
Okay I know I’ve said this so many times you’re probably sick of hearing it but I really do love food, and eating. As I say in my disclaimer at the bottom of each of my columns I’m not a chef and…

Down to the sea

Of great interest in Maine, to natives and tourists alike, are Camden’s Curtis Island Light and all the lighthouses along the coast. There are many of various sizes and shapes. These…

On Eating and Loving Food

Who doesn’t covet a raw oyster?


So far I’ve only written about foods I love, or at least like: good sandwiches, pizza, biscuits, chocolate cream pie, popovers, chocolate bread…

Look up!

For most of this summer, the planet Jupiter is the king of our evening sky. Named for the Romans' king of the gods, the largest planet in…

Out to Sea

I’ve always loved little spaces that I could make my own. I remember when I was a kid,…

On Eating and Loving Food

OK guys, I’m going to apologize before I even start this week because what I’m about to tell you could ruin your resolve to lose weight for your summer attire. Be forewarned.

This one is a…

‘What’s the weather supposed to be?’ .... ‘Well, it’s supposed to come around sou’west.’

Last week was National Lightning Safety Awareness Week. I had no idea there was such a thing.

First, I'll confess to a moment of complete idiocy as regards the subject of lightning safety.…

Down by the sea

In 1928, when Mrs. Edward Bok purchased land for the Camden Public Library, she also purchased all the land around it and across the road to the Camden Harbor. The place had been filled with small…

He was an ideal choice for a Godfather

Life is full of things we have to do and things we don’t look forward to doing.  Often, they’re the same thing.  That’s what’s happening to me on Sunday.  I have to pay my respects to my Godfather…

how does a bird know where it's going that high up and in the dark?

Step outside on a clear night in late spring, look up at the stars, and listen. You probably won't catch the music of the celestial spheres. But if you listen carefully, you just might hear the…

On Eating and Loving Food

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey...

- most commonly attributed to Dr. Thomas Muffet, a notorious 16th century physician…

Industrial Arts

Maine is the most heavily-forested state in the U.S., and is considered to have the oldest population, on average. Obviously Maine is a…

On Eating and Loving Food

With fresh native strawberries almost in season, it's time for another favorite family recipe.

I was just going through my old recipe box that was hand-painted by my first mother-in-law,…

An old salt ...... Backwards Parade ....Library Doings
joe corrado

“Burt Dow is an old deep-water man, retired of course, but retired or not he still keeps two boats. One is a dory so old and so leaky that it can no longer be launched. Burt has  painted it…

Barbara Dyer: Down to the Sea

As Rockport celebrates its Incorporation Anniversary of 125 years and Camden 225 years, we are reminded of how churches began in…

Steak au poivre was a common and popular menu item back in the ’70s and ’80s. For some reason it has lost its popularity, and I’m here to say BRING. IT. BACK.

The first time I had it was in…

Bill Packard: ‘Times have changed. Thank goodness for that’

The 1960s were a troubling time here in America. At least it appeared that way at the time. It's likely that history will look back on today and declare the same thing, although I have no idea…

Phil Crossman: Out to Sea

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Vinalhaven was jumpin’. Served by one wooden ferry that only carried one big car or two small ones, it could hardly be otherwise. 

One day, Dick Poole…

The most noted star cluster in our sky is the Pleiades, a bright little group of many stars found in the constellation Taurus that is often…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin today announced that…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — I strongly believe the Senate has a Constitutional obligation to consider nominations to the Supreme Court, and that is…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) today applauded the inclusion of a two-year extension of the Access Received Closer to…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — Governor Paul R. LePage today administered the oath of office to a Maine Superior Court Justice, a District Court Judge and an…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — Governor Paul R. LePage signed LD 1612 into law today, which combines several legislative proposals to improve the delivery of…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tomorrow, Friday, April 15, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) will deliver remarks at the 19th Annual Maine Pain…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — Governor Paul R. LePage has released a statement on his signing of LD 890, "An Act to Ensure a Continuing Home Court for Cases…

On Eating and Loving Food

I'm a salt freak. I salt practically everything I eat. And pink is my favorite color. My salt of choice is, of course, pink Himalayan.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Chellie Pingree co-sponsored a bill today to force the Department of Defense to buy American-made athletic…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Chellie Pingree used her position on the powerful House Appropriations Committee to get numerous…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — Governor Paul R. LePage today administered the oath of office to Patrick C. Larson of Bangor as a District Court Judge.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) joined with Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) to introduce the States Achieve…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) met privately with Chief Judge Merrick Garland, the President's nominee to the Supreme…

down by the sea

Most residents know that Camden was named for Lord Camden, but who was he?  Well, he was really Lord Charles Pratt, who was born…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The creative minds in Maine's local beer industry, known as craft brewers, continue to build on what is an already…

On Eating and Loving Food

Can anyone resist whipped cream? I can’t. I once asked my mother for a whipped cream pie instead of a birthday cake. A pie shell filled with whipped cream.

I grew up during a time before…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Chellie Pingree welcomed executive action by President Obama to fight prescription drug abuse and heroin…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — State Labor Commissioner Jeanne Paquette has released February workforce estimates for Maine.


The date of Easter moves around the calendar seemingly at random from year to year. Easter Sunday can fall as early as March 22 or as late as…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — There's a reason people say, "It takes an act of Congress ..." to describe seemingly simple projects that take forever…

On Eating and Loving Food

Back in the good old days, Friday night meant the end of the school week and a date with a boyfriend, or a night out with friends. The words Friday night always evoked some degree of excitement.…

Out to sea

In 2006, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, proclaimed that the Republican members of Congress had no more immediate goal than to see that President Obama was not allowed a second term.…

Industrial Arts

Spell-chek doesn't like it, not one little bit, but I assure you that is a word. We are being telecommunications geeks today. Some fool online asks, "What do you people do on that island all…


WASHINGTON, D.C. — When I was sworn into the United States Senate, I pledged to uphold the principles of the Constitution and to serve the…


AUGUSTA — Governor Paul R. LePage today called on legislators to support a measure bringing Maine law enforcement wages more in line with…


AUGUSTA — The Maine Department of Health and Human Services recently announced that it is seeking to hire experts through the competitive…

Barbara F. Dyer: Down to the Sea

As in every town and city, schools are always not only a budget item, but the building of new schools and districts are a hot voting project, as well. Camden is no different and now the question…

Bill Packard

I've been in a little bit of a frump lately. I can't put my finger on it, but nothing seemed to inspire me to write. There's been lots of crazy political stuff and lawbreakers who create stories…

News from Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King announced today that the Department of Health and Human Services has awarded…

News from Augusta

AUGUSTA — The Maine Legislature's Joint Standing Committee on Taxation voted 7-6 on Thursday in favor of Governor LePage's proposal to…