
letter to the editor
Recently the assessors for Rockland, Camden and Rockport proposed revaluations for all three towns. This is despite the fact that Camden, for example, has had “statistical updates” by KRT Appraisal…

I was happy to see news reporting on the Camden Post Office where I have been renting a box for years. One reason for keeping a box in Camden is because of chronic mail box bashing in rural areas…

Letter to the editor

If you were going to have a liver transplant would you want a surgeon who had performed this type of surgery only once in his/her career?

Wouldn’t you want a surgeon who has been doing three…

letter to the editor
The recent announcement that the Maine Department of Transportation will receive $33 million in funding to support and modernize ferry service in our state is good news for local economies as well as…
letter to the editor
The following letter is addressed to the Thomaston Town Manager and Select Board:   Hello Kara and Select Board members,    With apologies for this "last minute" request to please…

While we are joyful and take great satisfaction with the ruling of the Maine Law Court (our Supreme Court) that favored our position that the rightful owners of what is the Harriet L. Conservation…

letter to the editor

On January 28, 2023, hundreds of people enjoyed Camden's annual Winterfest by gathering in Camden’s Amphitheatre and Harbor Park to create their own ice sculptures and watch the carvers at work,…

Our 6th Annual Paws for the Cause fundraiser was our most successful yet, raising $9,000.00 for local Breast Cancer Charities. To date, the Paw for the Cause program has now raised $35,500.00 for…

I would like to thank the community and especially Ben Blackmon, Director of the Rockport Public Library, for sponsoring the reading of Ud’s Garden, directed by Paul and Jen Hodgson of…

Letter to the editor

I would like to thank everyone who supported the Camden Rotary Club’s recent holiday nuts sale.

We enjoyed meeting friends and neighbors at our downtown sales table in front of French…

Letter to the editor

In the two years from fiscal year 2014-2015 through fiscal year 2015-2016 the City of Belfast spent an average of $52,000 a year in legal fees. No data for 2016-2017 is available online, but in…

Letter to the editor

I want to thank everyone for all their help with the clean-up of the beach at the end of Harborside Terrace in Owls Head on the morning of January 11.

What a great turnout we had and the…

letter to the editor

I want to thank five local businesses for their generosity in supporting Adas Yoshuron Synagogue’s 31st annual Christmas Day Community Dinner (takeout style), served at St. Peter’s…

Letter to the editor

Yesterday, the Maine State Legislature voted to redistribute some of the budget excess back to the people of Maine.  These $450 checks will help those most in need with keeping their houses warm…

Letter to the editor

As many Pen Bay Pilot readers no doubt know, most of the continental United States has been slammed with extreme weather in recent days.…

letter to the editor

In celebration of the season, a Holiday Love Lights Tree lighting ceremony was recently held at the First Church of Belfast.  Pastors Dr. Kate Winters and Joel Krueger led a reading of the names…

A Letter of Gratitude to Our Supportive Community

The following Dec. 13 letter to the editor announces the halt in progress to develop housing units at Madelyn Lane in Rockport.…

Letter to the editor

The Belfast City Council has said it wants to open a park across Route 1 from where Nordic Aquafarms wants to build its $500 million land-based industrial fish farm. And the City has said parking…

Letters: home to some 200 seniors from all walks of life

Anniversaries of all sorts – weddings, birthdays, business openings – often prompt us to take a nostalgic walk down memory lane.

Not so with Quarry Hill. Even as the retirement and long-…

Thomaston Grammar School held its annual Cookies with Santa event on Saturday, December 3. It was the first time we have been able to hold this event since December of 2019. 

We had a…

Letter to the editor

Window Dressers is thrilled to report the conclusion of another highly successful local workshop. The Belfast and Searsport Window Dressers organizers joined together in 2022 to carry out two…

Letter to the editor
Pascal Hall (86 Pascal Ave., Rockport) has morphed into a very active art center which I am sure is welcomed by many, but the effect of multitudes of people visiting it during events such as the fair…
Letter to the Editor: a fearless and incomparable leader; a constant inspiration

On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors at Trekkers, I wanted to share our deepest thanks to outgoing board members Doug Erickson (Treasurer) and Kamryn Prior (Student Board Member) for…

Letter to the Editor

“The quality of mercy is not strained;/ …It is twice blessed;/It blesses him that gives and him that receives.”

