A Time of Covering - Overshadowed by the Spirit

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Sat, 11/18/2023 - 15:02

      King David said those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91:1) David also said that here in the Lord’s presence, a table was set before him (Psalms 23:5). Like King David we can dwell in His presence, and feast at His table on the living Word of God – Jesus Christ. The invitation has been given to “Come and dine.”

    The Son of righteousness is rising with healing in His wings to overshadow lives that we may move forward. By His Word, all that has hindered our advance is being removed. In preparation I have turned aside to rest in His presence to feast at His Table with the promise “As you go forth, I will overshadow you so that like Peter, your shadow will have power.”

    For many days now as I sit before the Lord, the passage of Scripture I am reading comes alive.  It feels as if My heavenly Father is sitting next to me, revealing His heart to me. Our heavenly Father desires to communicate with His sons and daughters. Through the Holy Spirit, He loves to reveal His truth, love, thoughts and feelings. What is most precious is when truth is revealed in such a way, it’s as if I am kneeling at the feet of Jesus being taught by Him.

   For instance, yesterday as I read John 15:16, the Father spoke the Words of Jesus to me “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.” With loving affirmation, His Word brought assurance, acceptance, and comfort. What grace to be refreshed in His presence by a Fathers nurturing hand. My mind then recalled the time I heard the call to enter into ministry, my response, followed by a mantle falling from heaven that rested upon me.

    This morning as I opened my Bible, my eyes fell upon John 15:15 “From this day forth, I do not call you servants, for servants do not know what His Lord does, but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard of My father, I have made known unto you.”   

    I then heard, “Roy, I call you, my friend.” It was Jesus saying to me “Roy, the things I have heard of My Father, I have made known to you! And that which I have made known to your heart from the Father, you are to make known to my friends.” I then saw a vision. I saw His People as His friends. As I gazed at the congregation, I knew I was to share from my heart that which the Father has revealed to me, and address them as Jesus friends.

    Fellowship with God is normal spiritual life, the way Christian life is meant to be. I love what the Apostle John said when he penned the words, “Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. These things we write to you so that your joy be full (1 John 1:3-4).

     We are going to a new place, to be a Kingdom force we have never been before.  What we encounter with the Lord now, becomes an encounter for others. The more we spend time in His presence, the more of His presence will fill us to overflowing. And like Peter, His presence will overshadow us that reveals the glory of Christ to those around us in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. Now that’s the only way to travel.  

  In His heart and love – Roy Roden

www.eastgateministries.org.  email info@eastgateoffice.org


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