
letter to the editor

We are writing to enthusiastically support Alison McKellar for re-election to Camden’s Select Board. 

Alison is compassionate, hard-working and open-minded. We are regularly in awe of the…

letter to the editor

I urge you to join me in voting for Morgan Hynd for the RSU 40 School Board on June 13.

Morgan has the qualities that make her an excellent choice. She has experience (school board member…

letter to the editor

On Wednesday June 14, I will be voting yes on article 5 to build a community health center here in Thomaston. I am voting yes for the Knox Clinic because I want to support care for our veterans…

Please join me in voting Mike Thayer onto Waldoboro's Select Board.  Mike is not new to serving Waldoboro.  He stepped up to serve on several Town committees, including the Budget Committee,…

letter to the editor

I’ve known Ray Andreson in a variety of settings: fellow sports enthusiast, informed environmentalist, and as a level-headed and budget-conscious presence on a variety of committees and…

letter to the editor

We recently offered the communities we serve the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. We were so humbled by the response. Most of us know that not everyone is fortunate enough…

letter to the editor
I am writing in support of Morgan Hynd's candidacy for one of Warren's RSU 40 School Board seats.   As a resident of the town, a parent of three children, and as the current vice chair of the Board…
letter to the editor
There is no gain to the community only to the the people wanting the dope shops.  Its all about making money with no regard of the fact it will ruin the town. Why do I say this?  I was born and…
letter to the editor

I remember the “origin story” of Alison McKellar’s political career, when her zeal to improve solid waste handling and recycling on the Midcoast propelled her to a seat on the Camden Select Board…

letter to the editor

  If you believe that medical decisions are personal and should be made by the client/patient in concert with doctors, rather…

letter to the editor

On May 25, the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the federal Clean Water Act of 1972, a landmark law that protects waters that are crucial for…

letter to the editor

What I learned in Covid was that outdoor gathering places are absolutely essential to the health and well- being of a community.

letter to the editor

I thank Barbara Kent Lawrence, Ed.D for her…

letter to the editor

I must agree with Ms. Hubbard [Letter to the editor:…

letter to the editor

At the upcoming Thomason town meeting on Wednesday June 14, I hope you will join me in voting yes on Article 5 to support the Knox Clinic in creating a Community Health Center at the former prison…

Letter to the editor
While I deeply appreciate the efforts of those who have served on the Camden Select Board in the past, I feel it is time for new energy and the perspective so thoughtfully expressed by Mary Beth…
letter to the editor

This letter is not about the sale of pieces of The Thomaston Green. It is not about the intended commercial development of The Green or whether or not a public health clinic belongs in Thomaston…

letter to the editor
Thank you Camden mother Sophie Piconi for your comprehensive article (Camden Herald June 2) regarding the upcoming vote for/against marijuana shops in Camden.   She specifically points out…

On Tuesday, June 13, Union voters will have the opportunity to show their support for regulating and controlling industrial metallic mining in our residential town.  Ballots will be available from…

letter to the editor

Jon Eaton’s recent letter notes “the town has followed the old maxim of ‘first, do no harm.’”  Were that only so.  For the past 18 years, the advocates for building on the…

letter to the editor

As we approach the June 13 election in Camden I’d like to offer a few opinions about this election season and the election itself.

First I’d like to say that there are some wonderful…

letter to the editor

Eighteen years have passed since Thomaston acquired the 15.5-acre site of the former Maine State Prison, and the only thing built there is a gazebo for public enjoyment. I hope we all consider…

letter to the editor

My grandmother, Polly, was a Jewish immigrant. She escaped the pogroms in Russia and came to the U.S., she made a life for herself and had three children. She also had a heart condition…

letter to the editor

I am writing to voice my strong support for the Knox County Health Clinic (KCHC) and their proposed re-location to a site on the Thomaston Green.  

