Christians in Pakistan need your help

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Wed, 08/23/2023 - 10:04

Christian Persecution, Pakistani Jaranwala People

   Blessed is he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble (Psalm 41:1)

    In the past 11 months, I have been to Pakistan twice. Christian Churches can be found throughout the Nation with thousands of Christians worshiping openly. For the most part, they do so without persecution. But on August 16th, several hundred people attacked a Christian settlement. It is reported that two members of the community were accused of committing “blasphemy.” In retaliation, a Muslim mob, armed with stones and sticks, vandalized 21 Churches and 30 Christian homes, many of them burnt.      

   Here is a short video of the devastation  Also below is a note sent to me by my Pakistan host, Pastor Hameed requesting financial help.  

Dear Roy,

     This persecution happened in Jaranwala. Many churches and Christian houses were burnt by the Muslims people. Everything was reduced to ashes with nothing left for the people. We have appealed to our church and brothers and sisters to help provide some of the necessities of life. They need clothes, shoes, medicine, crockery, food, medicine, bed sheets and pillows. God bless you abundantly. We wait for your kind reply

    Would you please consider making a donation to Eastgate Ministries. One hundred percent of your donation will be sent to Pakistan. You can do so by going to  You can also send a check to Eastgate Ministries 20 Riverside Drive, Camden, Me 04843.

Thank you so much - In His heart with love Roy Roden



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