Happy New Year- A brief Word for 2023.

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Sun, 01/01/2023 - 10:26

     I am hearing from the Lord some things about this year. In a nutshell “This is a year of war.” A great conflict between light and darkness will take place - many lies will be exposed as light shines into the darkness. Retreat and complacency are not an option. When truth is revealed, (confirmed by the Spirit of truth- the Holy Spirit) people must rise up to establish it, otherwise darkness will prevail.

   The good news is as darkness increase, so shall the light of God’s glory shine even brighter. As for me, Gods love never fails. It’s the year to know God’s heart better than ever, draw ever closer to Him, being filled with the light of His glorious presence.

     This is also the year of love. It’s time to fall in love again- a love for Jesus and His truth, that we may reveal the light, love, power and presence of Jesus in our everyday lives. To be filled with the joy of the Lord that enables our face to shine with the light of His glory. His love never fails. No matter what happens in the world, His love grounds us in His heart.

   As always, “Rise and shine for your light has come, foe the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60:1).

In His love and heart - Roy Roden


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