A Time of Trouble- The Time To Seek Divine Wisdom

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Mon, 07/22/2024 - 13:03

    On July 21st, I was playing mini golf when I heard that President Biden is not running for reelection. Immediately, I felt darkness touch my entire being. I sensed that with Biden exiting the Presidential race and a new delegate being appointed, a period of heaviness will be felt in this nation. It has to do with the November election, economic issues, and political and racial persecution. Last December, I heard a civil war will break out in this Nation this year.

    Recently, a prophetic friend shared that October is a dark month. Over the years, many prophetic voices have said that we need to store enough food and water for at least six weeks.  It was not until this week that I sensed that "Now is the time.”

    Voices at the New York Stock Exchange, as well as major prophetic voices, believe a major stock market crash is coming. Some voices slated that this will take place right after the election. I also believe it is time to get completely out of debt. As we saw recently with the Crowdstrike computer update software glitch, the internet crash impacted airlines, banks, hospitals, and many other services. This may well happen again, but deliberately as a means of terrorism.

  I am not a doom-and-gloom minister, nor do I issue warnings of God's judgments. I believe in correction that leads to repentance, as I know God’s heart is for redemption. There are times when God shows us what is about to happen so that we may be prepared. It is important to know not only the times but also how to prepare the people (2 Chronicles 12:32). We see this thread of God’s heart weaved throughout the Bible.

   Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream of seven years of prosperity, followed by seven years of severe famine that would come upon Egypt. Along with this interpretation came the godly wisdom for the land of Egypt to bring a portion of grain to the storehouse during the time of plenty. During the famine, this provided substance for Egypt, as well as for God’s people.

    Despite the heaviness that may befall this Nation, Christ’s yoke is easy, and His burden is light. In Him, we find rest (Mathew 11:28-30).  Seek God’s wisdom, for God gives wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5). He will direct and guide you as to what you should do and how to prepare. Our faith is in the Lord, our great shepherd, who will lead us where we need to be and provide for our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).  

   But most of all, stay focused on Jesus. I have learned over the 50 years of being a Christian as I abide in the Lord’s presence, His peace guards my mind, His love fills my heart, His divine nature quiets my soul, and His Spirit energizes my entire being with renewed life. In His presence, there is fullness of joy.  As King David proclaimed in Psalms 16:11,

   “You will show me the path of life; in your presence, there is fulness of joy; at your right hand, there are pleasure for evermore.”

In His heart and love – Roy Roden


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