The Key to Anointed Ministry

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Mon, 10/16/2023 - 08:32

The Key to Anointed Ministry

        Jesus, although fully God, came as a man. He raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out devils, and healed the brokenhearted. He did so by the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18). Jesus gave us the key to anointed ministry when He said that He did that which He saw the Father doing “For whatsoever things He does, the Son does likewise “(John 5:19). As Jesus observed that which the Father was doing, the Holy Spirit anointed Him to fulfill His Fathers will.

    Jesus said He only spoke the words He heard the Father saying (John 12:49-50). As He spoke the Fathers words, the Holy Spirit anointed His words. As Jesus taught, He did nothing except what He saw the Father doing, speaking the words He heard the Father saying. By this, Jesus revealed the Father’ heart and His love for a lost and dying world. Not just in teaching, but in the power and demonstration of the Spirit (Acts 1:1). By His example, He shows us that the Holy Spirit freely anoints that which is revealed from above- the heart of the Father.

   Jesus said the works that He did, we shall do also. To be like Jesus, we must see, and do what the Father is doing, speaking His words (Acts 1:1). Although we may have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, without being properly positioned in the Father’s presence, the Holy Spirit remains dormant. The key to walking in the anointing for supernatural ministry, is through intimacy with the Father. From this position, we are empowered to co-labor with the Spirit.

    God is love, as we abide in His love, we abide in Him (1 John 4:16). The result is a seamless interaction between His heart and ours. It is through our heart-to-heart connection with the Father that bridge the gap between heaven and earth. It is by our fellowship with the Father that works by love, that we know His thoughts, and His ways. As we respond in obedience to co-labor with our heavenly Father, the Spirit that is in you, and rest upon you, (John 14:17) will anoint you with the supernatural power to reveal His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

     Do not seek His power but seek His love, the source from which power flows. His love never fails. Seek to walk in His love, and abide in His love (John 4:16). In doing so you will find the Father revealing to you the works that He is doing, with the words He is presently speaking that flows like a river to your heart from His. This is the true manna that comes from above.

    As you step out in faith to reveal His heart to others, the Holy Spirit will anoint your words and empower you to do the works the Father is doing. The result is the people will hear His voice speaking to their hearts, and witness the supernatural ministry of the Spirit. To me, this is what it means to be “Christ like.” Not only in character with Christian virtues, and righteousness, but like Jesus, walk so close to our Father that we know His heart at all times.

  The call of every believer is to rise and shine with the light of His glory (Isiah 60:1-3). It’s time to reveal the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. You are your Father’s sons and daughters, a people of royalty called to reveal the fire of His presence that brings life to the earth. A people that manifests the Father and His love in the power of the Spirit.

   In His heart and love – Roy Roden

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