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Sun, 02/04/2024 - 08:27
Second place honors went to Graffam Bros. Seafood. West Bay Rotary members were on hand to serve, as always. The chili lines moved right along. West Bay Rotary’s Lisa Dresser made enjoys serving again. It was a tough job sampling all the chili, but everyone was up to the task. Quarry HIll took first place in this year’s Chili Challenge. Second place went to Graffam Bros. Seafood. And third place went to Megunticook Market.
It was a race to the bottom of the pot, but the results for the 2024 Chili Challenge are finally in:      1st Place: Quarry Hill      2nd Place: Graffam Bros. Seafood      3rd Place: Megunticook Market Congratulations to our winners! Given the outside temperatures out at this year's Toboggan Nationals, the tasty chili from 9 restaurants and our own club went a long way toward warming things up. Thanks to everyone that voted, our volunteers, and our sponsors, especially to our host, 16 Bay View Hotel. See you next year!
Second place honors went to Graffam Bros. Seafood. West Bay Rotary members were on hand to serve, as always. The chili lines moved right along. West Bay Rotary’s Lisa Dresser made enjoys serving again. It was a tough job sampling all the chili, but everyone was up to the task. Quarry HIll took first place in this year’s Chili Challenge. Second place went to Graffam Bros. Seafood. And third place went to Megunticook Market.
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