What is the Baptism of Fire as oppose to the Baptism of the Spirit?

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Fri, 08/04/2023 - 12:10

 Choice Greetings,

   On August 3rd, just before we began the on-line Prophetic Training on the Baptism of fire, I felt the fire of the Spirit fall. I asked the participants “Did you feel that anointing from heaven?” A number of them raised their hand. One lady testified she felt fire burning in her heart. Her whole body was filled with a glorious warmth. “All my pain is gone!” she testified. Thank you, Jesus who always confirms His Word with signs following (Mark 16:20).

   What did John the Baptist mean when He said of Jesus, “He will baptize you with the Spirit and with fire” (Mathew 3:11). What is the baptism of "fire" as opposed to the baptism of the Spirit? These two sessions will not only equip you with the understanding, but the anointing is present to receive a fresh impartation fire.

  Here is the teaching link for the on-line meeting (You will want to share this with others). https://vimeo.com/851671720?share=copy

  And here is Part 2- Prayer for the impartation of fresh fire. https://vimeo.com/851678332?share=copy

PLEASE note: on August 17th, we will begin a teaching series called “The Spirit of Prophecy- experiencing Christ realities.” These teachings will equip you partner with the Holy Spirit to release the ministries of Christ in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. Jesus said the works that He did you shall do also. You are called as able ministers to move in the power and demonstration of the Spirit that testifies of the resurrection of Christ (Acts 4:33).

    To attend our bi-monthly meetings on the first and third Thursday of each month at 10:am Eastern time, go to our FB “Spirit of Prophecy” page and sign up to join the group located at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/268569051289784

 In His love Roy Roden


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