What time is It?

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Tue, 03/21/2023 - 11:19

                                    What time is it? Chronos or Kairos

     The Lord once asked me, “Why, when the seasons of the Lord change, does the Church remain the same?” Of course, He knew the answer. A few days later after thinking about this, “He answered the question saying, “Because they don’t know the times and seasons. Perhaps this is why the Church remains the same void of the power of the Spirit, year after year, while expecting a change.

    Not knowing the times and seasons of the Lord, has severe consequences. Jesus addressed this with the Pharisees, and Sadducees, rebuking them saying “How is it that you can discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?” (Mathew 16:3). 

    The connotation is that the religious leaders of Jesus day understood how to predict the weather, but were blind to the divine (Kairos) times of the Lord.  Likewise, Jesus can be standing right before us in our midst, but because we don’t know the time of His visitation, miss Him completely. This will soon change.

    There is a difference between chronological time and Kairos time. Chronological time refers to a clock or calendar. It is time measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. We often live each day aligning ourselves with the clock and planning our lives around a calendar. This is practical for everyday living while carrying out our responsibilities. It can also drive us to where chronological times dictates our lives, rather than the leading of the Lord as we align our time to His, to dwell in His presence, the place of peace, rest, and joy of the Lord.

  Kairos time refers to the Spiritual time where divine moments of heaven are revealed on earth, realized, captured and understood. As an example, Jesus walked in Kairos time, doing that which He saw the Father doing, going where the Father sent Him. He always fulfilled His Father’s purpose. To align with Kairos is to align with Christ purpose abiding in His time. 

   Kairos time are the moments and encounters where heaven meets the earth. These times of revelation and insight reveals divine opportunities to know that which the Father is saying, and that which the Father is doing, with  divine purpose, and a determined outcome. It also reveals what Christ is doing, where He is present and how He is working in our midst. Do we know when Christ is in our midst as the Lion of Judah, or the sweet Lamb of God, or the Spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus? Or are we faithfully geared to our everyday programs?

    Kairos time can reveal the sovereignty of God that transcends the time, and will of man. Sometimes unexpectedly, we experience encounters of the Lord that defy logic that may be contrary to what we see taking place in our lives and around us. An example of a spiritual intervention, is when Joshua, pursuing the Amorites in battle, who needed more time to defeat his enemy. Calling upon the Lord to cause the sun and moon to stand still, they did! This allowed the extra light and time to give Joshua the advantage to win the battle. (See Joshua 10:12-13).  Talk about Kairos time, consider Mary when the Holy Spirit came upon her, and the power of the Most high overshadowed her to birth “The Holy One” the Son of God (Luke 1:35).

     Consider Elijah. The land of Israel had been in a drought for 7 years. The prophet Elijah showed up and said to King Ahab: “I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.” When he said that, there was not a cloud in the sky, no forecast of rain, or even a hint that the drought would end. Believing what he heard in the Spirit, he prayed accordingly. A massive storm then arose with a deluge of rain that ended the drought (1 Kings 18:41). God often reveals His times and season so that we may intercede, and align our lives with His, to bring forth His will and purpose that yield Kingdom fruit- on earth as it is in heaven

Part 2- Kairos Time and The Sons of Issachar will be posted next Tuesday.

In His love and great grace – Roy Roden

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