A Season of Increased Light

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Tue, 11/14/2023 - 11:52

    Recently I went on a 11-day Sabbatical, which is extended. It’s a time to direct our focus on the Lord, spending quality time in His presence with thanksgiving, and praise.  As I read the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit “quickens” (brings to life) His thoughts to my heart in a new, and fresh way. The Holy Spirit is revealing Christ in a depth I have not experienced before.

    We are in a season of increased light- the light of His presence. The Spirit of Revelation is revealing to our hearts the knowledge of Him, His power, and the riches of His glory that is our inheritance. (Eph. 1.17-19).  A transformation is forming Christ, His truth, and His nature within. As our lives are rooted and grounded in Christ, and His love (Our firm foundation- Eph. 3:19), we become alive with resurrection life. The result reveals Christ to others in resurrection power.

     The Word is a person – Jesus Christ.  As we hear, see and behold His glory, we are transformed into His image that takes us from glory to glory, even by the Spirit (2nd Cor. 3:18).  As we walk this out, we become the living word, the very thing we encountered. You then become the encounter for others who believe., As we go forth speaking His Words, we reveal the Word Himself with the manifestation of His divine nature, power, goodness and authority in the power, of the Spirit. This is what brings glory to God – His Son revealed.  

      Yesterday I was listening to a teaching by Church Pierce. He shared the healing wings of His Son is ready to overshadow our lives. What you carry of His nature, has the means to overshadows others. As we move forward, like the apostle Peter, our shadow will have the power to heal, baptize people in the Father’s love, and the Holy Spirit.

     Without teaching on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or the laying on of hands, people in my vicinity, share they were filled (some Baptized) with the Holy Spirit. Others testify the river of love that flowed from me ministered to them (Romans 5:5). Without praying for someone, people testify they were healed. Others share they were delivered of a spirit (which I was not aware of). When I share the teachings I received in love, people testify their hearts are moved by the Lord. Truly, this is His shadow, the Spirit that dwells upon us and resides in us.  

   I can’t wait to launch out to share and minister what I have learned. The understanding we receive, must first be walked out in order to become a life-giving reality for others to receive of the Spirit. Otherwise, we are merely words without power to educate others in Biblical doctrine to impart knowledge, rather that the living Word, Christ Himself. We can no longer settle for a form of godliness that lacks power.

    The Kingdom of God is within you. The Father’s desire is to release His Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.” This He will do through a people of presence and power that rise and shine with the light of His glory. We are rising up to a new place in the Spirit where we have never been before. God has a Kingdom plan for His people to be a spiritual force, a force to be reckoned with.  For those who follow Him, we have now entered into the best of times.

   In His heart with love- Roy Roden   

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