The Holy Spirit, our Teacher

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Wed, 12/20/2023 - 10:17

    The Holy Spirit is our teacher.  Before we can teach others, we must first be taught. What the Holy Spirit teaches is in Spirit, and has life – the nourishing manna from heaven (John 6:63). When Truth is ministered to others by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, His voice is heard.

    The truth is a person – the Lord Jesus Christ. As it written, the Truth is in Jesus.  If you have heard Him, and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: (Eph. 4:21). In essence, the living Word we receive qualifies us to minister the Truth we have been entrusted with. Although I do not have a master’s degree, I do know the Master.  

     We are called to feast at His table. The place where His truth, wisdom and understanding, is not only revealed, but absorbed. Truly, the Holy Spirit is present to enlightened our heart in the knowledge of Him, to know the greatness of His power and the riches of His glory which is our inheritance (Eph. 1:17-19). There is no substitute for learning directly from the Master of Truth – the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word of God.  

    The time we spend in His presence is where we are renewed by His life. Being with the Lord basking in His presence, abiding in His love, is the best use of our time. How much love we have for Him and His truth, determines how much we shine with the light of His presence. It also determines the transformational power of His Word we able to minister to others, for the Lord confirms His word with signs following (Mark 16:20).

     In 2024, the Lord will take those who have been in His presence, and learned from Him, be His voice.  The voice with the power to heal the sick, open prison doors and sets the captives free. I believe the signs of the Apostles as noted in the book of Acts 4:33 will emerge that will reveal the resurrection of the Lord in the power and demonstration of the Spirit,

    “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus”.

   I have also heard for months it is time to “Prepare for War.” There is a militant sound being heard, a battle cry arising from his warriors. The Lord of Host who is in our midst, is mighty in battle. The sound of victory will be heard for He is the victorious King. There is no room for compromise, nor thinking that being “neutral” is noble. It’s time to rise, and with the authority of the Lion of Judah, ROAR – ROAR - ROAR. Let the sound of His voice be heard.

   Merry Christmas to all, and have a prosperous New Year; may the richness of Christ, and Spiritual blessings be found in every aspect of your life.

     In His great love and grace – Roy Roden

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