The Revelation of His Glory

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Mon, 09/09/2024 - 09:23

            The Revelation of His Glory

     As is my custom, I go for a walk with Jesus. Living in the country affords a quiet walk as my heart communes with the Father. I glanced up and was captivated by the sky, which was brilliant with color. The horizon was the color of turquoise, slowly ascending into a deeper blue that was glorious. I have never seen a more beautiful color of turquoise.

  Not far above, fluffy white clouds floated leisurely along. Each one moved gracefully in its place, like those an artist would use to enhance a painting. They seemed to be alive, friendly, and even loveable. Together with the sky, they formed a perfect, colorful dome over the earth.

 Mesmerized, I stood in awe at this wonder. There has never been a more picture-perfect postcard, painting, or photograph than this display and revelation of God’s glory. It seemed as if heaven itself was revealing the master’s hand.

  Everything seemed so alive with the life of the Lord’s presence.  As I drank all of this in, I knew the Lord was revealing something to me. His reality is whenever He is, even in His creation. That’s because Jesus is the Life of all creation, both in the heavens and the earth. Everything that I was beholding seemed so alive because He is life. Creation itself is the revelation of His glory.  As King David said in Psalms 19:1,

  The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show forth His handiwork.

  I am reminded of the time when I was seven years old. It was a clear, starry night. As I looked up into the firmament of the heavens, I felt the Lord’s presence. I knew then that God created the heavens and that they contained the essence of His glory.

  Throughout this day, I kept noticing the color blue. The water fountains at the mini golf course radiated a clear blue color. My golf buddy wore a light blue shirt. Like a mirror, the ocean reflected the sky perfectly upon the sea. The river where I live nearby glistened with sunbeams dancing upon the blue water. What was God telling me?

   The color blue is often associated with revelation. For me, it is the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. We see as He sees as we walk with Him, dwelling in His presence. His reality is wherever He is. His presence makes everything seem alive because He is life—even in creation. After all, He is the life of all creation.

   As we dwell in Christ, who is the “I Am,” our eyes are opened to behold the wonders of His glory. Whether it is in nature, His people, or in His works, even in the greatest darkness, as we abide in His presence, we can behold the light of His glory.

    Because of this experience, it feels as if what I beheld this day now resides within me. I know that all the Lord is doing, He is doing in our hearts. May the Lord open the eyes of our hearts to see more of Him, especially in these troublesome times.  

In His heart with love – Roy Roden


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