A Fresh Baptism of the Spirit With fire is Upon Us.

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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 11:48

Good morning,

     This coming Thursday, I will be speaking on the call to become a “burning one,” agents of fire that set others ablaze with the Father’s Truth, love and power. A people that radiates with the His love, life and the light of His presence.  You will know them by their undying love for the Lord to fulfill His purpose. Their ministry with great power, reveals the supernatural manifestation of the Spirit with signs and wonders that testifies of Christ and His resurrection. A new day is upon us, it’s time to prepare.

   Please note: This is not just hype. I dislike hype, and those who use spiritual language to present an image, idea or portray something spiritual when the Lord isn’t in it. I am confident a fresh outpouring of the Baptism of the Spirit with fire is upon us. The Lord shared with me that He is releasing an increase of the Spirit of His glory – the fire of His Spirit.  I have experienced a foretaste of this in the past few months. Just by walking in the light, love and life of Christ, people were baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed of infirmities, others delivered of demonic spirits and so on. This is just a foretaste of that which is to come.

  His fire ignites those who are hungry for His presence. Walk in the fire and watch others receive His healing virtue, His divine nature, the infilling of the Spirit, and the Truth that sets people free. This is biblical.  As it is written, it is “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty (Zec. 4:6).

    Join me this coming Thursday at 10:00 am Eastern time. To join the group, you must be a member of the FB page called “Prophetic Training with Roy Roden.” You can sign up by going to this link.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/268569051289784

 In His heart – Roy Roden

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