Last Thursday the spirit of Thanksgiving (mercy/compassion/community) was…

Letter to the editor

For 12 years, practicing as a family doctor, I came to know many people in the Midcoast.  In addition to helping many people in a family practice, I also was the medical director of the Pen Bay…

letter to the editor

We just had an election where Nate Davis lost his seat on the Rockland City Council; he got many less votes than Adam Lachman, a newcomer.

Nate and Sarah were two of the City Council…

letter to the editor

On September 12, I sent a perfectly polite snail mail letter to Nordic Aquafarms Bernt Olav Rø

letter to the editor

I am voting to re-elect Stanley Paige Zeigler to represent Maine House District 40 (Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill, and Searsmont). During his time in the House, he…

letter to the editor
I am writing to share my support for Adam Lachman's campaign for Rockland City Council and encourage you to vote for him on November 8, 2022.   The past several years have been challenging for our…
letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Adam Lachman for the Rockland City Council.  Adam is the candidate literally for all of the people. 

Over the years many candidates running for a seat have…

letter to the editor

I lived in Waldo County for several decades and even though I'm now a town away I can still see Waldo County from my kitchen window.

And I still pay attention to what's going on there.…

letter to the editor

The Restorative Justice Project Maine would like to extend our sincerest thank you to the community for selecting us as a recipient of the recent generous funding opportunity from…

letter to the editor
Whether it's working diligently to bring faster internet to our towns, taking a hands on role attacking our affordable housing crisis, or tirelessly championing the protection of Maine's environment…
letter to the editor


Tuesday, November 8, in-person Rockport Vvoters will be asked by the Select Board, in a 5:0 recommendation, to simplify the way Town Managers are hired in Warrant Article 9, altering the…

Since we got here in the early 1980s there’s been considerable evolution at the airport, but one important element never changed: Rocky Stenger was always there to ease the way. Rocky (and then Kim…
letter to the editor
For the recent six years I served on the Camden Select Board I had many opportunities to work with Vicki Doudera.   Before she was elected to the District 94 seat in the Maine Legislature Vicki and…
letter to the editor

In this final week of campaigning before the November 8 election I wanted to take a moment to thank all the voters in District 38 (Unity, Thorndike, Knox, Brooks, Waldo, Jackson, Monroe, Swanville…

letter to the editor
Rockland needs new blood.  Young blood.  Considering the age of the average Mainer, 40-somethings still qualify as young.  Luckily for the denizens of Rockland, we have two experienced, highly…
letter to the editor

This letter is in response to the feeble efforts of Habitat for Humanity to house people; i.e,: Take the issue of the 10-plus acres on Talbot Street in Rockland where Habitat is building a few…

letter to the editor

Marshall and I call him Sire. Because he asked us to. He goes by other names.

He can be found on the Belfast waterfront always close to his wheeled cart.

His skin is dark,…

On November 8, I invite the citizens of Rockland to join me in voting Adam Lachman for the Rockland City Council. 

As someone who has served as a member of the Rockland City Council, and…

Sending thanks to all who joined us for this year’s Community Auction – bidders, buyers, donors, volunteers, and sponsors! 

We hosted another successful Community Auction fundraiser at the…

letter to the editor

I have over 20 years law enforcement experience, retired from a large sheriff's office, and most recently worked in post-retirement as a deputy for the Waldo County Sheriff's Office.  My knowledge…

letter to the editor

Over 20 gathered recently for a rally to “Save Women’s Sports”, which took place at Rockland City Hall, directly before a candidates’ forum.  

It was organized to highlight the refusal of…

Rockland Rotary sponsored their 1st Cornhole Tournament for adults and children on a gorgeous fall day at the American Legion, Saturday, October 16, 2022.

We sold delicious homemade baked…

For over 36 years the Rockland Rotary Club sponsored the Marcel Lacasse Memorial Golf Tournament to raise funds to provide scholarships to deserving area high school seniors.

Once again,…

letter to the editor

As a long time Waldo County resident who is committed to addressing the impacts of climate change, I appreciate having Jan Dodge as my Representative in Augusta. Her understanding the importance…

I am writing about the consideration of using Sears Island as the hub for manufacturing and launching floating offshore wind turbines, when you have an industrial site already available at Mack…

letter to the editor

On October 17, seafoodsource.com reported that Norway-based aquaculture company AquaCon canceled a $300 million land-based industrial fish farm to be built…

letter to the editor

My wife and I will be voting for Vicki Doudera on November 8 to represent District 41 (Camden and Rockport) in Augusta and this is why:

We’ve spent our professional lives working to…