Camden Rotary Grant Applications Due January 31

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Sun, 01/08/2023 - 19:59

Are you affiliated with a nonprofit 501c3 organization in Knox County or Lincolnville? If so, now’s the time to apply for a grant from the Camden Rotary Club.

Awards will include four large grants: one for $10,000 and three for $5,000 (with one reserved for a project that serves young people).

Two small grants of $2,500 each are also available.

The club’s charitable foundation welcomes applications from local nonprofit organizations that improve people’s lives and prefers to grant awards that cover a sizable portion of a project’s total cost. Applicants must demonstrate that they are able and ready to start in 2023 on the projects for which they seek funding. Previous recipients of large grants must wait three years to reapply, and previous small grant recipients must wait two years. The application deadline is January 31.

Complete details and application forms are available on the grants page of the club’s website:

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