With over 20 years of providing health…

letter to the editor
I am voting for Rick Thackeray for re-election to the CSD School Board.  Rick is an outstanding representative of our community.  He believes in the power of our youth through education and active…
Letter to the editor

Article 3, the “carved-up” version of Thomaston Green tells the story that “consensus” was reached at the Green Workshops in Fall 2022. The thing is half the town wasn’t represented at those…

letter to the editor

If there is one thing I have learned in watching national politics in recent years, it is how important it is to have leaders who understand the legislative process and who unequivocally uphold…

Letter to the editor

As a lifelong Democrat, I am supporting Republican Abden Simmons for State Representative in District 45. In fact, the Democrat party has changed so much I barely recognize it.

Once upon a…

letter to the editor

I urge my fellow and sister townspeople to vote in favor of the three so-called Thomaston Green articles on this year’s Town Meeting warrant.

Letter to the editor

Restore Megunticook is a group of Camden residents concerned about flood control, climate change and conservation in the Megunticook watershed. We’re also taxpayers who want our money to be spent…

Though I am also disappointed in the results of our students on the English, writing and math benchmarks on the PSATs, I disagree with Mr. Beitler about the causes and solutions.

In 1994,…

letter to the editor

I write this letter to sound a warning about our school system. From 2020-2022 the percent of 11th graders meeting the English and Writing benchmark on the PSAT declined from 81% to 75%. Even…

I am writing about a concern over the Harbor, specifically the town's contract with Nate Pickering.  I understand the negotiation over his contract started last fall so he could plan for his business…
letter to the editor
I'm writing in support of fair treatment for Skyhook LLC operations in Rockport Harbor. They have been extremely considerate of the factors involved to be good stewards of the Harbor facilities and…

Abden brings experience to the table.  I was extremely pleased that Abden Simmons received the Republican nod to be our candidate in the special election in June. 

While both candidates…

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue in Rockland has sponsored an Easter Day Community Dinner for 31 years, served at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. We’d like to thank several local businesses for…

Who am I and why I am running. I am currently on the Budget Committee for the town of Camden. I have witnessed the pattern of accepting every proposed increase by the town office representing an…

Just when you thought we were safe for a few months, Gov. Janet Mills has called a special election for June. As you likely noticed, Clint Collamore has resigned his seat in the Maine House due to…

Letter to the editor
  Abden Simmons for state representative is the right choice. I believe he has the right experience and background to represent us in Augusta.  I trust he will always listen and understands the…
Letter to the editor

On April 13, the  Maine Department of Environmental…

letter to the editor

The Knox Clinic is excited to propose the creation of a Community Health Center on a portion of the Thomaston Green adjacent to Route 1. 

Volunteers and staff of the Knox Clinic have done…

Exiro Minerals, out of Toronto and Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, wants to prospect for nickel, copper, and cobalt in 30 square miles of the Georges River Watershed,…

Letter to the editor
Thomaston’s Community and Economic Committee and Knox Clinic could "do the right thing" and purchase the five-plus acre prime location on Route 1 offered for $79,000. This is the perfect location for…

On March 7, the Town of Camden Select Board met to consider a request by the Harbor Committee to initiate a feasibility of the breakwaters for Camden Harbor. The discussion led to a number of…

Letter to the editor

I wish to thank all the people who attended our recent Republican caucus March 29 in Waldoboro. Having 190 people show up was a testament to the quality of the two candidates and their…

Letter to the editor

Most Camden residents recognize and treasure the Montgomery Dam and waterfall in the heart of Camden and at the head of our harbor.  Those who have viewed it recently are also aware of how the Dam…

Letter to the editor

On March 21, opponents of the $450 million Nordic Aquafarms industrial fish farm filed suit against Nordic and the City of Belfast. The suit seeks to enforce restrictions the State of Maine placed…

Letter to the editor

I have just submitted my paperwork and signatures to run as a candidate for the Camden Select Board, which will be voted on June 13, 2023.

As many may know I served on the Camden Select…

Letter to the editor

Spring is in the air and that means that many in the area will be ready to get their bicycles out…

Letter to the editor

Canadian company Exiro Minerals recently acquired the right to explore property in a residential area of Warren for heavy metals and, after acquiring those rights, met last month with the Select…