A Time of Choosing

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Sun, 09/24/2023 - 10:59

  I am hearing a war is coming in the US. A revolutionary war between factions of people. The true battle is taking place in heavenly places between principalities, and powers. It’s a battle for power, and control with the quest to rule. A battle now rages for the soul of men. This is not the time to hide but to seek the Lord, and come into the full inheritance that Christ has empowered, and created His people to walk in.  Soon everyone will make the critical decision as to where they stand, “God’s way or that of men.”  A line is being drawn from heaven, “Whom will you serve?” There will be no sitting on the fence during this time or room for compromise.

    The Lord shared with me, “I am mobilizing My army of Angels that will march with My Generals on earth." The time for the Church to leave the wilderness has come. God has raised up the Joshua’s and Caleb's - generals of destiny, to lead His people into the Promise Land. It's time to take possession of our inheritance in Christ.

   In the wilderness, Moses, as God's shepherd, led the people.  Like the transition from the leadership of Moses, to that of Joshua, a remnant will be led by the Lord’s generals. A people that are prepared for war are now being mobilized. The focus is shifting from a people being shepherded, to being empowered, equipped and trained for the work of ministry. A people of presence, equipped with Christ victorious power to take, and possess the Promise Land – our glorious inheritance in Christ. In preparation God is issuing new orders.

       God's army and His Church are one and the same. King David called the Lord of glory, the Lord of host who is mighty in battle (See Psalms 24:7-10).  Christ is both the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah. We have known Him as the Lamb, but now it’s’ time to know Him as the Lion, the conquering King. The Lord of host is in our midst as the King of Glory who is mighty in battle to make a great advance.

     In His heart with love Roy Roden

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