life where there is fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11).

    I was then reminded of my recent trip to Pakistan. It was during the “Power of Spiritual Marriage” seminar hosted by Pastor Rashid, when the Spirit of glory came. The purpose for this seminar is to join a married couple with one heart, one love and one spirit in the Lord “For He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:17). At the end of the ceremony, I will have the groom with his bride at his side, lift up his hand to the Lord, in worship.

   Psalms 24:7 tells us as we lift up our head in worship, “The King of glory will come in.” The husband will then from the place of worship, ask for the King of glory to come for a spiritual covering to rest upon them. Not only did this happen to all three couples, but they were filled with the Holy Spirit. People in the audience testified they felt a wind moving near them. The point I wish to make is, there are Biblical pathways for the Spirit to be ushered in, as well as to release the anointing. One means for this is through the ministry of worship.  

    Without any teaching on the baptism of the Spirit, praying for anyone, or by the laying on of hands, we witnessed numerous people receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Others unexpectedly during times of prophetic ministry to the Church elders, were filled with the Holy Spirit.

   One lady said while I was talking to a person after a meeting, while standing there she was filled with the Holy Spirit.

    Healings were numerous but what surprised me, was a lady with severe arthritis in both knees, now pain free, said this took place when I prayed for her. Now I do not remember praying for this lady.  Another lady without a prayer for deliverance, came up to the platform to testify that an evil spirit that came with her to the service, left her.

 I believe because what I witnessed in Pakistan, a move of the Spirit of glory is coming, and is here, to release a fresh infilling of the Spirit. Before God comes in all of His glory, His glory will be seen in and upon His people. They in turn will do the works that Jesus did in the power and demonstration of the Spirit.   

     Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We know that God can move, at any place in any way He desires, but I am curious as to what was the catalyst that released His Spirit to move in supernatural ways. It is His Spirit in operation that glorifies His name, and testifies that Christ has risen. The point is, He is trying to get our attention. His desire is for a people to partner with Him as minsters of the Spirit that will not only touch others but usher in the Spirit of glory. It will be a people with the Spirit of glory resting upon them, that will do the greater works in the power of the Spirit Christ has promised we would do.   

    This is the first article the series I am writing called “The Spirit of Glory.” There are Kingdom keys of God’s Word, that when used, unlock the promises of God.  (Such as give, and it shall be given unto you.) Like Psalms 24:7, a heart of true worship when expressed to the Father, is a pathway that ushers in the King of Glory. The call of every believer is to rise and shine with the light of the Spirit of glory as embolden warriors, to minister the gospel in power and demonstration of the Spirit that gives witnesses to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:33).

   I am therefore seeking the Lord for the Biblical pathways to usher in the Spirit of Glory, that we may see the increase of His Kingdom manifest on earth as it is in heaven. In this series of teachings, I will be sharing these Biblical and experiential insights with you. And so, another adventure into the heart and purpose of God has begun, or rather should I say, continues.

 In His heart with love, Roy Roden

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