
Letter to the editor: Denise Pendleton

I am writing to express my support for Chip Curry to represent Waldo County in the Maine State Senate.

I first met Chip when he advised on challenges and opportunities with the AmeriCorps…

going the extra mile to support kids and families through this time

Alongside doctors, nurses, and other essential personnel, school nutrition professionals have emerged as local heroes during the COVID-19 crisis. Day after day, they arrive in parking lots,…

Letter to the editor: Haunani Wallace

On Friday, June 19, two other volunteers and I were working, planting new flowers in the traffic triangle at Pascal Ave. and Route 1.

This was our third day, having prepped the bed,…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

The state Board of Environmental Protection has wrapped up its hearings, testimony and evidence-gathering in Nordic Aquafarms' application to daily discharge 7.7 million gallons of industrial fish…

Letter to the editor: Samantha Seavey

July 14th is an important date for Waldo County- it will be time to vote for the primaries. While there are three Democratic candidates for the state Senate, my vote will be going to Robyn…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

If lots of people shop from home and work from home more than ever, why does Rockland’s Main Street matter anymore? Oh, I remember now, we humans are a social species and interaction benefits our…

Letter to the editor: Bill Pluecker

The Black Lives Matter protests across the nation are calling on us to listen, to deeply listen, to the life stories of Black people and to give witness to the reality of their lives. It…

ICS graduation went off without a hitch, as the saying goes.

Each senior had up to three guests. Families came forward and presented seniors with their diploma on the front steps of the…

Letter to the editor: Good Shepherd Food Bank

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we (Good Shepherd Food Bank) have been channeling all of our efforts to be a stable and reliable resource for our great state of Maine. The Food Bank is…

Often the first to respond in times of respiratory distress

A letter from Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hosptial:
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, we continue to hear about ventilators, the machines that deliver…


At a virtual celebration hosted by state education officials on Thursday, May 14, it was announced that Alison Babb-Brott — 2nd grade teacher at St. George School — was the 2020 Knox…


COVID-19 has brought public health out of the shadows.  Many may be shocked to learn that early successes in infectious diseases, food safety, maternal and child health, family planning, workplace…

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

There are many problems with Mike Hurley's May 10 letter to the editor regarding the industrial fish factory Nordic Aquafarms has proposed for Belfast, but the worst of them is hurling accusations…

Letter to the editor: Stephanie Laite Summers

I wanted to comment on the article about the good morning calls in Camden.  I cannot say enough about Jeff Sukeforth and his efforts to reach older citizens in the Camden area.

I have…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

In the midst of a health and economic crisis it’s been disheartening to continue to hear from salmon farm opponents. While people are dying, while the entire world is locked down, while people…

Letter to the editor: Linda Garson Smith

I want to extend a grateful thank you to Melissa Kelly, chef of Primo, of Rockland, and her staff, for cooking, packing, and delivering the annual Easter Dinner that Adas Yoshuron…

Letter to the editor: Linda Buckmaster

It’s inappropriate for the Belfast City Council and Nordic to pressure the Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) to speed up its review of the Nordic factory farm proposal.

BEP is a…

Letter to the editor: Steve Cartwright

The news story of Vinalhaven residents cutting down a tree to block people from leaving their house raises a red flag. It put the people in the house at risk, and probably terrified them. It…

Letter to the editor: Lorie Costigan

Whether you’ve lived in the Midcoast for a year or from your first breath, you know there’s an inherent symbiosis between summer residents and the year-round economy. It may not be the end of May…

Letter to the editor: Beverly Roxby

As is true all over Maine, the more cases of coronavirus are confirmed in Waldo County, the more exponential the threat grows. In response I think we’re doing an admirable job of keeping…

Letter to the editor: Liz Schuh

We deeply appreciate the many offers to help with meal preparation and delivery and the outpouring of support for MCH Meals on Wheels we’ve experienced in recent days. For the moment, the most…

New Hope for women has submitted the following letter:

Dear Community,

We’re still here.

New Hope for Women has been closely monitoring the rapidly evolving…

Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

Flush it or bag it?

Knowing that there are shortages of toilet paper, some people are getting creative.

Terry Pinto, who is the Head of the Wastewater Department of Rockland, is…

Letter to the editor: Steve Tanguay

The huge turnout of voters in Searsport and across the state last week was a rush!  I’m proud to be a newly elected selectman and even if I didn’t get your vote, I’m happy to know that so many…

Letter to the editor: Michael Skaling

The winter season is far from over at the Camden Snow Bowl. You may not have much in the way of snow around you home, but the Snow Bowl has upwards of 2-4 feet or more.  Thanks to early season…

Letter to the editor: Kathleen Cannon

As an education tech for a Maine school district, I write to urge U.S. Senator Susan Collins to support a common sense measure to protect our school children.

