Camden Rotary Club Super Raffle Tickets on Sale: Cash Prizes

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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 10:13
cash, cash raffle, Camden Rotary, Camden  Who will win this year’s Camden Rotary Club Super Raffle? For tickets, talk with a club member or visit the sales table in downtown Camden on a Friday or Saturday. You need not be present at the prize drawing on September 2 to win. Raffle proceeds will help fund grants to Knox County and Lincolnville nonprofit organizations.

Want a chance to win a cash prize while supporting local nonprofits?

If so, you will find Camden Rotary Club Super Raffle tickets for sale on Friday afternoons and Saturdays this month at the corner of Elm and Mechanic Streets in downtown Camden.

Club members are selling the tickets to raise funds for grants to nonprofit community service organizations in Knox County and Lincolnville.A drawing Saturday, September 2, at 6 p.m., will bring prizes of $500, $1,000, and $1,500 to the three winners. Ticket holders need not be present to win.  The price is $20 per ticket, $50 for three, and $100 for six.

Recent grant recipients include the Knox Clinic, Midcoast Recreation Center, Knox County Gleaners, Penobscot Bay YMCA, MC Meals on Wheels, and Marine Mammals of Maine.

The club meets at noon every Tuesday, and members of the public are welcome to attend. Information about the club is available at


cash, cash raffle, Camden Rotary, Camden  Who will win this year’s Camden Rotary Club Super Raffle? For tickets, talk with a club member or visit the sales table in downtown Camden on a Friday or Saturday. You need not be present at the prize drawing on September 2 to win. Raffle proceeds will help fund grants to Knox County and Lincolnville nonprofit organizations.
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