Life After Life (The Afterlife)

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Sun, 11/12/2023 - 11:13

Life after Life – (The afterlife)

     Playing in the theaters is the movie “After Death.” It explores the testimony of survivors, who died, and experienced the afterlife. The documentary is conveyed by scientist, authors, and those who shared their afterlife experience. I saw the movie last night and recommend it.

   Most of them had a number of things in common. The two I would like to mention is first, they saw a bright light knowing this was the presence of God. Second, that God is love. One person had an encounter with Jesus who told him to return, and share his love with others.

   The late prophet Bob Jones shared he once went to heaven. Bob saw a long line of people waiting to enter. The Father met each of them and asked, “Did you learn to love?” Bob was known to many, including myself, as a man with a Fathers heart who revealed God’s love through his life and ministry. At that day this will be one question we will all be asked “Did you learn to love” that we will have to answer.

     The love I am taking about is the pure love of God that with the character traits given to us in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. If interested, please read these verses.

     In 1976, I was worshipping when the atmosphere around me became filled with the Lord’s presence. Something supernatural was taking place. I lifted my head towards heaven, and saw an open heaven. I then heard my Father say “Welcome home son.” In this moment, I realized as a prodigal son, my heavenly Father welcomed me home.

      His right hand reaching down from heaven, touched my left hand, which remained raised in worship. Suddenly, my entire being was flooded with the Spirit of the living God. I was not only filled with His Holy Spirit, but filled with His love.  From this I learned that God’s Spirit and His love are one and the same. Jesus tells us that God is a Spirit, (John 4:24) and it is written in 1 John 4:16 “That God is love and He who abides in love abides in God and God in him.”

    Since then, my Father told me “I will teach you how to love with the love I have given to you.” This in itself has been a long journey. Through all the trials, heartaches, rejection and betrayals, His love has kept me steady. Forgiveness has not always been easy, but love heals the brokenhearted, restores the soul and gives clarity of vision with joy and peace of mind.

   My motives, and intentions have not always been pure. But each time I have fallen, I cried out to Him for help. By His faithfulness, His love picks me up again. It is not how perfect we are that pleases God. The question is, do we love Him enough to love the way He desires us to?

   Are we merciful to others, compassionate and forgiving, the grace that works by love? God’s love never fails. Or is there another force that rules in our hearts, and minds? (Such as anger, envy, lying, deception, hatred, lust or bitterness? What rules in our lives defines who we are, and our place in eternity.   

   In His heart with love- Roy Roden.   PH: (207) 230-8473

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