West Bay Rotary accepting 2023 grant requests

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Sat, 03/25/2023 - 12:45
West Bay Rotary is accepting spring grant applications through April 30th for charitable causes here in the Midcoast.
West Bay Rotary is accepting grant requests to support local causes. Twice a year, the Club, through its Charitable Foundation, provides financial support to organizations that work to improve the lives of people in Knox County and Lincolnville. Grants up to $1500 are awarded for specific projects that will be completed within 12 months of receipt of donation.

The club accepts grant applications from charitable organizations that promote the welfare of residents in one or more of the following focus areas:

 Education & Literacy
 Maternal & Child Health
 Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution
 Disease Prevention & Treatment

 Water Sanitation & Hygiene
 Community & Economic Development
 Environmental Support

The grant application process is competitive and all applications go through a rigorous review process, according to Rotary, in a news release. The deadline for this year’s spring applications is April 30th, with grants awarded in June. Organizations receiving a grant will be asked to make a brief presentation to WBR members.

For more information, go to: www.westbayrotaryofmaine.org and click on the West Bay Rotary Charitable Foundation application link.

About West Bay Rotary

West Bay Rotary is celebrating its 38th year of manifesting its mission of “service above self” here in the Midcoast. The club undertakes dozens of community projects as well as fundraising (and “fun-raising”) events, including its annual “Duck Derby,” Christmas Trees, Chili Challenge, Toboggan Nationals parking, and more. The door for prospective members is always open. The club meets on Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., currently via Zoom. For more information, go to: www.westbayrotaryofmaine.org.

West Bay Rotary is accepting spring grant applications through April 30th for charitable causes here in the Midcoast.
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