Watch What I do, the Lord said. A brief review of my trip to Pakistan

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Tue, 05/16/2023 - 12:11

Watch What I do” the Lord said,  A short review of my trip to Pakistan

      I just completed my second ministry trip to Pakistan. Often, just before a meeting I would hear the Lord say “Watch what I do.” This usually came after spending hours preparing for the day’s ministry event. When that happens, you get out of the driver’s seat, and get in the passenger seat. Doesn’t matter what message you prepared for; the Lord is about to take you on a ride. Change is about to take a turn. It’s time to get still and relax. As the prophet Habakkuk said, “I will watch and see what He will say to me (Habakkuk 2:1).  

   And so, it was on the first trip.  With notes in front of me, the new direction often came just as I was about to speak to minister. At which time the Lord would whisper and say, “This is what I want you to speak on.” It may be a testimony, a Biblical truth, a story, a Scripture and so on that becomes the launching pad for ministry. As I step out in faith to speak, the Holy Spirit anoints the words. Following this is arises the next thought that reveals the heartbeat of the Lord.  I then stand back and watch the Spirit move touching the heart, and lives of the people.

    This was the ministry model of Jesus. While teaching, the anointing changed “And the power of the Lord was present to heal them” (Luke 5:17). With a change in the anointing comes a change in direction. Likewise, with a change in a Spirit led direction, comes a different anointing. The key to anointed change is to serve from the place of love, a love for His presence, His truth, and His people. No matter how far out on a limb you might be, love never fails.

    The same thing happened on my recent trip. The difference is the Spirit moved apart from anything I was saying or doing. We had just completed a service when I was asked to prophesy to the leadership team. Sitting in front of them, I noticed one man was very emotional. I asked, “Would you share what is taking place with you?” He shared the Holy Spirit was stirring inside of him causing him to weep. This was followed by an infilling of the Holy Spirit. This happened with two other people at the same meeting. As I asked, “What is God doing with you?” They shared God was filling them with His love or doing something miraculous in their lives.

   There was no message on the Baptism of the Spirit, the laying on of hands, and so on. Nor is there the need for this. God moves how and when it pleases Him. I just show up and watch to see what He is doing. While the apostle Peter shared the gospel to Cornelius, the Holy Spirit unexpectedly baptized the people present in the Spirit (Acts 10:44). Likewise, a lady came up to me, and said, “While you were talking to someone, I received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    One of the most powerful ministries takes place after I share on God’s love and His Spirit are the same. Following this is the people experience the reality of God’s love and His Spirit.

      After sharing during a Church service on, “Jesus the healer,” I asked if anyone needed healing. By the raising of their hand, many said they did. I had them stand up. Instead of praying for them, I asked those close by to pray for them. I gave the exhortation that the same Jesus in His ministers, also resides in His people. After receiving prayer, a line of people came up to the platform to testify. There were testimonies of eye sight being restored, someone delivered from a demonic spirit, lame legs healed, shoulder’s healed and so on.  

   After the service we were invited to the pastor’s house for lunch. The pastor pointed out an elderly lady who was a member of his household. She testified she came to the meeting with severe arthritis in both knees. Now pain free, she thanked me for praying for her. The thing is, I don’t remember praying for her! It was the people praying for the people that God moved displaying his splendor and glory. Actually, I didn’t feel much of the anointing that day.

   During the Spiritual marriage event, I married three couples “In the Spirit.” The purpose of this is to join the couple “With one heart, one love, and one Spirit to the Lord.” People testified they felt the wind of the Spirit moving in their midst. Each of the three couples testified during the ceremony, they both received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

   We witnessed the Spirit touching lives in various ways. From healing of the heart, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing, to being filled with the Father’s love, deliverance, the Baptism of the Spirit, and marriages rising to whole new level of life in the Spirit.  The wind touched many areas to bring forth what I believe is “Something new to Pakistan” As it is written,

    “Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” (Is 43:9).

Round Table Event with Leadership

     A highlight is the executive meeting with 15 pastors. I previously met with most of these leaders individually for breakfast before ministering in their Church. Building relationships is where ministry starts. I had ministered in many of their Churches, so when they came together, they gave testimonies of what I just shared above.

    Referring to the article I wrote called, “Preparing for the Harvest,” I shared prophetically what I believe God is doing in Pakistan. The atmosphere was anointed as they received with gladness of heart what I had to share. I felt so blessed when they asked me to come back, and provide prophetic training, specifically for them. (Training the Trainers) Following this training, I was asked to follow up by conducting a prophetic training conference for their Church members.

     Upon my return, I have been invited to minister to a large congregation (the Church building is a beautiful cathedral). I was a guest on Fire TV at this location, and upon my return, have an initiation to speak at a Pakistan major Christian TV network that reaches the Nations. As well as at the Churches and Bible Colleges I have already ministered at.

 Mission Pakistan 2023

  I am finishing writing a 24-page overview of this trip. From the time that I landed, to each service event, it covers my personal journey with a prophetic view of what happened, and the move of God taking place in Pakistan. I will give to you the link to access this by the end of the month.

Pray for my quick return to Pakistan. In His grace with love – Roy Roden



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