The Safe Schools Improvement…

Letter to the editor: Michael Hurley

Here in Belfast I’m as passionate as the next person. So when I read about the salmon farm proposed for Belfast and hear the many extreme and over the top opposition exaggerations and fears…

Once word got out that Vose Library was showing the documentary VAXXED, pressure was put on the library and the library president canceled the event. This appears to be a clear violation…

Letter to the editor: Kathie Grealish

Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at a Select Board meeting, Jaime Francomano, director of  Planning and Community Development, repeated twice when tasked with the obvious challenge of the potential…

Letter to the editor: Lisa Lane

I want to encourage my fellow Waldoboro Democrats to attend the 2020 Maine Democratic Party Caucuses on March 8.  There is so much at stake this year, and the caucuses give local Dems a unique…

Letter to the editor: Josiah R. Wilson

Do you wish to allow 9000 students educational access, and not strip $80-plus million worth of funding in The State of Maine? That’s Question 1.

If you don’t want to mess with the students…

Letter to the editor: Claire Tully

 For the past few months, Rockport residents have been working with  Tyler Smith, the son of Stuart and Marianne Smith and an accomplished businessman in his own right, to achieve a reasonable…

Letter to the editor: Mike Vallier

Vote Steve Tanguay for Searsport selectman. He is uniquely qualified to serve our community.  Steve will represent the small business community, the heart of our town, and assure that…

Letter to the editor: Steven Tanguay

I worked for 30 years as a teacher and developed an experiential model for learning with a focus on writing curriculum for economics, history and agriculture to help move our State's…

Letter to the editor: Ben Ellison

I’m disappointed that the well-meaning “Vote Yes on 1” folks made “Reject Big Pharma” their main argument. I don’t think that vetoing the state law already passed to protect all Maine…

Letter to the editor: Dorothy Alling

I count Steve Tanguay as my friend and outstanding supporter of Searsport community. Thus I wholeheartedly will support his candidacy for Selectman for the Town of Searsport.

Some people…

Letter to the editor: Patrick Killoran

I am a physician currently practicing psychiatry.  Previously I completed a master’s in public health degree and worked at the California Department of Public Health developing tests to study…

Letter to the editor: Gordon Page

As someone who is a proponent for smaller government, personal choice and less intrusion, my decision to vote NO on Question 1 on the third of March may seem like a contradiction.

We all…

Letter to the editor: Jim Anderson

My name is Jim Anderson and I am a Vietnam Veteran who served multiple combat tours. I am not a person of any political stripe; I dislike the Democrats and Republicans about the same.


Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard
On behalf of all my fellow Belfast Bay swimmers, I wish to thank Nordic Aquafarms for its most soothing assurances that it won't spoil recreation such as swimming in the beautiful, wonderful and…
Letter to the editor

We are writing to urge you to vote Yes on 1 to Reject Big Pharma. Since pharmaceutical companies were exempted from liability for injuries that occur from vaccines in 1986, the number of…

Letter to the editor: Diane Braybrook

 Last week, at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection heard live testimony about the Nordic Aqua Farms proposal.  I sat there for three days watching…

BELFAST — More than one hundred RSU 71 elementary students and their parents to gathered February 11, at Troy Howard Middle School, in Belfast, to eat pizza and play math games at various stations…


For  Maroulla Gleaton, M. D.

Seeing beauty as the sticks come down

odd music, created on 55 gallon steel oil drums

from Trinidad and Tobago

young people…

Letter to the editor: Stephanie Smith

The other day when feeling gloomy about the state of affairs of our United States of America, I distracted myself with the book I am writing about a writer, Hannah Stevenson Trimble. 

Letter to the editor: Lawrence Reichard

On February 5, salmonbusiness.com reported that a court in Fredrikstad, Norway, hometown of Nordic Aquafarms, ordered Fredrikstad Seafoods, Nordic’s…

Letter to the editor: Susan Chadwick


Letter to the editor: Sandy Patrick

The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce would like to sincerely thank everyone that made the third Annual Belfast Winter Whoopla a wonderful success! This great community event which continues to…

Letter to the editor: Lynne Brown

Sundog Outdoor Expeditions would like to thank all the hearty plungers, sponsors, and community supporters for a wildly fun polar plunge on Saturday, February 1, as part of Camden’s Winterfest…

Letter to the editor:

Camden enjoyed another successful outdoor festival this weekend at the Winterfest celebration in Harbor Park and the Amphitheatre. The Camden Public Library is pleased to be able to host the…