Taught by Jesu or by men?

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Sun, 12/03/2023 - 11:44

Prophetic Tidbit: We proclaim to the people what the Bible says, but not what God is saying. There is a difference between expounding Scripture, and revealing the heart of the Father for this hour. Both are needed. But it seems the goal is to instruct people to educate them, rather than revealing Christ to them. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth to us, as the Truth is found in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

   But you have not learned Christ: for it was so, you would have heard Him, (His Voice) and would have been taught by Him, as the Truth is in Jesus (Eph. 4:20-21).  

    As Paul said to the Church in Ephesus, you have not learned Christ because you have not heard His voice, not have you been taught by Him. Who then is teaching us? Jesus is the Word of God, a person, the author of the Bible. When the Holy Spirit anoints His Words, whether it is the Scripture that come to life, or through an anointed vessel, we hear the voice of Jesus. Jesus said “My Words are Spirit and they are life” (John 6:63).

     In order to hear His Words, we must be able to hear his voice. This requires hearing with spiritual ears.  In do so, we receive the life that is inherent in His living Word. The life that brings truth, renews the spirit of our mind, enlightens our heart in the knowledge of Him, and quickens our spirit with Spiritual life – His life. His Words renews the soul, heals the brokenhearted, cast out demons, and empowers our being with the life of His presence.

    It is the goal of every born-again believer to know the voice of Christ that they may follow Him. Jesus said My sheep know My voice and they follow Me. Without having spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit says, what people hear is the instruction of men. Words that appeal to the emotions and to the logical rational mind do not impart life, only knowledge. Words that appear to be of God, but void of the supernatural power, authority and ministry of the Spirit that gives witness to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:33).

     Does God use human vessels to minister His Word? Our course. But without the anointed ministry of the Spirit that reveals Jesus, and His Truth, we are like clouds without rain. Voices that project an image of the likeness of God, but not the voice of Christ that is in Spirit that has life -spiritual life. 

     As I have been proclaiming, the Spirit of Revelation is resting upon those who desire to be taught by Jesus (Eph 1:17-19). We are in amazing times. God is preparing a people, not only to do the works that Jesus did when He walked this earth, but greater works.  It begins with spending time in His presence, allowing the Spirit to transform our heart and lives into the same image of God – the image that reveals the likeness of His glory.

In His heart with abundant life – Roy Roden

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