The Purpose and Power of Meditation

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Mon, 01/16/2023 - 15:32

     During the last Gift of Prophecy session, we talked about the purpose, and power of meditation. The following video not only encapsulates this teaching, but goes deeper into the way and means of how to increase your authority through meditation. True meditation leads to a victorious overcoming life. One key is how meditation leads to transformation by the renewing the spirit of our mind (Romans 12:2).

   How does meditation, and renewing the spirit of our mind work together?  How does renewing the spirit of our minds transform lives?  What is the means that enables the spirit of our mind to be renewed?  During this teaching I expound on how Joshua led the army into battle to possess the Promise Land through “The power of meditation.”

    Here is the link to the video:   At the end I explained how to be prepared for the activation exercise for this coming Thursday, January 19” called “Release the Growl and Decree.”

     For more information about our biweekly “Gift of Prophecy” on line meetings, and become a member of our FB prophetic community member, contact Victoria Bryan by email at

   In His great grace and love – Roy Roden


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