Join us August 17th - The Spirit of Prophecy”

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Tue, 07/18/2023 - 10:14

   Good morning,

      Starting in the month of August, I will be teaching using Zoom, on a new topic called the “The Spirit of Prophecy.”  I am excited to bring forth these timely messages. You can join this powerful timely session by joining the Facebook group at

    The Bible tells us “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). When Christ is revealed in our midst with signs following, it testifies of the power, divine nature and authority of the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The works that He began to both do and teach of the Kingdom in the power and demonstration of the Spirit, as Jesus prophesied, still continues today, and will until His return. 

   It is written the apostles, With great power gave witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 4:33). The testimony of Jesus is on full display when His kingdom is revealed on earth as it is in heaven. It is His Voice confirmed with signs following (Mark 16;20).  It is His acts, His divine nature, and Kingdom authority revealed in the midst of His body – the Church. The testimony of Christ is the Lord working in our midst, that gives witness of His resurrection. He is the Spirit of prophecy fulfilled. 

     Before His ascension, Jesus’ promised You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me…” (Acts 1:8). You are empowered by the Holy Spirit to give witness of Christ and His resurrection. The call of every believer is to do the greater works that Jesus did when He walked this earth. It is the passion of our Father to see Christ magnified and glorified in and through His people. This is what gives glory to God wo gave His Son for our redemption. 

      Join me August 17th, for our first session. We will discover Biblical pathways to usher in the Lord’s presence. The ways and means that Christ in you the hope of glory,” (Colossians 1:24) is released in your midst. Your call as able  ministers of the Spirit, is to operate in the power and demonstration of the Spirit that gives testimony of our resurrected Lord.

    The light of Christ has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you (Is. 60:1).  The best is yet to come. You can join these powerful timely session by joining the Facebook group at

In His heart with love,

Roy Roden.   Eastgate Ministries.    Ph. 207- 230-8473


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