Camden Rotary Club Grant Application Due January 31

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Wed, 01/10/2024 - 12:42

The Camden Rotary Club reminds non-profit organizations in Knox County and Lincolnville that grant applications for 2024 are due on January 31 and are available on the Grants page at,

The club’s redesigned grant-making process focuses on high-impact, non-profit programs and projects in four priority areas: food security, housing, health and safety, youth development and economic security, The club will accept large grant applications of up to $10,000 and small grants of up to $1,500, with the option to apply for multi-year funding. 

Successful proposals will address high-priority community needs in one or more of the club’s focus areas, align with best practice, and include measurable outcomes and key milestones. They must also address administrative and fiscal competence. 

To apply for a grant, please visit the Grants page at Grants page at

The Camden Rotary Club meets at noon each Tuesday at the First Congregational Church, Camden, at 55 Elm Street. Visitors are welcome.  Information is available at

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